• expired

$5 Cashback on a $0.99 10GB OVO Mobile SIM @ Cashrewards


Same as the previous deal. This is a new offer, so you will still be eligible for cashback even if you took advantage of the previous deal.

  • No catches, cancel anytime.
  • New OVO customers only. For the avoidance of doubt, adding a new service to an existing account is fine.
  • Limit of 3 new services per customer.
  • Enter coupon CYBER at the checkout.

To ensure you receive the cashback:

  • click Shop Now from this link and complete your purchase without leaving the OVO website.

  • Service must be activated by Monday, 31st December 2018.

  • Limited to one SIM per Cashrewards acct.

OVO uses the Optus network.

Once you have activated the SIM, you can immediately disable auto-recharge to avoid being charged in future.

How to disable auto-recharge

  1. Active the SIM card.

  2. Dashboard > Check It Out > What Would You Like To Do? > Manage My Service > untick Auto recharge > Update > Finished

Referral Links

Referral: random (3748)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

Related Stores

OVO Mobile
OVO Mobile

closed Comments

  • +14

    $4.01 of free money, free money means free KFC.

    • +2

      That's 90% of a flat white here in WA.

      • +4

        Or 50% of a soy latte here in Newtown.

    • So we can activate 3, but on how many can we claim cashback?

      • It says Limited to one SIM per Cashrewards acct

        • Correct. Anything more than one SIM from this promo per CR acct will be declined.

  • +1


  • +2

    If you took up deal last time can you do it again this time?

    • and can you make it an additional service on the same account?

    • "New OVO customers only."

  • no PayPal, no deal!

    • +7

      Are you certain free money is not a deal?

      • +1

        even a single dollar free is a deal but I wouldn't use credit info for 4 dollars.

        • +1

          Forgive my ignorance but why? What's the risk?

          • @hetzjagd: Yeah I'd like to know that too.

          • +1

            @hetzjagd: Just dint feel comfortable and it was $ 3.50. I dont remember shopping with credit card except Amazon.

    • +1

      I've never seen you say that on an Amazon post?

      • Good point!

        • He's a nerd, that's what he does.

  • do you need to activate by a certain date to ensure cashback is received?

    • +1

      Yes. 31 December 2018

    • Must be activated by 1st January 2019.

      • It actually says 31st Dec 2018. There is a difference! I am coming back to Aust on that day so hope it will port OK on 31st.

  • Not sure what it is I'm meant to be buying. 10GB shows as $29 .. to get coupon to work I need to click all they way through and give them my details.

    Stores that need my info just to see if a coupon is valid or the calculate the cost of shipping don't often get my business.

    EDIT: Link is in the banner on the OVO page not under products.

  • +4

    Just tracked only got $3.50?

    • +4

      This will be corrected soon. Will report back when done. Thanks.

      • Should we wait to purchase it or will it auto update?

        • +10

          Purchases from 6:05PM onwards should track correctly at $5. Those made before this time, will be updated within the next few hours. Will respond here as soon as they're done.

        • +1

          All transactions should now be in order. If not, please PM me. Thanks for your patience.

          • +1

            @tightarse: Can confirm mine has been fixed, thanks.

      • Thanks, will it be manually updated on our accounts or do we need to submit a claim?
        Replied above

        • +1

          Should be all good now.

  • +2

    Expected Cashback
    AUD 3.50
    not $ 5.00

    • I got $3.50 as well

  • Referral link leads to https://www.cashrewards.com.au/shop. Is it broken?

  • Did anyone get their cashback from the last offer? Mine hasn't shown up yet.

    • nope this reminded me to go and use support for it

      tightass is the guy to talk to though :)

      • Yeah, i sent them an email a week agoish to see what's up. Maybe they've just got a backlog.

    • Yes, I got the $5

  • Thanks OVODeals oh wait a second…

  • Just to be sure can we cancel auto recharge directly online or need to call their cc to cancel auto recharge? Thanks.

    • +1

      You have to wait until the sim arrives then you can cancel auto recharge online.

      • Thanks for the clarification….👍

  • Thank for posting a great deal. During signing up process in previous OVO deal, it's already ozbargained, so i thought i didn't get through. When I wanted to signup this time getting message "The email address is already used. If this is your email address you should first sign in". Seems I have no luck with OVO and I don't want use another email address.

    • I've never used OVO at all. During the sign up today I didn't put in a contact number - received error for not completing all fields… but at that moment i received a confirmation email. I put in a contact number and tried to hit 'next' again and now receive 'The email address is already used'. If I try to login with the email address it doesn't recognise me. Website is broken..

      • Hey - get in touch with our CS team @ 135686 and we can help you with that

        • What is the reason for asking DOB at Sign up to OVO?

        • thanks - OVO managed to fix the error but deal finished now

    • They seem to give that message when there’s a ‘+’ in the email. Annoying.

  • If we enter a referral code at checkout, is the cashback offer still valid?

  • +2

    Thanks. That's one less SIM required for family & friends coming over during the holidays.

  • So I can buy this just for the money and not the prepaid service? And no catch? So they giving out money for nothing? So besides the customers, who else benefit? Come on, we know no one is charity.

    • +1

      You need to actually activate the SIM to get the cashback. And once you activate, you need to deactivate auto-recharge (I assume they've already got your details from the SIM purchase.) A certain percentage will forget to do so.

      • Aaahhh yes yes thanks i forgotten about that

  • Only got $3.50 back.

      • If we enter a referral code at checkout, is the cashback offer still valid?

  • Follow op steps to disable auto recharge, Dashboard(ovo.com.au) > Check It Out > What Would You Like To Do? > Manage My Service > untick Auto recharge > Update > Finished

    Couldn't find "Check it out"?

    • +1

      You need to activate the SIM before you can disable auto-recharge.

      Once activated, ‘Check it out’ will replace ‘Activate’.

      • RemindMe! 14 days "disable OVO auto recharge"

  • -1

    Just joined CR and got an error saying "This site can’t be reached www.ojrq.net’s server IP address could not be found."

    I've disabled all adblockers, firewalls and antiviruses. Tried using Chrome and Firefox on Win 10. Please help

    Edit: tried it on a Mac and it worked. Apple wins again…sadly

    • Nothing to do with apples.

    • My guess is you have used an adblocking hosts file on windows?

      I highly recommend using a live cd e.g. debian, to complete these offers.

      Apple has adblocker by default I believe on their browser.

      • Apple has adblocker by default I believe on their browser.

        It does. Please disable Cross-Site Tracking for all Safari Browsers (iOS & Mac). It's a major issue for cashback sites.

        • No, it worked on my Mac, but didn't on Windows 7 and 10.

  • Got an email stating expected cashback is $3.50 - anyone else get this?

    • See comments above, although this should now be fixed. Please check your acct and confirm. Thanks.

      • +1

        I tried to get one but after adding in my Visa debit card, it stated "There was a problem deleting your payment method"….
        If I try again by clicking through Cashrewards, will I still get the $5 cash back? (This will be my second attempt with the same Cashrewards account)


  • $7.99 charged to my account.
    apparently express post is $7. That wasn't clear on the signup page.

    • +4
      • Thank you that proves my point, nowhere near the express tick box does it say $7.
        if you had scrolled down the top of your image is off the screen.

        • Hmm, no, it doesn't. You can clearly see the price displayed. Now if you had a screenshot which showed Total: $0.99, yet you were charged $7.99, that would be a different story.

          • @bargainparker: I'm not saying it said Total: $0.99, yet charged $7.99

            I am saying $7 is not mentioned anywhere near the tick box for express post.

            It's just a UI issue I missed. not the end of the world, but I dont like being taken like this. it starts the relationship poorly. Though to be honest, it was only ever going to be a 30 day account and it will remain so. $7.99 is still a good price and i'll have the sim tomorrow, presumably.

            • @Ryk: Ok, you are the one of all who says "It's just a UI issue I missed. not the end of the world, but I dont like being taken like this. it starts the relationship poorly."

              There is a box which says "Yes, please send this Express Post". If you don't click on it, the amount doesn't change, but if you do then 'Free delivery anywhere in Australia' changes to Express Post $7.00 and comes to Total $7.99. I've done it and no problem at all. You just have to pay attention to what you do.

              People can be sure they have done something and/or seen something and believe so when actually they haven't and I think this is the case. That or there was a glitch. I lean to the former as you can see no one else complained about it.

              That's why I usually take a final screenshot, so if a problem does arise I can show it.

              • @bargainparker: Just chiming in…

                I think gikku is overreacting a little, but he's not factually wrong. It really doesn't say $7 anywhere near the Express checkbox as he points out, but I would argue that it's common sense to then check the final price to see what you are actually being charged after selecting a delivery option which is typically not free.

                To then go on and say "it starts the relationship poorly" definitely sounds like an overreaction. At the end of the day, I think the responsibility here could lie with both parties, but very much more so with gikku. gikku should've checked the total price after ticking express post, but I also agree that it'd be an improvement to include the $7 charge somewhere near the checkbox. As you've pointed out (bargainparker), had the total said $0.99 and gikku was charged $7.99 - completely different story and you and I would be 100% supportive of his complaint.

                I lean to the former as you can see no one else complained about it.

                Other people not complaining about it however, doesn't mean it's not an issue. Others that experienced the issue but did not comment here could either be:

                • Too lazy to report it
                • Non-members (i.e. not able to comment)
                • Ones that ticked it, noticed the increase in price, and then unticked it - but I argue here they "gave it a shot" to see if express post was free but quickly noticed it wasn't. It's the last part that gikku missed - but imo it's common sense to check.

                edit: Turns out there was someone else who experienced the same issue

                • @illumination: True, they could have; [] $7 Express Post, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Usually a company will change something only when enough people complain.

                  It pays to pay attention a little bit and for whatever reason gikku didn't.
                  In this maze of the world you have to watch where you go.

    • There was a message at the top of page if you selected Express, the checkout summary would have shown this before submitting order.

  • +1

    Ordered hours ago and it hasn't shown up in my cashrewards account yet. Is it meant to be faster than this? Sounds like it was instant for other people.

    • Not confirmed for me yet either, ordered last night. I wouldn't worry too much just yet though, some of my tracked purchases elsewhere have taken over 2 days to be confirmed.

  • +2

    Ordered 30 minutes ago and $5 already pending in my account, great stuff.

  • Error creating customer because the user does not exist.

  • There was a problem deleting your payment method

    • +7

      Over 500 SIMs sold already, and you appear to be the only one with an issue it appears.

        • +11

          Excuse me? That’s a rather sad accusation. Just so you’re aware and to put your mind at ease, reps and anyone associated with CR are not permitted to upvote related posts and are not permitted to neg comments.

            • +14

              @aboutconfig: My website? I work for Cashrewards, not OVO. If you have an issue with OVO’s website, I suggest you contact them. You’re asking me to comment on stuff I have no idea about.

              • -6

                @tightarse: Sorry to accused you hey. Thought you are working at ovo.
                I mean the ovo website, not cashrewards.

  • Thanks!

  • I keep getting this error when signing up.

    "Error creating customer because the user does not exist"

    Anyone else getting this error?

    • Hey get in touch with our CS team and we can help - call on 135686

  • Thanks. 2 free months of calls and data which, after 3 months (that's actually pretty bad CR time-wise to confirm a few hundred transactions), I will be in credit.

  • Thanks TA, another great post

  • Sorted for the next 4 months… 1st month with this OVO 99 cent deal and the next 3 months on the Kogan 90 day plan for $14.90.

    • Sounds like a great 4 Month plan @ $11.90 after cashback.

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