This was posted 6 years 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One S 1TB Console + Fortnite + Forza Horizon 4 $299 + More @ EB Games


Xbox ONE S 1 Tb $299 with Forza Horizon 4 & Fortnight Digital Content

Xbox ONE S 1 Tb $299 with Forza Horizon 4 + Gears of War 4 + COD : Advanced Warfare

Xbox One X bundle for $549 + 5 Games

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console + 9 Games

XBOX ONE BUNDLES: Forza Horizon 4 & Gears of War 4 are digital downloads.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +5

    If only the One X bundle included RDR2 I would go for it.

    • -2

      And a bucket of KFC.

  • +1

    Yeah wait till Xmas

    • for?

      • +9

        Santa to give it to you for free.

  • +3

    The Xbox One bundle for $549 + 8 games is better than the 5 game bundle for the same price;…

    • wtf thats such a good bundle, tempted to get it

      • +1

        if you don’t have some of the games already it’s a good start for an X and content …makes its $450 for the console and a bunch of games… many eg halo are old and sell for $20 at eb when on sale.

        eb have done the maths … much does a console cost, how do we get rid of old games, how much did the games cost to buy by eb

        but great starter if people are new to xbox.

        • +1

          Still comes with a game that came out yesterday and the best racing game of 2018 so decent bundle. Shame it's fm6 though and not 7.

    • The $598 one also comes with Fallout 76. Seems like you'd easily get $200 for selling all the pack-ins on eBay. I was really just looking for an S, but sub-$400 for a One X is pretty tempting.

      Any way of Ozbargaining this with any kind of extra discount or cashback?

      • RACQ gift card portal? EB gift cards are 7% off

    • I dont understand, why does the bundle with 5 games exist if the 8 game bundle is exactly same price with exact same games + 3 extra games free???!!!?!?!?

    • Thanks for the link! Roughly how much do you think the 8 games would sell for on ebay? I'm keen to get either xbox one s or the one X primarily for 4k blu rays and maybe occasionally gaming

  • +3

    is there gonna be a few Ps4 Pro Bundles aswell also what bout trade in deals?

    • +1

      I’m waiting for a Pro as well :(

      • Will the trade in old ps4 be tradable and lower the price down to 300? Like with current ps4 deal?

        • +1

          also waiting for the ps4 deal…

  • Very tempted to buy and sell off all those games

    Anyone know how much EB would buy my Xbox One Halo 1TB Console?

    • +2

      Maybe $85/$120 plus ur ebworld

      You can call to confirm.

      • Eek. Probably just sell on ebay

        • +2

          Funny you ask - was in the same position with the RDR2 deal from JB…. - had a LE Advanced Warefare console. (1TB)

          I rang - it’s $120 with a controller. Both must be in working order (and include power pack and HDMI).

          You will also get your bonus for being a member which can range from 5 - 20%. So ballpark the max you will get is $140.

          Also, they don’t care if it’s a LE - they categorise by whether is a Phat or Slim (S/X) and then by size of HDD. If it’s an LE, they just call it a ‘skin’ and it’s $0 value.

          Better of selling on eBay/FB/Gumtree - sold ours through gumtree in a few days of listing for $170 for the console and $70 for the controller.

          • @Iamnotcheap: Looked on eBay. Ranges from $170 to $300

            I have the original box and in very good condition. I’ll be happy with 200-250 if I got that

            • +1

              @Danstar: Yeah the top end seems a hit and a miss from what I was watching. We saw a bundle on eBay go for $180 and then another for $240PP, so really a hit and miss.

              FB was the quickest strike rate over eBay (and there’s no fees involved). Just be explicit that there is no swapsies… as that was a common question.

              The reason we separated was the LE controllers are worth it on their own as people either are replacing broken ones or want a second… but up to you.

          • @Iamnotcheap: you sold a controller for $70? thats the goddamn RRP. unreal

            • +1

              @XCOM v2: Sure did. And we sold the other one for $90 (we had two)…

              Put it out there for a laugh at the price and it was taken almost immediately.

              • @Iamnotcheap: crazy. people cant even use google for a price

                • @XCOM v2: Well the controller is sold out. Everything from what we saw was second hand or crazy US prices. Think if someone really wants a specific skinned controller, they will pay?

  • +1

    Nothing to see here folks… move along… just EB as usual giving a few useless games & a AAA title on a deal that's still easily $50 off the mark. Literally… move along. Look for a better deal. Move along. You're welcome.

    • Whoever down voted me is clearly an EB FAN BOY 😅 salty mad triggered by the truth 😅

  • gears of war 4, halo5, are all $20 games to buy now on eb sales …so resale would not be much.

    forza is down to $52 digital and that plays on console and PC … and reselling digital code is always trickey.

    i think you need to target the deal that includes games you want to play instead of hoping what you can make when you unbundle.

  • JB hifi has a better deal on the xbox one s bundle

    • Personally I'd rather pay $20 more to get Forza Horizon 4 + CoD thrown in as well.

      • the COD is from 4 years ago…

  • Is it worth waiting for something cheaper within the next week or so?

    • +2

      Not within the next week. This is the black Friday sale price. It probably won't get better until boxing day sale which usually starts Christmas eve.

      • hmm, I was hoping other retailers might see this and try to beat it. If nobody else is gonna beat it by at least $50 or so anytime soon, i might as well just pull the pin and grab this today.

        • I had an Xbox one a while ago and got rid of it because I wasn't playing it enough. Have been wanting an X though for a while for certain games and bit the bullet on this. Despite some of the crap games or them giving you $19 games its not too bad of a deal for $549 with 8 games. I don't expect much better till boxing day.

          • @uniqinsanity: I'm gonna go for the 5 game bundle, as I don't like the "Gold Rush" colour console. I wonder if I can ask them to swap the console colour… I'd prefer the regular black.

            • @nuttapillar: I finally got around to setting up my X1X last night (purchased during the JBHifi deal with RDR2, FH4 and FM7 @ $499) and it's AWESOME! Highly recommend it.

              I cannot believe they squeezed so much power into this little box - it's so much smaller than the original XB1 and also smaller than the XB1s!

              • @fookos: Nice. It should go well with my new 75 inch 4k Hisense series 7 telly! Interested to see what HDR is like too.

            • @nuttapillar: By changing the colour, you'd literally just be getting the other 5 game bundle. The 3 battlefield games are part of the gold rush console.

              • @manbearpig: Damn. Oh well i don't really care about battlefield for now anyway.

  • Could you please help me with a link to the deal for the bundle with gears of war and COD? When I go to the link I can’t find that particular deal. Thank you

  • Any chance of getting the bundle and selling back the games to EB straight away to reduce the price?

    I probably only want 2 games from the bundle.

    • considering most of these are $19 games and/or tokens, probably wont get much for them

      • ah ok.

  • +1

    This is still technically an early bird sale. There's a chance they could do better deals when the actual black Friday deals start I guess.

    • Early access. So I'm assuming this is their BF deals for xbox

      • Well, last night a screen popped up for me with a countdown of 45 hours until their Black Friday deals start, so we'll see.

        • As is a countdown timer on their site. But as their email says it's "Early Access"
          Not "pre black friday sale"

          • @Danstar: What's 'early access' when literally everyone can access it? Not having a go at you. Their wording is just ambiguous.

  • jb hi fi wont price match as its a bundle.

    • That's because JB will probably sh*t on this bundles pricing and content.

  • So tempting, but with 2 days to go till the big shebang, I will just wait it out.

  • Does the fortnite include
    Save the world
    Checked the download token today and says "Full Game" but they couldnt confirm. They even called head office.

    Anyone know if it has save the world

  • I bought the one x bundle with 5 games. But how do I get the download code for gears of war?

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