This was posted 6 years 3 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation VR V2 with Camera & VR Worlds Bundle $278.05 + Delivery (Free C&C) @ The Gamesmen eBay


Great Price.. Similar to my previous deal & this dealEnjoy :)
Time to use 10% ebay gift cards if any left by now ;-)

Apply code at checkout.

Also If you can wait until Friday then you will be able to get it for $259 @ Big W ( Hoping that one is version 2) - Thanks to Piccolo

Original PUSH10 10% off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post

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The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • Are you sure delivery is free?

    It says $13.71 on the frontpage, but I haven't actually gone through the checkout process.

    • no.. I mean Free CC / + Delivery

      • Gotcha. Thanks.

        • no problem :)

          • +1

            @Being Askhole: Now all I need is a PS lol.

            Which I'm seriously considering getting, instead of the Xbox One X (but that's another story).

            • +1

              @BooYa: Me too.. ps4 pro …wait for black Friday :D. I bought psvr from my previous deal ;-)

  • Oh no, I need more gift cards

    • Noob question - you just buy those from eBay like any other gift card, right?

      • +1

        yeah but we managed to grab 10% off on ebay AU giftcard on ebay UK deals :D

        • Sweet :D

          I'll have to keep a better eye on OzBargain in the future.

        • -1

          Actually that would have been a good time to buy them, the Aussie dollar was higher then.

  • +1

    I feel like better bundles will come at a cheaper price around Black Friday??

    But this is still pretty cheap as is right now!

  • +6

    Big w is cheaper..

    • +2

      Welp, that's it then. Time to tell this last great independent mum and pop store to go did then.

      • Their shipping is generally really high, and their eBay prices are higher than their own online store. I agree it sucks, but I rarely buy stuff from them because it's too hard to justify the premiums.

        • Why do you think they need to price ebay higher…..

    • I dont see it cheaper:…

      Unless its somewhere else?

    • +1

      Don't understand why people downvote your comment. Maybe you should say Big W will be cheaper in one week haha.

      • Is this deal also the V2 headset?

  • I bought one of these earlier in the year. Was a big mistake, I tried it for 30 minutes a day for 5 days. Always felt sick after 15-20 minutes.

    Try before you buy.

    • where to try?

      • -1

        Find a mate who has it I guess. I literally wasted $320 and some space in the cupboard.

        • Maybe you need to find some games that better suit you - less locomotion?

          What titles were you playing?

          • -1

            @fookos: Only tried Resident Evil.
            I also tried some Wii games via the Dolphin Emulator, but those were even worse (1 lap in mario kart and I wanted to puke).

            Any suggesions? I can only play games made before January 2018 because I'm stuck on Firmware 5.05 (hacked my PS4)

            I might give it one last go and then gumtree it.

            • +1

              @idonotknowwhy: I mean, if you are playing things that the medium was not intending to be used for (ie hacked nintendo games on a Sony system) it's not likely a virtual reality headset will be a smooth experience. My recommendation would be to get an unhacked system and play fully supported playstation 4 games. That would probably give you the best chance to get smooth and enjoyable gameplay.

            • +1

              @idonotknowwhy: Resident Evil is well known for causing motion sickness so the mistake was probably jumping straight in to that. You can try playing it and only turning with your body, so don't use the DS stick at all to turn, if you want to turn 180 degrees in game you literally turn 180 in real life, I don't get sick when play like that but if I use the stick I'm instantly sick.

              There's ways to play most games which minimise sickness until you're more adjusted to it.

              For now, avoid strafing in first person games and games with a lot if vertical movement.

              Motion sickness is caused by the disconnect between what your brain thinks is happening - what you see in the headset - versus what your inner ear feels is happening.

              The more these contradict each other the more prone you'll be to motion sickness so you have to try and minimise that conflict until hopefully you get used to it.

              • -1

                @stonkered: Any game recommendations? I don't want to spend more on a maybe, but I can buy a game from eb, and return it if it doesn't work out for me.

                P.s. lol that I'm being neg'd. I'm not making it up, I really do get sick, but I researched it, most people are unaffected. That's why I'm suggesting people try it before buying the hardware.

                • @idonotknowwhy: Any walking simulator is almost guaranteed to be a pukefest! I'm totally comfortable spinning in circles in Eve Valkyrie for example, but a few minutes into Here They Lie I can feel my stomach churn. Dirt Rally 4 VR was also really bad for me, no matter how much I tried and hope I'd get used to it, never could.

                  Batman Arkham VR, short but great experience.


                  Rez Infinite

                  Tetris Effect (waiting for this to be shipped from amazon, local EB games :…)

                • @idonotknowwhy: Why would anyone buy PSVR and focus their efforts on trying to play nintendo titles created in another era is beyond me - albeit still slightly hilarious!

                  • @fookos: I didn't. I bought it for Resident Evil 7 on PS4. The other titles were just a test.

                    • @idonotknowwhy: Definite try some vr games with less forward movement. Go batman vr or superhot.

                      • @fookos: Thanks, going to try 'superhot'.
                        I'll give it another week with some EB games VR games. If I can't get used to it, gumtree for the VR, and the satisfaction guarantee for the titles.
                        Nothing to lose I guess.

                        • @idonotknowwhy: If you find the right title/s, hopefully you'll be able to enjoy the experience.

                          • @fookos: Some of these titles require the "PS Move" controller. Since you seem to know your shit:

                            1. Do I just need to buy 2 of these:
                            2. Do I need this?
                            3. Any reason not to buy them off gumtree (they seem to be Playstation 3 era, but I read that they're compatible)?
                            • @idonotknowwhy: Hey mate - the move controllers are great with some games - Batman and Superhot being two of the examples I gave earlier shine with them (and may even require them period).

                              The PS3 version is perfectly fine, but they aren't that much cheaper than newies it seems. If you can get a good deal (and they are holding good battery charge capability) then go for it. I had one PS3 move controller already, which had sat in a drawer for years and then picked up a second one for $35 on ebay - both working beautifully.

                              Big W will have a 2-pack of the PS4 version (identical bar the charge port) on sale for $99 from Friday.

                              Keep watch here later in the week:


                              You don't need the navigation controller from your second link.

                              If you can stomach any of the FPS titles, the Aim Controller (comes bundled with games like Farpoint or Firewall) is apparently terrific. I picked up Farpoint recently with it, but yet to unbox so I can't give you a review unfortunately.

                              Good luck.

                              • @fookos: Thanks, I gumtree'd a pair less than a month old for $80.
                                I've just played "Super Hot" for over 2 hours with no major issues (other than exposing that I'm kind of out of shape).
                                Guess I'll be keeping the system, thanks for the help.

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing that with us, good to know the side affects..

    • +3

      Mostly depends on the game I would say. Plenty out there which work just fine without any issues. Also you do get used to it. It's a great experience first time I was just amazed playing the Batman game. Even now it still has that wow effect. I bought it when they first came out for $500+ but this bundle under $300 it's hella worth it imo.

    • You get used to it pretty quickly and even if you don't completely adjust, it just means you have to avoid some games, there's still plenty around that even novice users won't get sick from.

      • is the sick feeling similar or worst to playing some FPS games?

        • It's the same feeling but varies in intensity from game to game, some games can make you feel pretty ill really quickly, far worse than what a standard FPS will do. But most games are OK and you just need an adjustment period, especially when you first start out, as being in the headset is disorienting at first - I don't mean in the sense it makes you sick, just in that you can feel a bit spaced out after the first few times, so you want to start out with something with little potential to make you sick, like the shark tank demo or hover ball.

  • Can someone plz tell me if this is V1 or V2?

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