This was posted 6 years 3 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch, Pre-Order] Super Mario Party + Joy-Con Controller Bundle - $129.35 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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With the 8% cashback from Cash Rewards makes this the cheapest bundle I've seen.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +10

    Bit dirty that this came out after the release. Thinking of returning my game to Amazon so I can re-purchase this bundle.

    • Have initiated a return from Amazon for the game (note - today is the last day that this can be done if you got it on release day/preordered), and re-purchased this.

      You've got 30 days to send back the refund, so there you don't need to have any downtime between the new pack arriving.

      • +1

        Eh I know they are a massive multimillion $ company, but it just seems wrong returning 2nd hand used goods for a full refund just because you found a better deal later. That's just my opinion. We all end up paying for in the end, nothing is free as they say.

        • +3

          They're going to get the brand new copy back once I split it from the new game.

          It's also a bit of a case of screw Nintendo - we're not talking months and months before a new bundle came out, this is literally something that should have been out day 1.

          Another point is that Amazon use their return policy as a point of difference, and a reason I should use them above their competitors. They've built this sort of stuff into their costs. They've buggered me up a few times missing "guaranteed" delivery dates - why should I not get one up every now and then too.

  • +4

    Heck yeah, was hoping there'd be a deal on this. Considering the cheapest a pair of joy-cons ever gets is about $99, this is a pretty good deal.

    • $72. But not in a while, EB currently $36 right hand side only

  • +23

    If anybody wants, Ive got 7 of those amazon $20 vouchers from maccas monopoly

    • I'd love one if you're giving them away please

    • ooh, can i grab one please?!

    • i wouldn't mind one as well please, cheers

    • Can I please also get one? :)

    • Mee too please, Thanks!

    • If there's any left I'd love one too? :)

    • me too thanks

    • Dang it, i just put my order through! But could use a voucher for my Smash Bro order :)

    • Yes please

    • Pretty please!

    • I would like one of them please pretty please.

    • Thank you @ireadtermsofuse

      Code received and used.

    • @ireadtermsofuse can I has one too please?

    • Can I have one voucher please?

    • +9

      Didn’t expect to be that popular. Im only going to pick random ones so everybody has a in for a chance

      • Would really love one please, thanks for giving them away.

      • Would love one, really nice of you

      • Put me in the lottery too please.

      • +2

        You didn't expect $20 for free to be popular? :)

      • Throw me in the lottery please, thanks ireadtermsofuse!

      • +1

        I would love one please! :)

      • thanks for offering the coupons! have they all been given out already?

      • probs all gone but me too pretty please? :D?

    • Love that you share :)

    • Any left? haha I have some humble bundle games I am not using!

    • OOOH yesss please!

    • Would love one too please, if you have any more spare! Cheers :)

    • Can I have one too please?

    • me too pleaseee!

    • Me Me! Thanks heaps!

    • I'd like to enter for a chance as well, thank you.

    • I don't want one just wanted to jump on the bandwagon

    • Yes please

    • Would love a code! Good on you for sharing, too.

    • please !!!!! I am a broke ass uni student!

      • +2

        Then a switch isn’t for you 😜

        • hahahha :P good one - I would really appreciate a code if you have left :)

    • May as well ask to be chucked into the mix. Thanks for being generous!

    • I would like one too please!. (replying again in case my other comment was missed) :)

    • Would like a chance too please!

    • Would love one please :)

    • Put in in for your lottery of generosity too! Thanks iread :)

    • Can I have one too =D

    • If there's any left I'd love to have one if possible :-) thanks!

  • +5

    Hold on everybody. Have to sort through my emails

    • legend!

      • If you still have one plz :)

    • Hey mate, if you still have some, please put me in your draw too. I'll trade you a couple of Unidays codes for Catch if you like :)

  • -1

    Hi can please get one as i just purchased a switch and need more controllers thanks

  • -6

    Can anyone give a one paragraph summary of the Switch? Apart from these additional joy-cons, what's their target market and basic offering compared to a PS or Xbox?

    /end lazy non-googling mode/

    • +2

      Some multiplayer games like Mario Kart can be played multiplayer straight out of the box. Each player uses one JoyCon each and its split screen.

      I’m assuming that’s the same with Mario party

      • +1

        Assuming all switches come with two controllers, are there enough games to justify buying four controllers?

        • +2

          Yes. The switch comes with two joy cons.

          If you were to buy 4 controllers, its better playing it on the tv than portable. However, I recommend 2 switches if you were to play 4 players. 2 person per screen. You can wirelessly link them up to vs each other

          I’m not too familiar with game titles as I only purchased the switch for a particular reason

          • +2

            @ireadtermsofuse: Thanks for the info. It still leaves me struggling to understand why there is such a strong market for extra controller/game packs since in your recommended config, you'd have to buy an extra switch (with included controllers) for the four players.

            I think I've reached that age where technology officially confuses me. I am my dad…

            • @UncleRico: Me neither. I’ve only bought the yellow pair because I like the colour and am the only one who can use that one. I guess everyone has their reasons why the extra purchases.

            • @UncleRico: You can play 4 players on one switch just fine if your hooked up to a tv. With Mario Party it is 1 controller per player, so you only need another set of controllers if you wanted to play 4 player

            • @UncleRico: More controllers mean more people can play on the same switch at the same time (up to 8 depending on the game). Not everyone has a Switch and readily have one on them.

            • +1

              @UncleRico: Mario party can be played by 4 players. 1 joy cons each. It doesn't support other controllers so you need 4 (2 pairs) to play max number of players.

              Reason why I got 4 joy cons is to play with casual friends with games like Bomberman, Mario kart, mario tennis (swing mode), Overcooked (when we are not getting 3 stars). A joy con is just a lot less intimidating for casuals compared to a pro controller.

              But when I'm playing seriously, it will be a pair of joycons for P1, pro controller for P2 and 2 GameCube controllers for P3 and P4.

              Tl;dr joy cons are great especially for casuals and if you love couch co op because it's simple. Motion controls and slightly less buttons.

              If you play handheld mode, you need a pair of joy cons to play

              If you play docked mode, and don't play couch co-op with casual friends, you don't need joy cons

              • +1

                @azngamer: Thanks all for the further information.

                It has belatedly dawned on me that what I presumed was a second pair of controllers is actually just a 2nd controller is many game configurations where a left and right joy con are used per user.

                • -1

                  @UncleRico: also- have you not met cashed up gamers? "exact same controller in a slightly different shade to these other 7? BUY BUY BUY"

              • +2

                @azngamer: There's a 3rd party dongle for like $20 that allows PS4 controls

                • @Nalar: Can you please recommend the best dongle in your opinion?

                  • @tms846: 8bitdo was around $12 weeks ago but some games are only joy con compatible.

            • @UncleRico: I have 3 pairs of joy-cons in total.
              The original grey ones that came with the system. I never take these off.
              A pair of yellow ones.
              A pair of Splatoon ones (green and pink).
              These last two pairs are used when playing on the TV, and when not in use sit in my Joy-con charging stand.
              It’s arguably one pair too many.

    • +1

      Nintendo classics games. couch games

    • +6

      Switch is a portable gaming console.

      - Solid, portable gaming in a hand held device capable of running AAA games
      - Great Nintendo Exclusives (If they’re your type of game)
      - Large selection of Indie games. Lots of meh but also some of my favourites like Bastion, Celeste, Overcooked
      - Considerably better local multiplayer experience vs PS4/Xbox
      - tend to have more Family friendly games

      - reasonably expensive for base console
      - Battery life is short compared to 3DS/phone
      - Doesn’t have the grunt to push really graphically intense games, even in docked mode. (Docked mode overclocks CPU to deliver 1080 vs 720 on the console)

      Target demo:
      - Casual gamers
      - Families
      - Gaming on the go
      - Local multiplayer lovers
      - For the great Nintendo Exclusives

      • -2

        Outstanding summary. If I was sitting on a stack of McDonalds $20 vouchers for Amazon, I'd send the first one to you!

        I'm not - but your efforts are greatly appreciated…

        • Wow. Seems I've offended some angry nerds. Apologies to anyone who was perturbed by my question or gratitude to williewu and felt the need to downvote.

      • Good summary though I would suggest that the switch is somewhat suitable for hardcore gamers too. Nothing better than playing a few hours on the train, few hours docked, then even more hours in bed

        • Few hours on the train? Thats quite alot of commuting

        • I should mentioned I define casual as non-PC master race - it doesn't run any major E-sports titles in a competitive setting and you can't go ham on mods or FPS easily.

          • +1

            @Hardstuck Silver 2: I don't know about that, Smash bros is really big as a competitive game. Only reason I bought a switch.

      • +1

        Just a minor correction, it actually underclocks when portable mode, not overclocks when docked. The reason it underclocks is purely for battery conservation, because as you mentioned it has a short battery life compared to the 3DS and phones.

      • -2

        Apparently Huawei believes their Mate 20X with the gamepad adapter is better than Nintendo Switch. In their dreams! F#$kin fix their Green Tint issues on Mate 20 Pro before talking rubbish on battery life and gaming "Superior" over the Switch.

        The guy's English was really bad on stage as well.

        There's nothing on Android store compares to the real portable console gaming. F$%kin n00bs including the CEO. Big talks no real substance. QC/QA issue worldwide with green tint on its $1500 RRP Flagship Mate 20 PRO phone….I LOL'ed

      • These are the real pros and cons

  • This is a really good deal but i heard Mario Party itself is a bit of a let down.

    • +1

      They need to release some extra boards, and allow for some customisation of gameplay like in previous games. It's kinda Mario Party Lite at the moment. Still fun, still breaks friendships

      • So if one was to gather 3 mates for a single nights Mario Party games it'd be fine, but an ongoing fortnightly game would fall flat pretty quickly?

        • +1


          4 boards in total (~1hr each)

          A co op boat paddling thing with multiple path (~3 hours total)

          A bunch of rhythm based minigames (~1hour)

          I can't remember the rest, but you are looking at around 10 hours. They get boring fast imo with the same group of people so personally, I won't repeat them again unless it's with a different group of friends

          • +1

            @azngamer: very let down by the game. Really needs more content and ability to skip some animations

  • Finally a good use for my $20 Amazon voucher!
    Will come to ~$99 with Cashrewards + voucher, nice!
    Curious as to why it's a pre-order though.

  • +9

    thanks bought. now I just have to buy a nintendo switch console to go with it.

    • Lol, I’m on the same boat :o

  • Does this include a physical copy of the game just like you would buy in store?

    • +1

      Seems like game cartridge + 2 joy cons (a pair) and 2 straps

  • If anyone doesn't want the joy-cons or wants grey ones, I'd be down for a swap or would love to work something out. Based in VIC

  • -4

    Meh. The game isn't great. Maybe small kids might like it.

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