This was posted 6 years 4 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Xbox Game Pass 6 Months $32.85 (50% off) @ Microsoft

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The six month Xbox Game Pass subscription is now 50% off until January @ $32.85. Regular price was $65.70.

Can be stacked up to 3 years.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I don't see a such option, but it shows an option as below for one month

    AU$1.00 incl. GST
    save AU$9.95 • Sale ends on 3/01/2019

    • That's because you are not a subscriber yet. I am an existing subscriber and I see 6 months half price or one month for $10.95. It is a worldwide deal.

      If you paid $1 for the month, then you will see the six month deal.

      • +1

        Make sure you log in, and then when you choose 'Buy' the deal will show up. (hopefully)

        Lots of confusion over this on Reddit. Should be made clear when formally announced at the Xbox conference later this weekend.

    • +1

      Just so it gets seen; (posted below)

      Was announced during X018 a few minutes ago although sort of breezed over, can't find the deal anywhere since they announced it but did refer to it under the "Black Friday" deals so perhaps it won't be available generally until the 22/23 November for half price 12 month memberships to Game Pass. Did announce all the new titles coming though…. Can confirm it was around the 2hr 43m mark of the broadcast this monring in their cheesy Black Friday ad that the subscription offer was announced. Half Price for 1,3,6 & 12 month subscriptions.

  • +6

    Mine only has the option for 1 month at $10.95. I currently have Gamepass. How do i access the deal?

    • +1

      Not sure if it is working for me too. I got the first month for $1, then the subscription goes back up after a month.

    • +1

      same here i did a deeper dive into my subscription too see if it can be changed get and this message

      You've already got the best plan
      This subscription only offers one recurring billing plan and you're already on it

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat; does anyone have any suggestions for this?

    • +1

      If you are an existing subscriber, try turning off automatic billing here;

  • -3

    3 month passes are 1/2 price at woollies, might be able To stack with rewards or something.

    • +4

      I thought that was only gold, not game pass? (I only saw a deal posted for gold, didn't see a game pass deal posted)

    • +7

      I think the Woolworths deal is Xbox Live, not Game Pass

  • +1

    Not too bad for those who missed out on this deal:

    appears to have expired now. Managed to get 12 months for $40.

  • +1

    Only shows $10.95 for me.

  • +1

    AU$10.95 incl. GST

  • +2

    Worked for me cheers. Totally worth it for playing random games time to time.

    • +3

      I love Gamepass. I'm always playing at least one game on there. I'm not a huge Xbox player though so I have 3 generations of Xbox games to catch up on plus the third party stuff. Just finished Gears of War 3 in 4K. Amazing game!

  • +1

    Cheers. Now my game pass expires in August 2019. Good timing for the two forza horizon expansion packs

    • Are the expansion packs confirmed to be free?

      • No I bought the ultimate add on pack

  • +3

    Got 3 years supscription for only $197.10. Well worth the price considering how many new games will come to it over the span of the next 3 years.

    • Can you tell us how did you get it? Via website or console? I couldn't find 6 months option from Xbox au website

      • +1

        I just went to the website and it was one of the listed options. I was a previous gamespass subscriber but it was no longer active.

        • thanks! I'm current 1 year user and have only a one month option

    • +1

      Can you tell me how you purchased 3 years worth? Did you grab a 6 month pass, and then repeat another 5 times, or was there a way to purchase 6x in the one transaction? Thanks in Advance!

      • +1

        Just buy it multiple times. If you can't see the 6 mth half price after the first purchase, try tune off the auto billing of the game pass subscription. then you will be able to but it again.

  • +2

    i am an existing xbox pass sub and don't see the option, only gets $10.95
    perhaps it is targetted

    • +2

      Me too. No option for six months. only one month option available.

    • Same here :(

  • +1

    No option for me as an current subscriber. Only 1 month.

    • I only saw the 1 month offer this morning, (on PC) but I refreshed the page and the deal showed up.

      • +1

        Tried PC, phone and tablet. Tried logged in and logged out. Nothing shows the offer. Annoying.

  • I was already subbed until October 2020 'Paid with prepaid Card'. (via Microsoft Rewards)

    I just bought 2x Six Months Game Pass subs with this deal and now it says I will be charged $65.70 every six months and the next charge will be on the 20/10/2021.

    I just turned off the recurring billing here;

    Now it just says my sub expires on the 19/10/2021.

    I can still see the half price offer, but I can't stack it any further.

  • +2

    I can't see the 6 month deal either. Dammit :(

    • +2

      Tried switching off recurring billing as suggested above. Still doesn't appear for me.

  • +2

    Mine initially showed 14 day or 1 month , but I chose to BUY and then when I logged in it showed a 6 month option.. This was on the PC..

    ALSO don't forget to CANCEL the subscription ,otherwise you will get the regular 6 month subscription price when it expires.

    NOTE ** Sale ends on 3/01/2019

  • +1

    Doesn't work for me either.

  • +2

    I got it. My sub was due to expire this month.

  • +6

    Didn't work for me. Selected 'buy' as people suggested and accidentally just paid full price for another month.

  • +3

    It was only showing the 1 month for $1 earlier for me. I had another look and the 6 month for $32 was now there. I only grabbed 2 years worth for now. Thanks!

  • +1

    Worked for me. Thankyou OP.

  • It says I’m going to get charged 239,00 in 2020. I have no idea what currency I signed up with. I wonder if recurring payments will bypass their new countermeasures.

    • Do you use a VPN? That sounds like Argentinian currency. That's about $10AUD.

      • Yeah I used VPN at the time. Argentina sounds about right. The bulk of my subscription came from Best Buy Canada and Amazon US.

      • Is there any risk with that?

        $ 417,00 in Argentinian Pesos is about AUD 16.30 for 6 months

        • +1

          A few months ago, M$ implemented a BIN check so that you must pay with a local credit card or gift card.

  • +6

    (Just posted this on Reddit aswell) Was announced during X018 a few minutes ago although sort of breezed over, can't find the deal anywhere since they announced it but did refer to it under the "Black Friday" deals so perhaps it won't be available generally until the 22/23 November for half price 12 month memberships to Game Pass. Did announce all the new titles coming though…. Can confirm it was around the 2hr 43m mark of the broadcast this monring in their cheesy Black Friday ad that the subscription offer was announced.

  • +5

    I turned off reoccurring billing on the day of purchase like suggested.
    Last night I logged into my Xbox after 4-5 days, and I had the option of buying six months at half price. So it's paid up until 2021.

    • +2

      I came here to mention the same thing. It's now working for me too

    • Did you use xbox console or PC or mobile to buy it?

    • +2

      Just gave it another try. Yes! this time the 6 months 50% off deal came out in my xbxo account ( via mobile login). I switched off auto renew about a week ago. It could be the. reason if you couldn't see the 6 month subscription so turn off the auto billing.

    • +1

      Came back to this post just to say the same thing. Got 2 years worth of subscription on PC :)


  • +2

    Currently a member and it does show up for me. Thanks OP

  • +2

    Likewise, subbed till 2021 now. Spoke to their helpdesk last night and apparently if you have a current subscription but have cancelled recurring billing you can access the offer.

  • Did anyone screen shot it? They are asking for a screenshot on MS chat in order to get the deal.


    • Refused to honour it on chat because they said this deal doesn't exist. Just came up for me so all good.

  • So I really want to play Ashen on PC. As far as I understand it, Ashen will be a "play anywhere title" for Xbox and windows soon. If I pick up the game pass once ashen becomes available, will I be able to download Ashen to my PC through the windows store linked to my Xbox live account and play Ashen as long as I have an active Game pass subscription? Or, are these titles only available this month and I need to add these titles to a cart and checkout like PlayStation plus or something? $40 USD seems a bit steep on the epic store for me so this is the cheapest way?

    • +4

      Unfortunately this is the single downside of a Game Pass subscription in its current form which is no one (perhaps not even Microsoft themselves) are certain how long titles will stay on the service as it is a constantly revolving catalogue of free to play with your subscription titles but majority of them stay on there for a good few months at least with only a handful (usually around 5 or so) leaving at the end of each month with a “Leaving Soon” category on the Game Pass page popping up half way through each month with the expiring titles giving you a couple of weeks notice to check them out/complete them.

      It is a bit vague currently but from what I understand, all first party titles which are currently on there - Forza Horizon 4, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 etc. as well as all upcoming first party titles like Crackdown 3, Gears 5, Ori and the Will of the Wisps etc. will be on there forever.

      If this is true that is incredible and in my opinion reason enough alone to justify a subscription and this is absolutely how the Microsoft executives have made it sound in recent conferences and interviews.

      I have been a subscriber since day one due to the insane value and can see titles that are still on there from what seems like the beginning but have also seen a few (Fallout 4 comes to mind) that only stayed on the service for a short time, a month or two from memory.

      As far as your play anywhere question, there is a list of all the titles you can play for free on PC with a Game Pass sub here:

      Unfortunately, Ashen isn’t on the list so you will only be able to play it on Xbox One through Game Pass unless they add it later.

      The TL;DR on your question about if Ashen will only be available for this month is every title has an unknown expiry date except Microsoft first party titles which will be permanently part of the catalogue (at least this is my understanding from what Phil Spencer and others from Microsoft have said in conferences and interviews this year) BUT you can be pretty sure Ashen will stay for at least a few months as the vast majority of titles do.

      The TL;DR on Game Pass in general is if you are at least a fairly regular Xbox One, or even PC gamer as there are currently 15 titles that are play anywhere with almost certainly more coming in the future, at this price (thank you so much BTW OP) it is unfathomable value that seems way too good to be true and an absolute no brainer.

      Get it.


      • Thank you for your lengthy and insightful comment. Will definitely pick up game pass in the near future.

  • When does this promotion end?

  • So, far I don’t get the option for the lower price. I have turned off recurring.

    • It took me less than a week after turning it off, even with my subscription paid up for over a year

  • So I just signed up for 1 month for 1 dollar … and turned off recurring billing ?
    Anyway to cheese it to allow me to take advantage of the deal quicker than a day or so ?

  • +1

    This worked for me by disabling the auto renew and checking about 5 days later. Thanks heaps mate, well played!

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