This was posted 6 years 3 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Nokia 7 Plus 64GB Black $466 Delivered @ TechWarehouse/Catch ($443 Pricematch at Officeworks)


Just noticed someone else is posting Harvey's price.
Just Bought this a few days ago, receipt included.


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closed Comments

  • +5

    The hero this website needs.

  • So can I just show them the invoice and ask the to do the same price for me?

    • No need, just ask. They always do Catch-of-the-day.

      Don't mention the OVERSEAS part!

      • -1

        Officeworks match grey import so that shouldn't be a problem now…

        • Even if it is a different model?

          • @mathew42: Has to be same model but even then they mess that up and pricebeat. Sometimes.

  • Also Price-match doesn't mean a bargain on this website.
    You need to post the original website then make a note that you can try OW for price match.

  • +8

    Tonight on EthicsBargain. Some of the community feel doing a price match with an overseas store is illegal and inappropriate. Meanwhile hundreds of OzBargainers happily change their eBay AU location to the US with a fraudulent address to take advantage of a sale.

    Always funny what people think is and isn't acceptable.

    • doing a price match with an overseas store is illegal and inappropriate

      Uhh nobody said that. It's literally Officeworks police (with caveats), they're happy to do it. Price matching isn't enough for a deal alone generally since it results in spam.

      • Check the reports on the post. It very blatantly says it. Someone definitely feels that way.

        I support the price match myself personally. Perhaps an /s tag would help?

        • Reporter may think both are unethical?

        • Hahaha. I am so evil, so unethical. Poor Officworks being robbed of their $200.

          We should create a crowdfunding site to support officeworks against people like myself.

    • +1

      This is great

  • +1

    Done it with eglobalcentralau a fortnite ago
    Give Joybuy a try first, then Tobydeals, then eglobalcentralau, then catch.

    • +1

      That’s a solid go to list for pricebeat

    • Oh dear, looks like you're consumed by fornite.

    • Which shop accepted Eglobalcentral?

      • I did it at East Vic Park. Other people had success at their local as well. Call up and ask before hand.

  • +1

    $443 for a 7+ ….makes Xiaomi look lame for the same price, nokia is android one, oreo with upgrade to pie, band 28 and NFC ……

    and the office works would come with AU warranty and AU charger….so what price would JB do, I know sometimes officeworks adjust prices just like bunnings so next person doesn't get the extra 5% off.

    • Xiaomi mi 8 lite is cheaper which I have arriving with band 28 global ROM. Will get Pie at some stage. No NFC but I have payment ring from my bank which will always be faster than any watch or phone.

      That being said, it's good to have options.

      • +1

        Is payment ring easy to use and secure enough? Which bank? Thanks

        • Just flex your fist as if your doing a superhero pose against the terminal and it works. Secure enough , usual over 100 bucks and enter a PIN.

          If you lose or gets stolen log into online banking and you can deactivate it immediately.

          Only bankwest here in western Australia at moment

  • Not a big fan of this "Price beat" or "Price match" bargain. has dual sim and OFW has single sim, so technically different model. This deal is therefore a hit and miss. But still thanks OP catch is a reputed seller, have bought couple of stuffs from them and are good with warranty issues too.

  • has anyone else tried to get OfficeWorks to price match?

  • Does Officeworks price match/beat if they don't have in stock?

  • Thanks to OP. TechWarehouse/Catch no longer had the price on offer, but I did source a number of sites cheaper verse what seems to be a good local retailer price from Office Works of $549. I then took these on 15/12/2018 to a store that had the model in stock (Nerang on Gold Coast). They had no problems matching tobydealsau $459AUD (with free delivery), so with 5% price beat got it for $436.05. I was hoping they’d at least match one of the cheaper prices, but didn’t think they’d match the cheapest. I was upfront and said it may not be the same model number, wasn’t an .au site (I know this doesn’t make it an Australian retailer) and the salesperson was admit it doesn’t matter if it is an internationally sourced product as long as price included delivery. I feel I was open with them, so if they are going to offer this with Australian warranty (and charger) for this price I wasn’t going to say no.

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