$6.52 after 12.5% Cashrewards
Mod Note: Updated Cashback Price to reflect cashback before GST.
$6.52 after 12.5% Cashrewards
Mod Note: Updated Cashback Price to reflect cashback before GST.
I would assume so, since individual bottles don't have Barcode.
They still have same markings as local stock. No way to tell the difference as far as I can see.
One could argue the state/territory of purchase is the billing address, as such you could technically return them legally. Doubt Amazon pays the 10c like local stores do though…
If you don't care about the legalities or moralities, I don't believe there's any way for them to tell at all.
This is a good price, was at woolies in QLD yesterday the prices are @ $12 now - due to the new carton tax (albeit you would get $2.4 back if you took the bottles to a recycling plant).
Almost as healthy as tap water, but much worse for the environment.
I would throw plastic bottles water into the ocean if it meant I didn't have to drink tap water.
It's just water mate, just drink it lol
It's just still water mate
pour into your Voss bottles and maintain your cool levels
if you don't want to get bald too early then drink bottled water
If you want dental issues, drink bottled water.
If you don't want dental issues, brush your teeth.
Won't do much against acidity :-( But good luck to you.
Thanks OP. Ill personally await the $5 Woolies/Coles specials they run from time to time.
Bottled water has no GST, I think the price after cashrewards is less than the guy who amended my price…. :p
That is a low price, but I thought we had moved on from bottled water.
Out of interest, I assume that these are excluded from the container deposit refund schemes in SA and NSW?