Yes it's old, but it's also faster than Surface Go with more storage and RAM.
Not advertised as refurbished. Add $10 for delivery.
Cannot confirm stock levels, but it is marked as limited.
EDIT: Also comes with a Pen (?)
Yes it's old, but it's also faster than Surface Go with more storage and RAM.
Not advertised as refurbished. Add $10 for delivery.
Cannot confirm stock levels, but it is marked as limited.
EDIT: Also comes with a Pen (?)
Surface Pro 3 came out 2014.
Samsung first switched to USB C with their smart phones in 2017.
That was quick.. gone!
Broden is quick
All gone it seems?
All the JB hi fi deals this afternoon have lasted mere seconds. Stock must be very very low.
there are hundreds clicked though
Get in quick & take all our money before Friday
Awesome spec.
What do these go for normally?
Pricing error?
Someone in JB found new old stock behind an old filing cabinet. They flog off for cheap to sell off stock originally assumed as stolen.
I'd imagine there was probably 2 and they were clearing old stock.
I paid $1394 exactly 4 years ago for this spec.
Given the age, I think the price on this deal sounds about right, as in not a bargain but not a rip off either. I mean 4 years is a long time - it still stacks up great though which is impressive..
So for the non technically literate.
The latest models have the same processorz same hdd, same os, same screen, and same everythig else.
Does the fact ita a few years old nake any practical difference?
@Samsungnote10: I'm not the best to answer this as I don't own any Surface tablets. I know these things ran hot which is a negative. Given CPU's haven't done much in years until only very recently starting to heat up again (AMD is suddenly competitive again) I'd guess if you could get one of these around this price you'd not be too far behind a newer much more expensive one.
An actual Surface Pro owner would be better to chime in though.
I know these things ran hot which is a negative.
You have three choices: hot, slow (thermal throttling - which the Surface has …) or noisy (fan).
@Samsungnote10: Newer models have greatly improved processor .. faster/smoother graphics.. better battery life..
Screen would be a touch better.
hard drive and ram wouldn't make too much of a difference..
I sold these for $350 last year. :/
$350, I wouldn't hesitate at that price
Long long gone. I had only a few extra.
These are bricks that jet out hot air compared to any of the iPads.
The Surface Pro 2 could be called a brick and a Surface Pro 3 jetting out hot air is most likely doing things an iPad cant. It always pissed me off with the Surface Pro's is they only have one USB port, but iPads don't even have one of those.
Funny enough, the new iPad pro can't use a USB drive, despite having a USB C port for data transfer. Can only handle cameras.
Yea it's probably throttling, which the iPad isn't doing.
Lol the iPad Air 2 which came out after the Surface Pro 3 can't hold a candle to it and that's fact not a "probably" statement like yours
@Joey Jo Jo: Yea iPad isn't throttling those "i7"s. You could probably light a candle with them though.
@Joey Jo Jo: Ah the age old lack of understanding. I was just trolling the troll you do realise that don't you?
@onlinepred: Lol yeah, that mobile OS with it's limited hardware unable to run multiple real programs at once is a lack of understanding. Thing is I'm not trolling, you are and you've fallen on your sword.
@Joey Jo Jo: You are the one comparing it lol. I make a joke about throttling, as everyone knows about surface history, and you take it literally and you troll. You then go to compare RAM from IOS to Windows, which then showed your lack of understanding.
@onlinepred: if you look up I'm responding someone who did in fact compare iPads to Surface Pros, you're here to troll as you just admitted good for you. I think you lack the understanding why the SP3 is able to run far more demanding programs which aren't even available for iPads currently and especially of the SP3 era.
@Joey Jo Jo: See? Did it again. Never said surface pro doesn't run note demanding apps. You are just saying random things. Anyway read again. I said a joke. You trolled and said random stuff. End of the day windows needs loads of ram, iOS doesn't. iOS can't do stuff that surface pro can. Obvious stuff really
@Joey Jo Jo: Compared to a desktop operating system yes Captain obvious! Although it can do many things better, but we won't get into that. It's obvious which one you would choose based on what you want out of it.
@onlinepred: mate you're the one needing the obvious stated.
I just like user friendly devices that don't restrict usability - sorry to state the obvious again :)
@Joey Jo Jo: So you run linux on your sp3- which distro? I don't need my iPad to do the stuff my PC does. That's obvious.
@onlinepred: I think it's already been made pretty clear the level of tech you require with your devices
@Joey Jo Jo: My main desktop runs Ubuntu where I have a few vms running including one windows 10 machine, a router, media centre server etc. I use my iPad to remote into the vms and cloud storage to share files between them. Battery life on iPad is far better than my old sp2 and remote desktop is far more responsive on iPad. I can also remote in using my android or iPhone. My iPad therefore is just a dumb client for my virtual machines, and also does all th basics better than windows could dream of like YouTube, Netflix, browsing etc all without mouse and keyboard which windows is still terrible at. My MBA 2012 is still running awesome with a brand new battery replaced by apple for $99, I use it for open source development, and again to remote into things when travelling.
Can anyone upload a screenshot of jbhifi website showing price? Want to try and claim my cc price protection. :)
I purchased the Surface Pro M processor series for Uni and I only need it for office and web browsing. Paid $1200 for it when it was new.
Seriously, worst tablet its so damn slow, wish I got the i5 version.
The go series….. thats just a joke.
I paid $460 for a second hand SP3 with these specs (including pen and keyboard) in July and it's spectacular.
I paid $400 for secondhand i7 4650U 8GB/512GB version with keyboard and Stylus.
It's competent for the cost. Does get hot when gaming.
Gaming? What sort can be played on a MS SP?
dota2 / lol / csgo
Nice price, it would be good if it uses USB c to charge