Not a bad movie for $5.
This is the 2-disc Collectors Edition.
Not a bad movie for $5.
This is the 2-disc Collectors Edition.
Just bought a bunch of bluray's and skipped this one on my saved list as it was still showing $15.
Saw this post and jumped on it asap. Thanks OP.
So good having these great movies Cars and Cars 3 weird how they numbered it just skipping Cars 2 oh well..
If you are familiar with the movies, skipping Cars 2 is a pretty good idea.
Must resist~~….need to get UHD collection
That's why I keep telling myself, but it helps that I don't have a UHD tv yet.
FYI Its on Netflix atm
Doh! Must cancel order!
Just In time for the OLED tv purchase
Needs moar 4k
Customers who bought this item also bought beans.
hmmm says $31 for me
I think it's over. I expired it.
It’s on Netflix atm… watched it quite a few times. It would annoy me having to put the disc in every time, actually it would probably be the only disc in the machine. hmmmm. Enjoy it none-the-less.
For the littlies discs make better stocking stuffers than a Netflix gift card. For the biggies, damn straight I want a Netflix gift card (please, Santa).
Thanks OP.