This was posted 6 years 3 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired
  • targeted

Lifetime Plex Pass for US $74.99 (~AU $99.99)


Found in my emails this morning.

We’re going old school with a throwback to the original lifetime Plex Pass pricing. Thank you for all of your support!

This exclusive discount on a lifetime Plex Pass is available now through 11:59 PM PT on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. This code is for your account only and can be used once. As a reminder, a Plex Pass gives you access to all premium Plex features, like Live TV & DVR, Mobile Sync, Movie Trailers & Extras, Premium audio features, and many more.

I'm presuming it's targetted, but its the first time I've had such an email from them. Clicked through and the price changed to $99.99 for the lifetime, supposedly 37% off.

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closed Comments

  • Wish I could purchase this but Aussie internet is too shit for me to even stream 144p from my home.

    • +2
    • My internet is shocking as well (sat around 0.5-2mbps this week), but plex still owrks okay. I have the app on my TV, laptops and son's Xbox, and it runs fine.

      • +1

        Well yeah, running it locally won't be impacted by internet speeds. I'm talking about streaming my content outside of home though. I still use it for local streaming on my TV but no point buying a pass for that.

    • If someone has a spare, would definitely appreciate it in prep for the NBN :)

  • -6

    This is not a bargain.

    This goes out to 0.001% of users every few months based on a specific criteria that nobody really knows for sure.

    Plex users literally have it for years and never get this promotion.

    • +13

      Not really sure why it's not a bargain, just because you weren't targetted? It's the same as people putting up the price of the headphones that was only available through the Good Guys Conceirge service, which would rule out a lot of people (including me!) I've never had the link before today, but it's still a bargain.

      • -2

        Its completely different.

        I already have Plex Pass via an offer like this.

        The majority of users will never get this offer.

        1. You can sign up to good guys concierge

        2. Posting a deal when you get the plex pass offer doesn't help anyone.

        When someone is lucky enough to get the offer, they will get an email.

        This bargain doesn't give any real benefit to other users.

        In other words, tell me how this benefits anyone? They won't have an email. You might find someone will get one in 6 months, how is that helpful now?

        • +2

          I can see that we're not going to agree on this.

          • @never waz: Thats fine, but I'm really curious how you think this benefits other ozbargainers?

            Yes it does tell everyone that a discount on plex pass exists. But so does a competition to win a $100 gift card exists. You were just lucky enough to win.

            But it doesn't help other users get the offer.

            This belongs in the forums or even under "competitions"

    • I've been a lifetime Plex member since the beginning and have never received an email like this. Is this only targeted towards non paying members?

      • No, but some people think that if you pay and then stop paying, you have a slightly increased chance of getting the deal, thats how I got it.

        Still doesn't change the fact that people do this and wait 5 years, and get nothing.

        • You only pay once to be a Plex lifetime member. You don't have to keep paying for it.

      • +4

        You're a lifetime plex member? They literally don't need to send you a promotional price for the pass. Not sure why you'd be emailed a sign up offer?

    • You right there. I have had a Plex Pass subscription for about 4 years now… The price of loyalty… nil
      Heaven only knows how, who & where to target? Maybe if I keep paying my subs for my lifetime, that they will support others who are lucky enough to receive an offer after a few months. Go figure.

      • Its definitely not fair how they do it.

        I paid for a month then stopped paying, after a few years I finally got the offer…

  • These codes only works for respective account so you need to get email for the code to work on your plex account.

    • no they dont. family friend got the offer in their email and forwarded to me to use!

      • -3

        No, foamyknuckle is correct.

        Either you got the deal a long time ago, or you are misinformed.

        "This code is for your account only and can be used once."

        And the entire plex forums will agree with that fact.

        • yeah the email i got forwarded says that but the code worked for me

      • +3


        Guys on Whirlpool give theirs away all the time - that's how I got my lifetime Plex Pass :)…

        • +4

          thanks bud. i love it when people with zero experience like to try prove your experience wrong.

        • Anyone want to give away their code? Happily take it up if you're not going to use it.

  • +3

    I can only dream that the Aussie dollar buys 75c US!

  • +1

    Our website is available in English (Australia), would you like to switch to that? Yes No

    Guess Aussie is a different language to all other English countries

    • I laughed at that too!

    • Instead of realize, it could be realise lol

    • +1

      No. It in not just based on Aussie English but other metrics such as date formats (dd/mm/yy) et al.

  • -2

    How does this help anyone other than yourself? You got an email from Plex saying YOU got an offer. I didn't get an email like that and it's likely that 99.9% of Plex users didn't either. This is not a bargain.

    • -1

      yes but if you post it on ozbargain you get bragging rights.

    • Well it appears the last umpteen times this deal has been posted people disagreed. I guess any targetted deal shoul not be allowed then because not everyone can get it.

      personally i would rather see this than a Zapals save 50c off a $2 piece of junk.

    • Like others have stated and linked to entire Whirlpool threads stating otherwise, no it's not.

  • -3

    This code is for your account only and can be used once.


    • Like others have stated and linked to entire Whirlpool threads stating otherwise, no it's not.

  • Hey @op - have you used it / or are you going to use it?

    • -4

      "This code is for your account only and can be used once."

      • -1

        Like others have stated and linked to entire Whirlpool threads stating otherwise, no it's not.

    • Sorry but i used the code, as i thought it was a bargain, but others disagree.

  • Realised I had signed up for Plex and forgotten about it. Logged in and the lifetime is $150 AUD.

    • Unless you win the plex lotto, thats normal.

      • ahh so its normal pricing for $150 on a lifetime licence?

        • I believe normal price is $160 AUD

  • It made me check if I had been sent one, turns out I have been sent 3 this year and all have expired.


  • -2

    What is plex?

    • You can put all of your "legally" acquired media into a netflix type system that you host yourself.

  • +8

    Weird Plex but ok..

  • -1

    Like others posted, extremely targeted, only works for the one user who posted this so not really a deal. Still $159 AUD for me if I click through

    May as well post you won $100 on a scratchy and post the details of THAT scratchy card telling people they could win $100 too…

    • Like others have stated and linked to entire Whirlpool threads stating otherwise, no it's not.

  • I get 1-2 of these a year. Make multiple accounts if you want a better chance of getting one.

  • I use Plex every day, mainly for shows that I dl for the kids, and I'm not exactly sure what a Plex Pass does that the normal version doesn't? I know you can download the files onto your tablet for offline viewing, but can't you do that already by manually transferring the files from your hard drive to your tablet via PC before you go on a big trip anyway? Is it just a bit of a time saver? I'm just wondering what the extra cost DOES. As for movie trailers, isn't there YouTube?

    • -1

      You are correct, it doesn't do much.

      • For a person who claims to have paid for the lifetime pass, you've done nothing but bag the whole plex system throughout the thread

        • -1

          Correct, so what?

          Plex has its problems, but its the best available.

          • +1

            @samfisher5986: I bought it and love the fact that it's given me all the apps, live tv streaming + recording (we have a dual tuner in ours), given my whole family premium android app features, upgrades before others and the automatic tagging for photos (which is amazing when I forget about doing it myself).

            Honestly, if you are doing it for a full family I personally believe it's worth it for this price (that's what I paid for it before it went up).

    • +2

      It supports the developers who have put countless hours into the product that you use "every day".

      • Yes, but I have already paid the initial fee to put it on my devices, so it's not like they have gotten nothing from me at all. I believe it was a $5 or $6 initial fee which is required by everyone to use the "free" version.

        • Thats only for phones. You can use the web browser to bypass it, or even a modified apk but thats not very legit.

          For all devices you use at home, its free.

    • +4

      A few things I use plexpass for:
      - hardware transcoding. uses the GPU in my nas to do any transcoding - dramatic speed increase and equally dramatic cpu utilization decrease
      - the simple syncing of media to the tablets in the house. this will transcode your media down and save a crap load of space (especially if all your media is 1080p like mine and your tablets have little space like mine). hardware transcoding helps speed this up a tonne too.
      - live tv/dvr - we use this to record / stream livetv.

      not sure what the other features really offer but these were worth it for us

      • It definitely has its uses, its interesting because I use it the exact opposite.

        CPU is powerful enough for transcoding, but I get my users to direct play where possible.

        Syncing not needed, everyone uses their giant 4G phone plans to stream on their phone.

        Live TV/DVR, if anyone is worth having on FTA, I download it.

        But everyone has their own uses.

        I'm sure someone even uses all the annoying new features like Podcasts and Webshows…

        • i had a powerful cpu but to save energy, i downgraded to a 10W TDP CPU with h265 encoding.

          syncing not needed? for my frequent work trips, its nice to tap a few movies/tv shows on the tablet the night before and have them transcoded/downloaded onto the tablet for the flight.

          we download a lot but for the kids shows, news and any australian made TV - its nice to see it when it's on or pause/rewind live tv.

          if you dont need these few features, you'd have to be stupid to purchase the plex pass. does no one research before hand? i had purchased a month here or there to test various features and when they were solid enough and the voucher was offered, i jumped on it.

          • @jztilly: I'm curious? which CPU is that? How many 1080p streams can you transcode? 10W is very low.

            Why can't you transfer the movies to your tablet? Its faster and better quality.

            I purchased Plex Pass mostly because its lifetime and you never know what you might need it for in the future with the way their company is going.

            The movie extras, stream quality limits and a few other features are nice too.

            • @samfisher5986:… i've only tested 4x 1080p streams as i dont see us going over that. no idea what the limit is.

              my travel tablet (ipad mini 4) only has 16gb of storage. so all the 1080p media takes up way too much room - plus i have to muck around to get the media from the nas to a computer, then from the computer to the ipad. whereas the syncing - one touch transcoding and copied.

              yeah fair enough - never seen the movie extras.

              • @jztilly: Thats very impressive.

                I just realised I can't go down that route because I have usenet, security cameras and other bits and pieces that need raw CPU power.

                I should probably enable GPU encoding to save some power though, I'll have to check what the latest quality differences are as they used to be so bad when using nvidia equipment, I think Intel is quite good from what I read.

    • Allows you to stream media from your home network to your Plex device anywhere in the world.

    • Additionally to what others have said, we use the plex family. It means i can create accounts for the kids and restrict what they can see by ratings and/or folders. They can than keep track of the shows they are watching and it does not get plastered all over your recently watched.
      A new feature which is very good is automatic subtitle downloading. If the file does not have subs but you need them Plex will search and find the correct subtitle file.
      Also gives you access to extra files associated with your media like behind the scenes footage, interviews and trailers.

  • +3

    I’ve got one. Upvote from me 😁

  • +1

    Just a heads up for Plex newbies, it has gone downhill recently due to its focus of moving away from been a really good media server to trying to be some sort of integrated client for internet media streaming, podcasts anyone? If that's what you like, fine, but Plex Pass as it is now just means you a Beta, and in some cases Alpha tester. Check the forums, if you can manage to navigate that truly awful piece of sh*t :)

    • Its a real shame they've shifted from user hosted media to other stuff like cloud, Live TV, Podcasts, Webshows etc.

      • What would you recommend instead of Plex that focuses on user hosted media and has a good UI like Plex?

        • Plex is best overall.

          Emby is quite good but not the polished family friendly experience that you might want.

          We just have to take what Plex gives us.

          • @samfisher5986: That's annoying. Looks like I'll need to hope someone sends me a code :/ I got excited because I got an email from them and realised it was the newsletter…

    • The self-hosted media service is pretty mature. I think it is a good thing to integrate other types of content so that I don't need switch between different interfaces when watching live TV or listening to streamed content such as podcasts (I don't watch web shows so have disabled them). Perhaps the issue is that they turned these new features on by default rather than simply promoting them in the email newsletters, empowering users to choose rather than suddenly messing with their interfaces. As long as they don't start packaging it with sponsored bloatware, I am happy with the new capabilities of the software.

  • Anyone have a code they could share? Please!

    The only reason I need plex pass is for the gpu acceleration for rendering :( expensive feature…

  • Was hoping to get one of these codes but no luck for a year after joining. Then 3 days ago, I realized i wasn't subscribed to their newsletters and promos so I went ahead and did that. I got the lifetime promo the very next day :S

  • anyone that have a spare or not using it can share them to me?

  • Great deal. Great service.

  • -3

    II don't understand how plex aren't getting railed by the DMCA, certainly don't see how its primary purpose isn't to facilitate copyright infringement.

    • -3

      Yeah, down vote me with no comment, totally put me in my place, show me who's boss, I'll certainly think twice, you've absolutely given me cause to pause and rethink my world view !

    • I didn't downvote you - but how does it facilitate copyright?

      • The default settings are for recognising pirated material from the internet using thetvdb and themoviedb.

        You can't rip your own blurays, but even if you did that wouldn't matter.


        Because the primary use of Plex is to distribute that copyrighted material to your friends.

        This is the most illegal part of it, and plex is built to do that out of the box.

        But I think most people including myself don't really care about the legality of it.

    • You are correct, which is why all literally all the features they've added for a long time have been for legit ways to use plex.

      Podcasts, Live TV, Web Shows…

  • My code if someone wants to try it: PAVPLXS4

    • Thanks, Shows the discount but can't checkout with it.

      • Actually after trying your code, a few hours later I received my own code.

        So, it might be worth trying someone else's code as above to get your own.

  • I wasn't targeted. Can anyone help me out? ta.

  • Even at ~%50 off I still don't find it worthwhile over the free.

    If anyone wants my code then go for it, lemme know if ya lucky.


    • Tried your code, website said "This promo/gift code is invalid or expired" :(

  • Just got mine :D….

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