This was posted 6 years 3 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Oculus Rift VR System $499 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Oculus Rift is now on the Amazon AU store at cheaper than the Oculus site ($529).

Get 6 free titles, including: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox
Riftʼs ultra low-latency tracking offers unparalleled immersion
The Oculus Touch controllers bring your hands into VR, letting you interact naturally with the virtual world
NVIDIA GTX 1050Ti/AMD Radeon RX 470 or greater Graphics Card Required and a RAM of 8 GB+ RAM
Windows PC and internet connection required - review recommended specs to confirm system compatibility
Compatible OS: Windows 10

Be quick to get the extra 12.5% off using Cashrewards (12.5% ends at noon today):
(Note: CashRewards is now at 10% until 30/11/2018)

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Anybody else seen the Oculus Rift South Park episode? Definitely worth watching.

    • +6

      Genuinely one of their best. S18E07

  • +1

    If I didn't have a PSVR I'd get this. Can't justify having both.

    • +2

      Yeah man i feel ya , i had a hardtime deciding on psvr or htc vive or oculus rift , but just got psvr cause it was cheaper

      • How is it? VR is something ive been excited for for years and im yet to really experience it beyond the vr arcade games at timezone. Did it live up to expectations? I'm extremely tempted to pick one up since they are so cheap atm but I'm worried I wont get much use out of it.

        • +2

          I'll be honest, I'm one of those idiots that gets into just about every gimmick on the market. I was impressed by the 3DS' no glasses 3D. So take my opinions with a grain of salt. I have a PSVR and go in and out of periods of playing it.

          I really like my PSVR. Superhot VR (also on PC VR) feels extremely fluid and satisfying and looks great. Skyrim VR (also on PC VR) feels very immersive while exploring, but exploring dialogue or equipment menus rather than just picking up weapons/etc to use feels a little jarring and immersion breaking. Combat is a lot of fun, but obviously the lack of actual feedback (as in, you don't feel your blade hit someone because there's no real blade and no real someone) makes it a little confusing sometimes. Farpoint with the Aim controller (gun controller) is really (profanity) cool, and Firewall: Zero Hour using that same gun is an exhilarating multiplayer experience, and being able to actually aim the gun in game, peak around corners etc, is just awesome. Doom VR (also on PC VR) is fun, but it's not very long, and there was some questionable control decisions. I'd play it with the Aim controller (which is good but not perfect here) or the DualShock 4. Or play it on PC VR. I hear amazing things about Astro Bot, I just bought it but haven't got around to playing it.

          As far as frequency of use goes: if it's set up already, I'm likely to use it often. If I pack it up, it's harder to get motivated to set it up. I was playing it fairly consistently recently until Spider Man and RDR2 came out. Once those are finished I'll probably pick it back up again in the hopes that Firewall still has a community.

          • @mackdiddy: It seems like only Playstation has genre defining games that you would buy a VR system unless you like car games or Skyrim/Fallout 4 - is that a good assessment?

            Specifically Astro and Firewall: Zero Hour … I've played neither despite having a PSVR and Pro but I knew this the first time I watched someone holding their gun around the corner and spraying using the Aim Controller actually reaching out with the controller! (profanity) that looks cool.

            • @Diji1: Nah, I don't think that's completely true. As far as Firewall goes, PC VR has a few equivalents out there. Not the exact same game but similar - stuff like Pavlov VR. The main advantage to Firewall is its accessibility (PS VR is easier to deal with than PC VR) and its controls - using the Aim controller is something else. This coupled with Sony's marketing gives it a bigger presence, I think.

              As for Astro, perhaps that is the genre defining VR platformer. I've actually yet to play Moss, the previous great VR platformer, but that one is on PC VR as well.

              • @mackdiddy: Yeah it's the Aim Controller that makes Firewall Zero Hour look so amazing to play. I can't imagine it would be anywhere near as good with a controller or keyboard/mouse.

                • @Diji1: I think on PC you just use motion controllers. Neat, but without the same feeling of holding a gun.

    • +3

      The touch controllers make it lightyears ahead of the PSVR.

    • +1

      I have both. Personally I much prefer the Rift but it does come with some large caveats. Main one being the need for a decent PC. Anyone buying the Rift will obviously have a decent PC but space is an issue. If your computer room is small then you have to move your computer to a larger room every time you want to play the good games. It's also a lot more fiddly setting it up over the PSVR. You also need to buy an extra sensor (3 in total) if you want good room scale.

      All that said, it's much more accurate than the PSVR. Playing Superhot VR on both I have constant issues on PSVR that I don't have on the Rift. The main one being 360 degree rotation. You can't do that with the PSVR. The other one being the fact that its using the single playstation camera to track your movement which is pretty limited and sometimes glitches out. The other issue being that the PS move controllers don't have thumb sticks so movement in games is always weird with the exclusion of the Aim controller.

    • +1

      Oculus is far, far superior in just about every way to the PSVR.

      Worth it if you have the cash and sufficient PC hardware.

  • How's this vs the HTC Vive?

    • +2

      See below comment

    • +4

      They're both great experiences.

      Once you add in a third sensor for the Rift (approx $90 AUD), I'd say the Rift has the slight edge because of the polish of the experience on the software side of things.

      The Vive is slightly brighter, has better tracking for large spaces >3x3m, has more room inside for glasses but apparently has abysmal customer support
      The Rift is more comfortable out of the box, is slightly clearer, has better controllers and has alright customer support

      Back when both were the same eye-watering price, it was a sort of coin toss. Nowadays given the price, I'd go with the Rift, unless you wear glasses and need to squeeze them in the headset (though you can buy prescription inserts for both). VR headsets are very very subjective though so in the end I'd recommend trying them out first so make sure you're fine with the comfort and visual artefacts (god rays and screen door effect) which are hallmarks of these first gen systems.

      There are some gaming internet cafes around that have them (google em) and Sydney Microsoft store used to have them on demos (call up first to check as they seem to rotate VR systems in and out of their demos)

      • The important thing to note is the rift sensors are connected via USB also.

    • +2

      Rift has better controls, built in headset, lighter but it's a little more setup with the sensors (Buy an extra one)

      The Vive has easier sensors and a slightly bigger view (not noticeable) but the controls are nowhere near as good.

      They trade blows but the Rift is superior in my eyes but it costs a lot less.

  • This or the HTC Vive? Vive goes for $850 at the moment. I the extra price worth it?

    • +7

      No way is it worth the extra, trust me. I use both on a daily basis. Rift is the way to go. Only downside is it's supporting Facebook.

    • +2

      I got the Vive for $747 recently (last one on Microsoft eBay store for 15% off eBay US sitewide). I'm already having buyer's remorse and it hasn't arrived yet over seeing this deal today! I think both are inferior - hoping to get my hands on a Pimax 5K Plus sometime next year and using this as a stopgap to get into VR. 🙂

      So, in summary, I'd just get this. The Vive has the advantage of a wireless module that's very good - but it's another $400AUD at least…

      • The Vive has the advantage of a wireless module that's very good

        This is also available for the oculus.

        • Are you talking about the TPCast? This is not the same. There is an official HTC wireless module that performs from a usability perspective much better according to reviews I've read.

          • @khell: From what i've read, the tpcast is just as good, especially considering it is cheaper and doesn't require an additional pci-e port on your pc.
            Tech specs
            Vive Wireless Adapter TPCast Wireless Adapter
            Play area 20 feet x 20 feet 16 feet x 16 feet
            Signal 60GHz 60GHz
            Battery Up to 2.5 hours Up to 5 hours
            Latency "Near-zero" Less than 2 ms
            Weight 4.55 ounces (129 grams) 3.17 ounces (90 grams)

      • I'm in the same boat, I'm feeling like the only way I can get over this doubt is to buy the Rift and use them both to make up my own mind.

      • I'm already having buyer's remorse

        Heh, see I bought a Samsung Odyssee and sold it quickly because some games didn't work properly with the HMD eg Dirt Rally could not use reprojection and it didn't play nicely with Steam Controllers to the point that games were unplayable :| The whole thing was very cool at first but then it quickly went to an annoying useless object :D

        Oh and I couldn't breath properly because it half pinched my nose shut - the nose canal is wider on the version 2 so presumably fixed that.

        I bought this to try again using Rift (and two games I really want to play Dirt Rally and American Truck Simulator are made for it) but I'm half expecting to sell it because strapping a box to my face is still too intrusive. I don't have high hopes for Pimax but I'd love them to prove me wrong.

        When my WMR controllers actually worked worked Fallout 4 was probably the best experience I had.

      • +1

        I wouldn't touch the Pimax. They are pieces of shit, just wait for the next gen.

        • +1

          Wow you troll here too

      • Don't go for specs, go for experience. The people actually using the Pimax 5k Plus do not enjoy the actual experience. Higher numbers does not always mean better.

        • Do you have one? If not, can you provide some sources of people not enjoying it? I've read plenty to the contrary.

          • @khell:,…

            Tom's Hardware biggest problem with it is you require a very high end GPU to maintain the performance required, and even then, they couldn't always maintain the high fps required for a smooth experience.


            Low fps again, not impressing people.

            From my experience with VR, if I'm playing a VR game I'm walking around in, such as Fallout 4 VR, if it doesn't maintain 90fps most of the time, I feel nauseous. The higher resolution demands greater GPU performance, which even the high end GPU's struggle to maintain at such high resolutions.

  • +13

    is it weird I only want to get this for porn?

    • +1

      Not weird in fact VR porn is on the rise.

      However there are no titles on PSVR for your tastes. Guess you need to find out what's on the PC?

    • Just get “oculus go” it’s cheaper

      • But I do want to play the occasional game :P

        Is there porn on PSVR?????Surely not

        • Funny enough you can play porn on ps vr. It requires downloading the video. Have a google, there's a few guides

    • Problem is that it is so immersive, so there you are getting really into it, standing with your pants around your ankles, whacking away, moaning with pleasure, when your kids walk in from school.

      • +1

        That would traumatisé me as a kid for the rest of my life…if I disliked him as a father I’d put that in the euology, wow so dark. Wait, isn’t that kind of cheating on your wife by virtually have sex with another woman?

        • Women, men, horses, tentacled devil creatures…

  • Be quick to get the extra 12.5% off using Cashrewards (12.5% ends at noon today):

    According to CR site the 12.5% offer ends 30 November unless I'm missing something.

    But the price on Rift ends in 12 hours according to Amazon.

  • +1

    Seems like Cashrewards has extended the expiry date of the 12.5%. :) (Nope, dropped to 10%, but still pretty good.)

  • +2

    One thing I would recommend to try before purchasing a vr device is testing the controllers. My mate was set on a vive until he tried my oculus. I find the controllers mould to your hands much more comfortably then the vive controllers. Makes for a smoother gaming experience. It would be comparable if they were the same price but the oculus is much cheaper even when purchasing a 3rd sensor.

    Edit: Shopback is still at 12% cashback

    • +1

      I've seen a lot of people saying they prefer the Oculus over Vive due to lenses and comfort also.

      • I also forgot to mention this. My mate has also said the difference was much more comfortable on the oculus. Although, the padding and stuff can be changed so not a dealbreaker like the controls.

  • +2

    This thing is absolutely amazing, i bought one at full price (AUD$599) a couple of weeks ago and had i known what it was like i would have paid $2K for it. Unbelievable experience if you don't have it and amazing content available nowadays. If your PC is powerful enough and you can afford the spend don't hesitate, go get it. 3D Movies are amazing on it aswell…

  • +1

    Sh*te… ordered from for $529 yesterday!

  • is there any point in getting this if i only have a small office?

    • +1

      Yep. You won't enjoy it as much though. You really need 2mx2m to enjoy games like Robot Recall and most shooters, but there's still many games you can play comfortably in a small space as long as you have arm swing room while standing still. If you don't then just stick to the controller games. Racing games are excellent for small spaces especially if you have a decent racing wheel.

    • +1

      Sorry, after reading the above comment on vr porn use I read “office” as a different word.

  • How many sensors come in the box? 2?

    • +2

      2 Buy a 3rd for better experience, but don't bother with 4.

  • I have a PC running a GTX 1080 TI so I definitely have the grunt to run one of these but I'm wondering if this is something that you play a few times and then put it down so it collects dust?

    Obviously everyone's experiences will be unique but dosn't hurt to see.

    • +3

      I stopped playing 2d games in my 30s, religious before that. Then got vive on release at 45yrs, still playing 2yrs later. Mileage may vary

    • +1

      If it is setup permanently in a large enough space, its awesome. If you have to setup it up each time, you'll probably use it less frequently.

    • I…envy…you… I have a 2012 iMac which can’t play lord of the rings.

  • Don't think I have enough USB 3.0 ports, so it's stopped me pulling the trigger (was so tempted)

    • +1

      PCI-E card? Or do you have a laptop?

      • +1

        Yeah PCI-E would help if they had 0 to begin with. But if they have at least 1, why not just get a powered usb3 hub and add it in?

        • Yup, heaps of reputable hubs available for around $30.

  • +2

    Can i switch off vr and 3d and just watch movies on it? Like having a big screen in front of me.

    • Or… buy Vr Cinema, and sit in a massive room with a movie playing on the wall.
      VR Cinema

      • Thanks but i wasn't after the atmosphere. No need for head tracking. Just one big personal screen.

  • +8

    Want an honest opinion from someone who's had a lot of experience with all these headsets?
    vive: good tracking, too expensive, controllers are rubbish.
    Rift: best controllers, limited room scale and a pain to set up.
    PSVR: cheap (if you own a PS4), but really subpar in visuals and tracking.
    windows Mixed Reality: cheap to buy ($275-315 used and new for the good headsets like Lenovo Explorer and Dell ones. Avoid Acer), really easy to set up and can play almost all rift and Vive games.

    I would recommend getting Windows Mixed Reality for cheap now and wait until we have wireless solutions from Rift and Vive with inside out tracking, which won't come out until like late 2019/2020 or so.

    • Some interesting Aussie trivia: the Vive tracking that you mention is good ("Lighthouse" technology) is the work of an Australian at Valve corp, Alan Yates. One reason to support Vive, although I agree it's still too expensive!

    • +1

      Thanks for this heads up, as i want to play racing games i ended up getting a Lenovo Explorer for US$146 shipped.

      • Good choice. My Explorer was great until it developed cable issues and I sent it back to amazon. Bought a Samsung Odyssey to replace it as an "upgrade". Can no longer deal with lower res or SDE of the Rift

    • I have the Dell VR, was considering this rift since the tracking of controllers is terrible like for throwing or using bows, plus the mixed reality can be finicky with setting up the room, if some things are moved around it doesn't recognise the boundary.
      figured rift wouldnt have these issues

  • Does this deal need the additional camera or cameras to work?

    • +1

      The included 2 sensors are great for front facing stuff. You can also set them up in opposite corners of a small room and they'll do a decent job of 360 degree coverage in a small area. Buying a 3rd sensor is highly recommended as it lets you get 360 coverage in a larger space

  • +1

    FWIW, I did a lot of research before I went VR. I tried a few different ones (Oculus, Vive, PSVR) because I am heavily into sim racing and everyone I know was using VR.

    In the end Oculus was clearly the way to go when you consider everything (price, comfort, quality, clarity, support, etc.).

    I would recommend it to anyone.

    That said, there is a real strength for racing, driving and flying simulators but the other games I've bought (boxing, superhot VR, Oneward, Pavlov, Dread Halls and a few more), all felt a bit unfinished, clunky or short. Some of the movement of those ones also made me feel sick (and racing doesn't - odd), but apparently most people get over the sickness.

  • I have a mid range laptop which is about 3 years old. Is there a way to find if it has enough grunt to work with oculus?

    • +2

      Go to the oculus web site and use one of their test programs

    • What CPU, and what Video Card? Does it have HDMI or DP output?

      • Important questions, to answer the question above.

  • Sigh….out of $499 bucks…

  • -1

    The Amazon deal doesn't look like it includes the sensors whereas the package on the Oculus site includes 2 sensors and 7 titles. Or did Amazon just not upload enough pictures

    ah - just saw comment above that 2 sensors are included

    • Nearly made me worry….

  • +1

    Well my oculus is being shipped by fastaway…… too bad I actually wanted my item delivered :(

  • I am seriously thinking about getting this! Great deal with 11% cash rewards main use will be racing sims but not convinced on product reliability and if it will make driving more enjoyable or make me a better driver.

    Only have a few more hours to decide.

    • It’s pretty reliable and warranty service is good. Pretty certain to make driving more enjoyable as long as you don’t get sim sick. On making you a better driver, though: while FOV, real-world scale and the ability to look around are great, the resolution makes it more difficult to make out distant objects which is a disadvantage in some sims. You also need a beefy GPU for most of the VR racing sims.

      • I have a 1070 GPU which I have been told is ok and an i5 skylake.

        Think I am too late on the deal anyway … boxing day sales will be the next opportunity i think.

  • +2

    Seems to be back at %599 :(

  • Bought one yesterday. Thank you very much OP. With cashrewards this deal was exactly what I was looking for. I've been tossing up deals on the vive for months and this finally made me cave. I can see myself getting a hell of a lot of use out of this. Subnautica is one of my favourite games of recent years, got Fallout 4 with a viveport sub and I'm really excited to try out some racing and flight sims.

  • anyone got theirs shipped yet? I bought on sunday and still sitting there - shipping soon.

    • Supposedly mine will be coming today…. but as its fastway delivering I'm skeptical they wont try and card me…..I've had to chase them down the street before :(

      • I have no doubt it will come today, with Fastway the where is the great unknown.

        • They're not the only ones with this problem… lazy as couriers.

          • @F1Maniac: Received it, happened to be outside at the time……so yay! Sadly no time to set it up….. :(

            • @Forfiet: you have the weekend for it mate :) I will get mine tuesday. have to build a PC now too. picked up graphic card from umart, rest coming from futu pro'lly next week too

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