This was posted 6 years 3 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Starcraft Remastered (PC), Rise of The Necromancer (Diablo 3) $10.95 Each (Blizzard


Hey guys,

Blizzard has a black Friday sale with a few different games on sale but I've been waiting for these two to go on sale and I think are OK deals (50% off).
- Starcraft Remastered $10.95 (RRP $21.95)…
- Rise of the Necromancer pack $10.95 [Diablo 3] (RRP $21.95)…
- Reaper of Souls $14.95 Standard and $12.50 Digital Deluxe (better deal?) [Diablo 3]…

The prices are in AUD (I've confirmed after purchase).

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

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closed Comments

  • +3

    My life for Aiur!

  • +2

    is this an in-season cyber frenzy sale? …don't you guys have credit cards?!

  • +3

    not enough supply depots ……

  • Anyone playing D3 on PC. I'm tempted to buy necromancer as I never played it.

    Not sure if I'll have time anytime soon.

    • Yeah I've been waiting to get it to play necromancer, $22 was way too steep for a character.
      Now all I need is free time also :P

      • +1

        actually i haven't played reaper of souls
        Its available for $14.95

        So it would 24.95 to upgrade. Not sure if it is still worth it. (esp if i won't have time)

        • +1

          In that case reaper of souls is a better deal. It's actually good (new) content.

    • Yeah don't bother playing d3. Path of exile is a far far far more superior game.. And it's free! Not on mobile though :P

    • Don't you have phones?

      • That joke is getting old to soon

  • +2

    Depending on what you are looking for, a good alternative to starcraft remastered is starcraft mass recall. It's a mod for sc2 that recreated the full campaign inc. brood war but with the modern interface. Some purists think it ruins the original, but having played both the campaign really isn't that great but it's alot less tedious in sc2 mass recall.

    • +1

      Thank you, I didn't know about that!
      While I liked the original campaign and played through it several times, I think there are improvements in SC2 that make it a lot more enjoyable to play (pathfinding, queuing, selections, auto-abiliities, etc.). So, I'm actually more interested in replaying the original campaign in the new engine (SC2) than in the same engine but with better graphics (remastered).

  • getting an error trying to buy starcraft remastered :(

    • Hmm, maybe try buying inside the app?

  • I was obsessed with starcraft. One of the best RTS ever made.

    Does it hold up though after 20 years?

    Did they fix the awful pathfinding?

    • I think the awful path finding was a feature so it remains the same. From my understanding the graphics is whats different.

      • Exactly. Only graphics upgrade.

  • If you like Starcraft for the UMS games, don't expect to be able to play. I've primarily played UMS but now there are rarely any games being played by people in Australia. Playing with people from the US or other locations is very rarely playable (if you don't get kicked out in the first place) ever since their update to game latency.

    • is it compatible with non-remastered UMS maps?

  • $12.50 for three extra character slots and some visual goodies by upgrading to the digital deluxe set…three extra slots would be nice…

  • +1

    Picked up the Diablo 3 : Battle Chest at…. Thanks for the tip!!

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