• expired

Cashrewards Launches its Mobile App - Receive $2 Free (Download, Login, Click - No Purchase Required)


We're pleased today to announce the official release of the Cashrewards Mobile App for iOS & Android. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. The dev team has spent months on its development, integration and testing and we couldn't think of a better place to launch it than right here on OzBargain. All we ask in return is some honest feedback via the comments in this post. Good, bad, indifferent - we want to know. It will help make it an even better product. There will be lots of new features added in future releases including in-store offers, geo-targeting, and app-to-app tracking. Facebook login is currently unavailable but will be included in an upcoming release in December. Offer ends 11:59PM AEDT Nov 16. Thanks for the ongoing support. Enjoy :)

To receive the $2 bonus, you must:

(1) Download the Cashrewards App via the main link in this post.
(2) Log in with your Cashrewards credentials (Facebook login disabled).
(3) Click 'Shop Now' from any store (your acct will be credited within 7 days of the click).

The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as approved within 7 days of clicking 'Shop Now' from any store in the App. The $2 bonus is not stackable with any other promos, including TV ads, refer-a-friend, etc (can't be use to tip over the $10 limit for withdrawal). If you already have the app installed, a new click from the time of this post will qualify for the $2 bonus. The $2 bonus is restricted to one payment per Cashrewards account.

Finally, don't forget to RSVP for the OzBargain/Cashrewards co-sponsored meetup in Chatswood via this link.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3767)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store
Google Play
Google Play

closed Comments

  • +20

    nice, free money is good money.

    • Free for your information, still I don't care

      There will be lots of new features added in future releases including in-store offers, geo-targeting, and app-to-app tracking.

      • It's cool guy data collection used for marketing doesn't actually work on anyone.

        The billions of dollars spent on it every year are just businesses wasting their money and having no effect on behavior. You'd think they stop or go out of business what with no one being effected at all but somehow they soldier on almost as though it does work on everybody but that's not the explanation obviously.

      • +3

        I'd say the biggest benefit for them would be showing up on trending pages on the app stores.

  • +21

    Thanks Cashrewards for updating the toolbar extension.

    New one is much better and easier to see if active.

  • Nice app! :-)

      • +2

        Wow ozbargains feeling the love today

        • +4

          I think it's the combination of free money and a tight arse.

      • Tough crowd.

  • +1

    Free money to download app? Easy peasy.

    • +1

      Yep! Just downloaded and followed 1-3 in the post. My $2 is now showing :))

      • I just followed 1-3 from the post, clicked on shop now twice and went through to the store.
        No $2 showing up (yet) after +- 10 minutes waiting.
        (For those who want to know: android device)

  • +7

    Thanks, saves me from spending $200 on eBay

    • +17

      By only spending $198 now?

      • +1


      • +4

        Don't forget cashrewards! $196

    • +4

      So that would make you loose?

      • +2

        pretty sure a 50c coin would have a greater loosening effect.

        • -2

          $0.00 would be loosest

  • +1

    Looking forward to the next Cashrewards' release, Tightarse Screensaver.

    • +1

      Personally I can't wait for Tightarse virtual reality.

    • +2


  • +1

    Congrats TA!

    • -6

      Is he pregnant?

  • +2

    (403 forbidden)??
    Am I doing something wrong?

  • I got the app like days ago already so I guess am not qualified already.

    • +17

      If you already have the app installed, a new click from the time of this post will qualify for the $2 bonus.

      • How long until we should see something (tracking e-mail, or pending bonus?)

        More than 2 hours after trying, no email and also no pending amount in the account.

        And I did steps 1-3 a few times now.

        • +1

          Your answer is in step 3.

          • +1

            @tightarse: So you don't see anything until 7 days after?
            Because some people posted "My $2 is now showing".

            • -1

              @johnmelb: Which part of "your acct will be credited within 7 days of the click" you dont understand?

  • Nice, easy to use. Thanks TA :)

  • +9

    Will it work with Amazon?

    Will it open the store in a controlled frame so there aren’t any excuses for tracking?

    • Was about to ask the same thing regarding Amazon. I'm guessing the answer is yes seeing that it lets you click shop now and opens a link to Amazon in the app, would be a little silly if it had that functionality but didn't actually work.

    • +1

      You'll find that clicking Amazon from the CR App will redirect to the native CR App mobile browser which in turn opens the Amazon mobile site (as opposed to the Amazon App site), so tracking will be fine. If by chance, the redirect from Shop Now is taking longer than 30 seconds and you select 'Click here if it takes longer than 30 seconds', there's a chance the Amazon App will open, in which case sales will not track. Until we have app-to-app working, my suggestion is to simply delete the Amazon App from your device.

      • Thanks. I assume this is true of all stores/links.

        Is there any functionality to follow or paste in a link from, say, ozbargain?

        • Yes, until app-to-app integration is finalised. Please do not paste links. Asking for trouble.

      • +2

        Everytime I click shop now the app opens the CR web browser and just takes me to the CR homepage. I can't get it to work properly.

        • Same thing happens to me. iPhone X w/ latest iOS.

  • Is this app as tight as you TA?

    Looks solid - and a free $2 is always welcome!!

  • -2

    Doesn't work for me. Is the $2 added instantly after clicking shop now through a store?

    • +5

      The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as approved within 7 days of clicking 'Shop Now' in the App

      • So is there any confirmation that I'll get it. What's that mean about the tag being generated

        • Just like any cashrewards. You should get an email at time of "purchase"/click and it will probably be in pending on your account. If anything's wrong TA please correct :)

          • +2

            @pennypincher98: I see similar comments where people are wondering if it really worked being negged. After more than 30 minutes I also have no e-mail and no pending $2 after following the steps.

            It would have been clearer if it said:
            "The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as pending after x hour(s). The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as approved within 7 days of clicking 'Shop Now' from any store in the App. "

            Or "a confirmation e-mail will follow x hour(s) after completing the steps" or something that confirms you executed the steps.

            But I'll just wait a few hours to see if something changes.

          • @pennypincher98: Yes the q is whether you should receive any notification or sign that the $2 is even pending - for many users like myself, who have followed the instructions, no such email/pending acknowledgement has been made that $2 WILL be credited.

    • +1

      Could have at least read the OP that TA took time to put together..

      • +5

        Well I did read it, and it's not pending and I have no idea what generates a tag to credit your account means. So yeah it could of been written better.

        • Tag is just so CR can keep track of which account to pay the $2 to, not for you to worry about. Just follow the 3 steps above and you're good to go.

          • @m9: Cheers for the clarification m9

        • +1

          Im also confused. Have clicked through to a shop using 'shop now'. Not sure if there is meant to be a pop up saying theres $2 credit.

          • @Circly: I thought the same thing mate. Like a tag would pop up or something but apparently not.

        • +3

          ..could have been better written.

  • -4

    This will be the highest voted post in history…

    • +1

      I reckon this deal has probably been the quickest to the front page.

    • 400 in an hour, totally nuts!!

  • -4

    Hey TA, i click on shop now in several shop but i've never seen credit of 2$ any where any time

    • +3

      The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as approved within 7 days of clicking 'Shop Now' in the App

      Actually read the OP people please!

      • -3

        (3) Click 'Shop Now' from any store (generates a tag to credit your acct $2)

        Actually think before judging.

        TA should not have such description. Everyone will look for $2 when they click on Shop now. And that's where I said $2 no appear anywhere

  • +1

    So if i click ebay, all my purchases has to go through your cashrewards app? I am wondering if it can go through the ebay app instead next time?

    • At this stage, please stay within the app environment until app-to-app tracking is tested and released. Thank you.

  • Love your work guys

  • -2

    How can I sign in to the App using Facebook? Currently only gives me the option of Email login…

    • +6

      (2) Log in with your Cashrewards credentials (Facebook login disabled).

      Facebook login disabled.

      • Ah ok… So does that mean I can't use the App?

        • +5

          Facebook login is currently unavailable but will be included in an upcoming release in December.

  • +7

    Some 1★ star ratings in Google Play, must be from admins of ShopBack. :)

    • +4

      Well I haven't made a review but the app doesn't work for me. Whichever shop I click "show now" just leads me to the CR homepage website in the in-app browser - none actually take me to the stores page.

      • Probably be a good idea to provide more info for TA - Android or iPhone? Tried on another device?

      • Hi chriise. Loop issue has been resolved. Can you please test. Thanks!

        • +1

          working now - thanks!

        • +1

          Hey, were you running some kind of promo? I just won like $230 came from genuine cash rewards domain!

          • +1

            @Tomaus62: You must have won this! Well done! The team will be in touch :)

            • +2

              @tightarse: Wow! Thanks TR and the team! First time winning a lottery!

    • +1

      Or maybe just people having trouble with the app. There are a lot of them.

      • Loop issue should all be fixed now :)

  • +2

    Love the rewards balance/history screen!

    One minor UX suggestion… the greyed out buttons in the toolbar at the bottom feel like they're disabled rather than simply not in focus and it took me a while to realise I could tap them when greyed, so I'd suggest a different mechanism for indicating the in focus vs out of focus tab

    • I thought it was just me! I felt a bit dumb. Yeah I thought it was unclickable as well,change it so maybe it highlights and changes to a lighter colour instead of greying it out please.

      P.S. love your work TA!

  • +1

    On the walk through screen after logging into it would not go to the 4th dot slide.. ended up going 'back' and the login page still showed logging in then eventually loaded the main page. (Android)

  • Cheers TA!

  • +3

    It's like I made a virtual $40 purchase at Woolworths with 5% cashback!

    Thanks TA!

  • -1

    When is the $2 supposed to appear?

    I navigated to a shop but so not see any reference to the $2.


    • +2

      Reading the OP helps.

      • It says clears in 7 days, but when does it appear as pending…

        • +1

          The $2 bonus will appear in your Cashrewards account as approved within 7 days of clicking 'Shop Now' in the App.

          Says it all. Within 7 days of clicking shop now in the all you will see a $2 bonus showing as approved.

  • +2

    Looks nice TA - can I make a suggestion for the devs to add in support for the Android Autofill framework.

    Some apps, such as password managers, can fill out the views in other apps with data previously provided by the user. These apps that fill out other apps are called autofill services. The autofill framework manages the communication between an app and an autofill service.

    • I believe it already does; it prompted me to fill in the username/password from keepass.

      • +1

        hmmm. I'm using BitWarden and it dosn't appear to be working

      • Which KeePass app are you using? Android? I don't think I've ever seen KeePass pop up telling me it could fill my password in for me unless I actually set it as my default keyboard beforehand.

  • Mysterious AUD $10 / Ammount: AUD 0 reward transaction display https://ibb.co/jQpYh0

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