• expired

adidas Ultraboost 4.0 Core Black/White/Grey $150.00 ($130.00 with New Member Discount) @ Wiggle


Ultraboost 4.0's for $150 with $20 discount for new members - comes to $130 AUD total which is a pretty good price.

Free delivery over $80 spend as well.

Colour choices include:

Core Black

Combine with new member sign up for additional $20 off
Code - "NCVAU"

Credit to KayDat for the original $20 off code:

Don't forget 4% cashback from cashrewards as well.

Thanks Devil - 5.5% cashback from Shopback as well

Referral Links

Referral: random (10)

Referrer gets a voucher for 10% of referee's first order. Referee gets voucher for $18 off ($110 minimum spend).

Related Stores

Wiggle Australia
Wiggle Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    Thanks! Just grabbed a pair.

    BTW, Shopback gives 5.5% cashback.

    • How do I activate the 5.5% cashback?

  • Thanks planning on getting a pair! For some reason the black pair doesn't show UK size next to it in the sizes. Do we assume it's still UK sizes or US/AU?

  • Is this sizing in UK size?
    Edit: nvm has been answered ty.

  • Terrific deal. Awesome shoes. Tempted to buy another pair

  • +9

    ****** To All Ultra Boost lovers**********

    Please report zybhu for selling counterfeit items by going here and we can remove their products from being recommended in google shopping and make it easier for us to search for ultra boosts-


    • Who is Zhybu?
      I googled Ultra boost Zhybu and nothing shows up

    • +1

      Not sure why the down-votes? I'm trying to make it easier for people to buy/find the cheapest ultra boosts and I'm getting negged, only on ozbargain lol

      • +1

        Oh I see them, thanks! Yeah people on OzB are weird af with negs, ignore them.

  • I'm seeing $177.46 as base price… What did I do wrong?

    • I was seeing $156, refreshed the page and now it's showing $150. Strange.

      • +1

        Thanks for replying.

        I realised I had my VPN switched on.
        Although browsing in AUD the website had kindly changed the shipping destination to suit my VPN. Lol. All is now well :)

  • What's Wiggle's return policy like? Buyer pays for return shipping?

    • +1

      Yes, but you can get free return postage through PayPal if you have it enabled.

  • Perfect, was about to get a pair when this deal came out!

  • Are these AU based? 100% legit products and stuff? Noticed they've had ultra boosts pretty cheap in the past which is not a normal thing

    • +1

      The product ships from UK.

    • They're legit, I've purchased 4 pairs so far and they have great customer service.

    • Can vouch for them. Bought 2 pairs so far. 100% legit.

    • Definitely legit! They also have a 365 day returns policy which is nifty

      Currently ships from the UK but I think they have plans to bring that locally in the new year. Since they acquired Chain Reaction Cycles I think they are now the top online cycle and cycling equipment supplier globally

  • +1

    How do these compare to Adidas Ultraboost ST? Adidas is selling the ST's for the same $130 (50% off) and run repeat seems to suggest that ST's are better than basic Ultraboosts.
    Adidas Link - https://www.adidas.com.au/ultraboost-st-shoes/CQ2144.html

    • +5

      If you’re looking for a lifestyle shoe, ultra boost cannot be beaten, but it is not much of a running shoe (not that I run, but I’ve heard) I don’t know if the ST is better for running, but for daily comfort as a lifestyle sneaker the ultra boost is the way to go

      • +3

        It’s fine for running. Did a marathon on these and was pretty happy with my time.

        • +1

          Oh I agree with you that they’re good for marathon running, it’s just I’ve heard from a lot of runners they don’t like them too much because the boost is too soft and absorbs too much energy, hence why it’s not your normal running shoe, either way it’ll get the job done

    • +5

      ST is wider and has a little extra support with thicker Boost, with a firm rubber/silicone piece in midsole on the medial side.
      They also have extra eyelets for lace locking.

      If you are running or walking, I'd suggest the ST or one of the other Boosts. Supernovas are cheap as and I know a lot of runners who prefer them over the Ultraboost.

      For lifestyle, Ultraboost are probably the most comfortable. The new 4.0 fits tighter than 3.0, so if you go true to size you can wear laced or unlaced easily.

  • thanks OP!, ordered one

  • I heard the sizing runs big? Do I need to size down? So if i wear 42, need a 41 1/3 may be? Thanks

    • Nope. TTS or 0.5 size up.

    • +2

      Can confirm this, the primeknit is quite tight so half a size up would be great. My normal size is AUS 9.5, and UB 9.5 is slightly tight on my feets to the point that it becomes uncomfortable after a few hours.

    • sizing is true to size … i have around 8 pairs of UB in various flavors..

      • What why and how in the world do you need 8 pairs of UB ? Haha

    • Go TTS. The 4.0 is tighter than the 3.0, but the prime knit stretches slightly.

      If you like a lose fit you'll want to go half size up.

      I wear UK11 and I really like how the UK11 4.0s fit. I'm in mine all day.

    • generally with ultraboosts i tend to go tts or if i like a tiny bit of comfort i would go 0.5 size up!

  • Got these in red for $99 a few months back and they're great.

  • https://www.endclothing.com/au/adidas-ultra-boost-laceless-w…
    I bought this last Saturday deal $108. Can anyone tell which one better. It’s saying women but looks unisex that’s y I bought

    • +1

      They are def for refined ladies

      • Oh no 😒 maybe I have to return

        • +2

          LOL bought these for my dad, I better not tell him that he's got women ultraboost :P

        • Lol I was only kidding, they do look unisex, probably just sizing is for women

          • @kev98: Hehe ok. I prefer the model I ordered than this one

            • @georgev: I think 4.0 Ultraboost is a lot more comfortable than the laceless to be honest. I don't think I've seen core black Ultraboost any cheaper than $130 either. You should totally get these if you've got spare cash.

              • @Tekkky: @tekky it showing $250. Do price gone up?

                • @georgev: Oh sorry, I mean't the CORE BLACK\CORE BLACK

                  • +1

                    @Tekkky: Thanks bought one. I may return laceless if not comfortable

  • Are these actual running shoes or more everyday sneakers?

    • +1

      I'd say both but more suitable for everyday sneakers. If you're looking at running, i'd say Ultraboost ST is more suitable in my opinion.

      • Sweet I'm looking for some shoes to replace my Nike Roshe ones, sounds like these will do the job nicely!

        • +1

          Once you go boost, you can never go back.

        • I sold and gave away my Roshes after trying Boost.

          Only issue is the sole wear. The Continental rubber is soft and can disappear quickly.

          • @crainger: The continental sole is very thin, that's why they wear out quick, 500km on average

  • Can the referral code be stacked on with the new member code?

  • Amazing deal, thanks OP! That's 50% off RRP

  • Thanks OP bought!

  • Thanks. I have been waiting for this to be on sale for quite some time already. RRP $260 is too high. I've tried it in store and like the soft touch at the heel, hope it's good for the knee when running.

  • If I bought these as a Christmas present but then needed to change the size would that be possible or would it be too late since it's over a month away?

  • Thanks, OP! grabbed another pair :)

  • thanks op!

  • What is sizing like, I have slightly wide feet. Usually size 11 in Old SKools and stan smiths.

    • I'd recommend half size up.

    • Half size up, I wear same size in old Skool and Stan smiths, and wear 11.5 In 4.0

  • Great deal, thanks for posting :)

  • Interesting that Size 11US in Nike = Size 10UK, but Adidas sizing is Size 11US = 10.5UK.

    Size 11US in Nike fits me well, so I guess I should get 10.5UK in the Adidas'?

  • Hi guys, I am UK 8.5 in the normal NMD R1's (loose fit). What sizing should I go with these ultra boost in their website size? (I'm assuming their website is in UK?)

  • +1

    I'm usually a size US 9, so bought a pair of UB4 in size 9 and it's tight as fk, go half a size up to avoid the feeling of cutting blood circulation to your feet!! Ultraboost 4.0 are way tighter than the older Ultraboost shoes..

    • Damn I am also US9 so it might be too tight.

    • oh no I hope they fit well. My 3.0s are 9.5 and are pretty snug and I bought 2 pairs of the same size

      • 4.0 is thicker than 3.0 and people recommend to 0.5 size up. But you'll soon find out!

      • I prefer my UB 3.0s in terms of comfort, it's perfect and doesn't irritate me like the 4.0s do

  • Saying the price is $250 now what's the go

    • The core blacks are still $150. Different colours have different prices.

  • Thanks OP. Bought one

  • Thanks OP, I love ultraboost, they are the best shoes, I think they only go on specials half yearly, so it is a good time to pick a pair up :)

  • Which of the ultra boosts are best for every day use/walking? I think I like the look of the climas? I saw full black one with like a faint red or yellow which looked cool. Not s fan of these ones with split colours top/bottom

    • +1

      Late reply but Climas are the best for summer, they have a loose knit for more airflow. I have a pair of the Parley Climas and they are really comfy. Only issue @ RRP they are $300, so wait for a sale or use the 15% off at Adidas.

      If you want something all year go for the Ultraboost. The triple blacks are instock most places for $300, the triple whites are also and cheaper at $260.

      If you live where it's cold they also do the Ultra Boost ATR. I've put a lot of ks on mine. Hold up really well.

  • Thanks OP just bought a pair

  • I just noticed in the account page that the order is Cancelled. I'm trying to contact Wiggle, but this is disgusting.

    • Mine too, cancelled for no reason.

      • Mine just got through customs.

        • Mine cleared customs today

      • Out of stock I bet.

  • +1

    Received mine today. Thanks OP!

    Thanks to the posters who recommended going 1/2 a size up — a great tip!

  • These are still on discount right? Not sure how to tell if they're 4.0 or older though… I can see them going for $152

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