• expired

[WA] 6.5 kW Family Solar - $3280 Fully Installed after STC Rebate @ E-Solar


20 x 325 W Trina Solar Tier 1 Panels (25 years Warranty)
5KW Goodwe Inverter - WiFi - "Battery ready" - 10 years Warranty
Fully installed (5 years Warranty on installation)

$3,280 - (Single phase meter, single storey in Perth Metro area)

Other brands of panels and inverters available on request. ABB add $600 Fronius add $800.

Anybody can sell… will they keep your system running and your electricity bills down?

This is why e-Solar supply only established brands from reputable manufacturers with proven record, not to mention experienced installers.

It takes few hours to install these systems professionally, but much less for cheaper hurried job with leaks when the rains come (this is probably why we might be slightly more expensive sometimes).

We are usually quite competitive …apples for apples and beyond, always trying our best to meet clients expectations.

Any time you call there is a person answering the phone addressing any questions or clarifications you might have, not to mention prompt technical support.

e-Solar has been involved exclusively in Solar and Renewable Energy in Europe, Africa, Middle East for over 30 years, in Australia since 2003.

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closed Comments

  • +4


    • -7

      Talk is cheap….

      • You have demonstrated that here in abundance…

        • -1

          I rather have our past clients say that ….Your contribution so far…just empty statements. However so long as you are happy please go on

          • @e-Solar:

            Your contribution so far…just empty statements.

            Perhaps you should read the deal posting rules, to better understand my comment.

      • Sometimes, SPAM is cheaper, proved by this brand new photo. So you are providing no discount whatsoever for your fellow OzBargain Members? Have I got that right?

        • We are providing a discount… Obviously not as big as some expect. Unfortunately margins in our industry are what they are and this offer is quite discounted if you consider the brand and size of the panels. Besides we could not repeat the last offer for $2999 as per OzBargain rules

          • @e-Solar:

            We are providing a discount…

            Neither your title nor your description mention a discount.

            • @PJC: If you go to our website the special offer is $200 more expensive for only 100 Watts difference. No question we need to get better at this….will do better next time.

              • @e-Solar: We come here for bargains. You posted here.

                • @PJC: I understand…but again you are from NSW. This offer is clearly for WA only and it is a bargain. Our website page is listed

                  • @e-Solar: I know where I am and I know where family members in WA reside. No discount is shown or mentioned in your title and description.

                    • @PJC: I understand…will rectify next time. Thanks for pointing it out

                      • @e-Solar: Your 'edit' button is between 'view' and 'revisions'.

  • +5

    Trina doesn't have 25 year warranty on their panels.
    10 year warranty.
    25 year performance warranty.

    They are not the same thing

      • Why not list both, so its not misleading ?

        • If we have to list all the warranties there is manufacturer 12 years, 90% efficiency 20 years, 80% efficiency 25 years… However 25 years is the one mostly mentioned

          • +3

            @e-Solar: So again, why not list all? Stop avoiding the questions with ambiguous answers.

          • @e-Solar: You already mentioned 3 different warranties in the first 3 lines, so not sure why having all of the relevant information there would be a problem.

  • +4

    "It takes few hours to install these systems professionally"

    If it's only taking you a few hours, you're likely doing pretty poor install job.

      • +2

        How would you know?

        How do you know that he doesn't ????

        • Because when you take a short time you can only do a shoddy job. Besides installation time depends on the house and where the client wants the inverter and a number of factors that vary with each installation. If you already know it does not take time …I would be concerned to use your services as an installer

          • @e-Solar:

            Because when you take a short time you can only do a shoddy job.

            You haven't answered how you know SBOB isn't qualified. Do you know them personally?

            • -3

              @jv: No but we have done enough installations to know you cannot rush an installation. Also for SBOB to declare it takes little time it shows he has not done many installations. Not all houses are the same….he should know better or just bragging and talking nonsense

              • +1

                @e-Solar: LoL read again. They're saying the opposite

              • @e-Solar: If you took the time to read peoples comments properly and have a work colleague proof read your marketing material above, you would understand what SBOB is saying.

                If you are NESB or not great at spelling / grammar then it's always good to have somebody check your marketing material.

                What is it with vendors that want to argue with potential customers? When I worked in retail that was a recipe for a shut shop.

      • I had a similar sized system installed a few weeks back and it took them around 7 hours to do

        So I would be worried if you did it in a few hours

        • -2

          Thank you….

  • +1

    Is this even a bargain? I see emails and leaflets 3 times a week that appear better than this on the surface. Anyone not associated got an honest opinion?

    • +1

      Is this even a bargain?

      No, just SPAM

      • +2

        Mmmmm spam.

      • Yeah. I was open minded about it, but it seems around $400 more pricey than their recent offerings for only 0.1KW more. Unless there is something I'm missing. That is possible.

        • -8

          Sea Monkey…how are you? I remember last time you latched on ASICs registrations quoting the wrong website claiming we did not exist. What's your angle this time?

          • @e-Solar: I agree with seamonkey. Your standard price for 6.4kW panels and 5kW premium inverter is $2999. How is this deal anything special. So as JV says this is spam.

            • @rifter: Again JA Solar cost less than Trina Solar…different product, brand and model. Unless you expect we sell only one brand.

              • @e-Solar: Take a chill pill. The hole you are digging is just getting deeper.

                Your website shows your standard price for the better 330W Trina panels as $3480.

                So this deal is to save $100 if you accept the lower quality 325W Trina panels. And that is what should be in the title/description.

                • @rifter: No chill pill needed. These are not lower quality just 325 Watts as opposed to 330 Watts. But I can see where you are coming from. Fair enough

          • @e-Solar: Wait a moment. Is this thread of comments even real life? Me? ASIC? wrong website? Angle? I actually have zero idea what you are talking about. Prove me wrong and I'll apologise. At the moment I'm chalking this up as a case of mistaken identity. This is some weird s&$t.

              • @follow: @e-Solar I'm cool with you just apologising to me on this thread. Lesson to learn is you can't just say bats$&t crazy stuff on here about random ozbargain ers. You even started to convince me I've been in a previous conversation with you EVER.
                I haven't and I don't like that you suggested I was involved in some kind of solar power conspiracy. Not cool.

                • @seamonkey: If I am mistaken I apologise…

                  • @e-Solar: You were mistaken and I 100% accept your apology. No hard feelings.

        • The previous offering were JA Solar panels…these are Trina panels.

    • We don't canvass, cold call or post leaflets. If you are happy to go with what is offered who is stopping you? There is an abundance of new solar companies pestering clients …spoil t for choice indeed

      • who is stopping you?

        Your attitude ?

        • -1

          No attitude. Just allowing clients to make their inquiries when they need/want to, instead of being constantly ambushed by phone, door knocking etc etc.

          • +1


            No attitude.

            I think the comment voting has already determined that…

            • @jv: I humbly accept the verdict. Provocations sometimes win

            • @jv: Just one question JV… You are from VIC.. We operate in WA only. This offer is for WA….

  • Looks like we have plenty of comments and contributions from VIC, NSW etc etc. Anyone from WA where this offer is intended for?

    • +20

      As someone from WA, your lack of professionalism in this thread will ensure I steer well clear of your business.

      • +3

        Same here, i am going to look elsewhere.

        • Fair enough..

      • +1

        Ditto from WA

      • +1

        disgusting level of professionalism

    • +1

      I was going to say the professionalism of a dead horse. But at least that wouldn't antagonise people!

      I generally have a bit of spare time on my hands. Let's go post a few reviews on product review, solar quotes…and probably throw in an email to the company about this amazing service we get here on ozb!

  • so after reading all the above who should i go with in getting solar installed? :)~ (Best Pannels) (Best Inverter)

    • +2

      Suggest you look at Finn Peacok's website solarquotes.com.au

      Solarquotes has a lot of good, basic information and some good charts showing entry level "good" and Rolls Royce "good".

      We put in a 6.5kw system in mid-september. The Rolls Royce quotes (Fronius inverter & LG panels) were around $7k IIRC. We were happy to pay that but the estimated payback was approx 7 years. We don't think we'll be in the house that long, so we went with mid-level "good" panels (Jinko EAgle PERC) and entry level "good" Zever inverter. It was $3900 with an estimated payback of <5 years.

      We're on "Time of Use" billing and the panels were only in for 40 of the 90 day billing cycle and we had a couple of weeks of rain. Without going into the detail, our bill is about 25% cheaper ($187) than the same period last year ($254). My latest payback estimate is around 4 years. Happy days considering that a few years back the bills were >$500 (we've made a few other changes in the past 2 years as well as solar).

  • +3

    Holy shitsnacks.

    This thread is glorious.

    Please leave this thread open…

    Bargain or no, this has to be one of the best rep engagements I've seen… Well, by best, I mean train wreck… But it's still pretty neat.

    • Yeah.. Got carried away a bit..

      • I think you mistyped. What you probably meant to say was "acted like a total (profanity) and threw a tantrum when someone critiqued the product that I should never have posted to begin with."

        Y'know, cause this isn't a bargain and all.

        • -1

          I don't mind constructive criticism…but when someone from another state just writes SPAM…how does it help this forum? If you don't think this is a bargain fine. I rather have you stating this than just typing SPAM. Probably not a bargain for you in Melbourne, but this offer is for Perth WA only

          • +2

            @e-Solar: You know, you provide a rebuttal like a civilised person and half decent company.

            If you react like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum to a bit of ribbing, imagine how well you'll respond to a problem with any work! No chance in hell I'd risk that.

            JV's initial comment did the job perfectly. Shows you're completely unprepared and unable to deal with anything unexpected, like a lot of things that come up when doing business!

            • @incipient: I can see where you are coming from. But I disagree about the comment you are referring to. I did not see that as a contribution of any value coming from NSW and this offer is clearly for WA only… About how we run our business and look after clients I rather have past clients comment on the same

  • +1

    Many of my mates recommended me to check out InfiniteEnergy in WA. I haven't done so yet since my finance is in a disarray now. Just a bit of info for those WA'ers who are looking for a Solar system.

    • Yeah I've heard good things about infinite energy too. Good reviews online too. Worth taking a look!

    • I have Just ordered with infinite Energy; they were really quite professional - if anyone wants the contact I dealt with let me know by Pm.

      They also have a referral program to save money and can arrange finance with no deposit I think.

      • Cheers, been looking into getting some installed but so many companies out there and so many with dodgy reviews.

      • Hi mate, could you share how much u pay and what did you install? I am getting my finance together hopefully for a 2019 install.

        • Pm'ing you to not derail this too much

  • +1

    wow this thread is epic, would hate to see if you went with these guys and had a problem with the panels or inverter..

    • All you have to do is to read what past clients have to say about us to see how we behaved. But yes I admit the debate got heated

  • Holy crap how does this guy even have a business, will make sure to never ever use this company after this trainwreck.

    • If you are from the Gold Coast.. Quite unlikely…. Otherwise take it easy, if anything it was a robust exchange of opinions. No hard feelings..

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