This was posted 6 years 3 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console + 9 Games $513.25 Delivered | 8 Games $471.60 @ EB Games eBay US

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

PICKFAST code tested and working. US eBay account required.

Full credit to aspirepranesh for earlier post.

This Bundle Contains:

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console plus the following games

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MA15+)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (G)
  • Forza Motorsport 6 (G)
  • Halo 5: Guardians (M)
  • Gears of War 4 (R18+) - E-mailed Download Code - (114.78GB)
  • Battlefield V (MA15+)
  • Battlefield 1943 (M) - Download Token (600 MB)
  • Battlefield 1: Revolution + 1 Month EA Access Token (MA15+)
  • Fallout 76 (MA15+)

Note: Gears of War 4 is a redeemable downloadable title and will be sent to your checkout e-mail address before close of business Friday. Any questions please contact Customer Service.

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console + 8 Games

Games included:

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MA15+)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (G)
  • Forza Motorsport 6 (G)
  • Halo 5: Guardians (M)
  • Gears of War 4 (R18+) - E-mailed Download Code - (114.78GB)
  • Battlefield V (MA15+)
  • Battlefield 1943 (M) - Download Token (600 MB)
  • Battlefield 1: Revolution + 1 Month EA Access Token (MA15+)

Original 15% off ebay US post.

Related Stores

eBay US
eBay US
EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Did you use an account that was registered in US region?

    • Yes, I should add that info into OP.

  • +1

    Thats one heck of a good price!

  • I still haven’t had any luck with applying the 15% despite updating my EBay address to US. Any suggestions?

    • Are you using app?

    • You are using the phone app right?

      • Yup using iOS app.

    • +3

      You can't just update your AU account, you need to use an account that was initially registered to the U.S on inception, if you don't have a U.S account you'll need to make one quickly

      • Thank you.

  • lucky buggers who don't already own the X this is a wicked good deal and I would jump on it if you're on the fence. The console look sweet too with the gold!

    • What games do you currently play on your X?

      I am really tempted but already own a ps4 pro, although I understand there would be a small jump in graphics on the X, hard to justify adding another console as I’m also running out of shelf space.

      • +1

        The jump in graphics is actually quite huge if you own a 4K TV and are playing an enhanced game:…

      • we have ps4 and xbox one s ….. so will need a a good reason for another console though x is tempting if we find an exclusive title we want in a bundle.

      • I'm not sure about ps4 pro, but the jump from normal ps4 (which we have) to xb1x is pretty huge. RDR2 looks freaking amazing.

  • -2

    Isn’t this a duplicate?

  • -1

    how long these gift cards take to be sent through?

  • How much will EB buy the new games for ?
    How much will they buy an old XB1S?

  • +5

    Here's exactly what I did:

    • Registered a new account on, gave them a US address I Googled and a fake phone number as part of the registration process but then added my real Australian address afterwards and set it to be my primary shipping address
    • Found the EB store link through the US site, added it to cart on desktop
    • Downloaded the eBay app (if you already have it, go into your app store and update it if you need to)
    • Logged in, went to settings, changed my region to USA
    • Went to my cart, checkout, added the voucher, and bing bang boom, Xbox One X

    Paypal gift cards don't work, because you're using the US site, and the Cashrewards app doesn't work with the eBay app, apparently. Maybe some enterprising Ozbargainer could find a way to eke out another few dollars, but I'm OK with this.

    Note that Paypal sent me a text shortly after saying the payment had been marked as suspicious, but apparently they have an automated system to let you authorise it by replying to the text.

    • When did you register the account? getting hit with the account limitation for purchases

      iOS or android?

      • +1

        I registered mid-afternoon yesterday. I didn't know there was a limit on how soon after registering you could purchase.

        I used the app on iOS.

        • Ok it worked perfect on iOS used my fudging iPad I was up to [email protected] - just a note that the farkin app would spazz out with a verify paypal bit (this popup did not appear on the iOS ebay app)

          Thank the lord too much lost sleep.

          Edit: cheers got that paypal authoris as tion sms just then too.

          Farking bought 2 mattresses earlier on with package15 instead of the US ebay code

  • Could EB Games cancel your order given the workaround makes it a bit cheaper?

    I understand EBay fronts the 15% but it could still raise alarm bells?

    • +1

      no there's been so many of these types of deals, with UK also

  • +2

    ok so it was working and all, put my personal address in after applying code and put my debit card deets in then after clicking purchase it did nothing and took me back to my cart.
    now every time I click "go to checkout" it says "we're sorry but the operation you requested cant be completed at this time. error type: 99" made a second American account with US address from US site and I get the exact same message. app is on latest version and I've tried restarting phone/quiting app etc and nothing works. on my main account I can buy shit but the American ones don't seem to work.

    help pls

    • I can add items from other stores, so an EB Games issue?

    • I'm having same issue

    • same here. getting error type 99 on android and "sorry this cannot be processed" on apple

    • I got this, I was able to buy a cheap item from eBay though. Looked up and it is a problem with a new US account trying to purchase a high costing item. It has been suggested that this isn't an issue via the iPhone / iPad app. Though I'm not sure as it happens on the US desktop browser version too.

      • Yeah I tried on ipad, iphone, android, pc… doesnt work for me in any platform

        • So in reality, we needed these US eBay accounts already made up in the past… Damn

          • @FabMan: Not really…. i created one like 12.05 am, i just had to go thru verification process as this is significant value i.e. >$400. Took me 2 calls to verify my account anx it worked all good.

            • @Damnsmart: Thanks, it came too late for me, but I was able to get it verified. Next time maybe.

              We could probably do with a 'How to create' instructions, whenever a deal requires an account that can be setup. My android eBay fritz out every time and wouldn't show the verify the Paypal account screen like it was supposed too.

              • +1

                @FabMan: thats right, thats what my second call was (calling ebay US customer center and asking them to do it manually), took the agent like 15 min to find the link in paypal.

  • -2

    How to get a US ebay account?

    • A fair question I think, since so many people had problems.

  • Wow now that is one ozbargain level deal. Also anyone selling off Horizon 4, please PM me, thanks!

  • Happy for anyone to PM me if they are selling the codes.

  • Still waiting for ps4 pro deals!
    But this is so tempting!

    • +2

      Yeah ikr.

      Show me the good stuff

    • …get both?
      PS4 for the exclusives one x for the rest. Win-win.

  • +1

    I have this waiting in cart. Now thinking maybe I should wait and see if anything comes up for the 15% off ebay AU Store!

    • +4

      Yep, better off waiting till tonight.

  • It doesn't appear to be working for me.

    I followed all the steps, created a US account, verified PayPal, made the purchase. I got a splashscreen saying the order was placed but didn't get any email confirmation, the purchase tab in the app still says I don't have any purchases, and no money has been taken from my account.

  • I keep getting the Paypal verification popup saying I need to verify my account. I've clicked on the verify link multiple times however I can't seem to checkout due to this. Any ideas?

  • Thanks OP, purchased this morning.

    Created an account and tried to pay via Paypal which didn't work.

    Then created a different account (same address, phone number, etc), but opted to pay via CC, worked perfectly.

    • Hi, I tried to pay via CC but it required me to verify Paypal in the last step. Do you have any idea?

      • Try creating a new account? Worked for me. I added to cart on desktop and then just finalised payment on the app, as per another users suggestions.

        • I tried paying with CC and it still loops the paypal verification for some reason. Any ideas?

  • wont let me purchase it, comes up with an error saying i am only able to purchase a limited items at a time, im trying to buy 1 lol

  • Not working for me either. Been trying since early this morning. Tried 6 different new accounts following what has worked for others. Bummer :-(

  • dammmmm good deal, but I am still looking for ps4…

  • -2


  • Hopefully this price will appear on AU site when we get our 15%.

  • +1

    No longer available - EB have pulled both listings from eBay and replaced them with lesser 5 and 6 game bundles.

    Awesome news for anyone sitting on $500 of eBay gift cards that they bought this morning, in anticipation of the extra 15% saving at 5pm tonight…


    • +2

      And yet the deals are still available on the EB Games website.

      Ridiculous how these 15% off site-wide deals seem to coincide with any decent priced item disappearing…

      • well ebgames has managed to lose my business again

  • Back in stock

    • Lol. Dunno y someone negged you for that comment

  • Did anyone actually receive their console yet ?
    My tracking just says :
    "Shipping information received by Australia Post Fri 23 Nov"
    "Shipping information approved by Australia Post Mon 26 Nov"
    and zero updates since !

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