This was posted 6 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1] 12 Mth PlayStation Plus $63.95 | 3 Mth Xbox Gold $17.97 | Battlefield V, Fallout 76 $69 | Fortnite Bundle $39 @ Big W

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Note XB1 gold deal starts 15/11/18. PS plus deal starts 16/11/18.

Also available for $69 -
[XB1, PS4] Battlefield V - offer from 20/11 till 21/11
[XB1, PS4] Fallout 76 - offer from 15/11 to 18/11 - Use code FF10 at checkout to bring this down to $62.10.

Fortnite digital bundle (PS4, XB1) $39 -
Frostbite outfit
Cold Front glider
Chill-axe pickaxe
Freezing point back bling
1000 V bucks

Save 5% by using Woolworths gift card (thanks step_hen)

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closed Comments

  • -6


  • Cool hope eb price matches

    • Why wouldn't they?

      • +1

        It's up to to staff discretion most of the time and there's no policy to say they have to.

        Most will. Occasionally you'll get somebody who won't. For example: the store your pricematching with isn't in the same shopping centre.

        • No price matches on digital codes, which subscriptions are. So no go on the price matching. :(

          • +1

            @Tacenda: It's easy as! If they have physical cases advertising 12 months membership of either, or even if it is a digital code it'll come up as an item they can price match. The process in the system is select F5 to price match then the designated store :) so it is a go go

        • The one at Macq Centre does this, refuses to price match stores outside of the centre. It's pretty bs.

      • +1

        I've lodged a complaint with the ACCC against EB games because they can't say they will price match if they are going to be subjective and randomly decide to price match based on who is not covered by the Australian consumer. ACCC stipulate that if you are going to say you price match, it must be verifiable and repeatable. The ACCC have received several complaints already about EB games and their price match policy….. watch this space. The ACCC told me they can fix this by saying they don't price match and remove that advertising from their website.

        • Why not go to stores like jb big w etc who have no problems matching

  • Nice works, love Big W's bargain release day price! Fifa 19 out, Battlefield in!

  • +1

    Fallout is cheaper from here:

  • +2

    I can’t keep up. Isn’t Fortnight free?

    • +2

      It is. This is just a pack that contains some skins and ingame currency.

      Strangely it doesn’t include the currently paid game, Save the World.

    • Yes.

      However, the real value (subjective) are the cosmetic DLC which can cost a lot.

  • +1

    Awesome. My plus just expired so I'll snap that up, just in time for Red Dead Online.

    • +1

      plus in time for school holidays and christmas break .
      pity it’s playston and not xbox, guess at least there is a deal for xbox gold.

  • Is this best-ish deal for Ps+? ~$5 per month doesn't seem much. But no Netflix subscription included :F

    • Q: if I take a break and I don't pay for PS+ for a month or so, do I lose the games that I got for free during my previous subscription period(s)? Or are they going to be there in my library once I get PS+ again?
    • +6

      The games will still be there when you resubscribe to ps plus

    • +1

      Yeah, this is on par with the usual good deals for PS+. They're almost always a 20% saving.

  • +3

    Can also save another 5% by buying a Woolworths gift card through cash rewards

    • Worth a mention that shop back are doing a bonus $5 cashback on their 5% off woolies gift cards for each week the next 2 weeks which would stack with this.

      • +1

        So that would make the PS+ $52.56… not bad

        • Be careful as the actual cash back may not be easily redeemable.

          I did ask about redeeming this with a joining $10 bonus I got and was informed that once I started to buy other things with cash back and they were cleared I could also redeem the cash back…

    • Don't bother with Wish gift cards for the PS+ sub as Big W count the Playstation Membership cards as gift cards so you'll be unable to purchase them using it…

  • That would make XBL $71.88 for the year, a saving of $8.07 over RRP.

    • +4

      WW has 3 Months for $14.95

      That would make XBL $59.80 for the year, a saving of $20.15 over RRP.

  • Anything on Pokemon Let's Go? Big W matching JB's effort of $59?

    • +1

      Big W price is $69

      • Dang, that sucks! Thanks for confirming :)

        • Sorry, that's Switch price. No sale on the XB1 or PS4.

  • Thanks OP…I need to renew PS Plus

  • Wait for Amazon deal to come through

  • Rookie question here…..but does the PS start date begin from when you buy it, or when you activate via ps4? I'm asking as I want to begin the subscription around Xmas. Also what is the minimum internet speed required to game online?

    • +8

      When you activate - if you're buying from a store you just get a gift card with a code to enter into the website. If you already have a subscription the start date won't be until after the current subscription ends.

  • +3

    3 month Xbox Live Gold slightly cheaper at Woolies >

    • Already mentioned above

      • +2

        Sorry missed "WW" when I scanning through for Woolies/Woolworths/etc.

  • black friday is approaching. maybe a better deal for ps+ or xb gold is coming.

  • That Fortnite pack sounds like horrible value.

  • I wish somewhere would sell Soulcalibur 6 for cheaper than $80 hey

  • Do you know if it is possible to buy the PS Plus membership and then use it after my current one expires (July 2019)?


    • +2

      They stack up to around 3 years

      • +1

        So can you put the new ps+ code over the top of your current subscription and it just adds the months onto your account?

  • Anybody got a link to an online catalogue for this or have the full page of the catalogue ?

  • Gahhhh didn't read properly and tried to get the ps plus today

  • Can you pay in-store with the wish eGift card? I know at Woolworths you can't buy gift cards with egift cards anymore, so would this PSN card be considered a gift card and therefore not work with egift card?

    • Just had trouble doing this at big w. System kept rejecting the purchase saying it was a gift card.

      Ended up getting the service counter to help by making a different purchase on the gift card then getting it refunded and then purchasing the PSN card using the refund.

      • Thanks for the reply, I suspected it wouldn't work… but very surprised they did that for you, well done :)

        • Yep egift cards won't work and my bigw service counter was not happy when it wasn't working. I should of checked here first.

          • @Pandaboss: Thanks to step_hen's comment earlier about saving an extra 5percent, I got a wish egift card thinking I'd be able to purchase the PS+ sub but as mentioned it doesn't work… just great!

            • @groobz: Ikr. Luckily I found someone to pay their goods with my egift card and they paid my ps plus card with their eftpos card.

    • Didn't work for me either. What a joke. It's not even a gift card, it's a service. First ever wish card bought specifically for the purpose of getting PS+… Always hated Big W :)

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