This was posted 6 years 3 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1, PS4, PC] Battlefield V - $29 When Trading in 2 Eligible Games @ EB Games


Similar deal to Red Dead Redemption II, but with Battlefield V instead. Email I received.

The game also comes with these extras;

  • Firestorm Ranger Set (DLC)
  • One set of Paratrooper Gear (DLC)
  • Special Assignments (DLC)
  • Five Battlfield 1 Weapons for immediate use in Battlefield 1 (DLC)

You’ll need to trade in any 2 Xbox One, PS4 or Switch games that trades in for $10 or more (each) in order to purchase the bundle at $9. Otherwise, it’s $99.95 ($89.95 on PC) as is.

Better than the previous Fortnite Deep Freeze deal. Again, useful if you have old games lying around or you purchase each eligible game as cheap as possible.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • how to know the trade in value of each game?

    • That’s the question everyone’s been asking for years. Don’t think EB discloses the value of the trade-ins.

      • +1

        Within the POS System it is possible to print out a list of Preowned games on every console and in brackets the trade price. You'll essentially be able to circle/ identify games that fit the criteria.

                                            NAME                               PLATFORM   CONDITION    PRICE   TRADE PRICE

        For example - ASSASSIN'S CREED: ODYSSEY PS4 PREOWNED $72 $30

    • +2

      Main options;

      1. Call them.
      2. Sift through the comments I linked (to the Red Dead Redemption II promo).

      Generally, a game's trade-in value is 1/4 to 1/3 of its regular pre-owned price.
      Example: Fallout 4 pre-owned is $28. Its trade-in price is $7 to $9.25 or thereabouts.

    • +3

      They have their own system to evaluate your games. They had the similar offer couple of days ago for COD. They had the poster on the shelf in their store. I tried to trade in with 2 games, but didn't notice that the value of the game should be over 10 dollars. They showed me how to know the value of a game in their system. The most important thing was they told me they had the instruction of the value of the trade in games on their poster. They pointed the instruction. That was ridiculous because the instruction was a few lines at the bottom of the poster, very very tiny words, no body could notice that. I don't wanna trust EB games anymore.

  • Wheres the best place to pick up a couple of cheap ps4 and or XB1 Games?

    • +3

      Cashies, second-hand markets (ebay, Gumtree, etc.)

      • Agreed. Found some pretty nice cheapos in the past few years

  • Don't see how this can work for PC given the key will be used.

    • +2

      I don't have a console either but I assume you can just trade 2 console for the PC version

    • +1

      You get a discount on a new release copy of BFV by trading in games…. Not second hand for second hand. Not possible to get a second hand copy of a game that hasn't been released yet X)

      • Sorry - I'm referring to the PC games you'd be trading in as the keys being used, but as Pluto says maybe you can trade console games in exchange for a PC BFV.

        • +3

          You can't trade PC games in. The ad clearly states that it's console only.

  • Looks like the steelbook only comes with the Deluxe Edition, not the Standard Edition that the trade-in goes towards. Something to keep in mind when ordering.

    • +1

      You might be right. In the email I received, the banner for the steelbook is directly above the $29 promo - which I believe it's placement is a little misleading.

      Here's the email

  • Another good deal - I hope battlefield 1 counts, since it's free with gold currently.

    Good opportunity to also offload xbox GamePass games that you might have. Ie For Honor and Tomb raider, Gears of war 4.

    • Probably not going to get $10 trade-in for any of those (unless you mean shadow of the tomb raider), they're selling a used copy of for honor for $19 (if it counted, go pick up two copies and get BF for $67)

      Especially since EB would be aware of what games are in GamePass, they'd be wise to knock their trade-in amount down once it hits that.

    • I don t think any of those titles are worth more than $10

    • I traded Gears4 and For Honor on RDR2 $29. Also checked Rise of TR.

  • -6

    Battlefield tho…

  • Oh it wouldn't be $9 in post - that would require 4x $10 games. Also says standard game for now. That said RDR2 hap a map and horse code for "pre-order" on my EB games copy.

  • +4

    Unfortunately, EB is currently running their XMAS sale which means, most preowned games are on special so, their trade-in values plummet. The somewhat generous trade-in values from the previous BO4 and RDR2 deals won't apply here unfortunately. I can't be 100% sure but games that applied for this deal a week ago like, COD ghosts, Far Cry 4, Fifa 18, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Metro Redux, Wolfenstein 2, For Honor, Watch dogs 2, Dead Rising 4, Destiny 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider … probably won't apply now.

    silverrat23's formula is about right - I found games with a preowned value of $34+ seemed to qualify … but that list has diminished with the current sale.

    Of course, I would be EXTREMELY happy to be proven wrong.

    • You’re right. Called EB just now. For Honor is $6 and FC4 is $4.

  • -5

    Always wanted to play as a disabled armless transsexual woman with a hook for a hand on the front lines of world war two for the extra authentic experience

    They will be giving this game away soon enough

    • Still going huh?

      • I thought since the public beta people would be complaining about the actual game instead. rip ea

    • +1

      Imagine being this triggered over video game pixels

      • -1

        Seen the Diablo Immortal reaction? Gamers get triggered when you don't deliver what they want.

        • Lol what were Blizzard thinking with that one?

      • +1

        These people were never going to play the game in the first place. They just want something to get offended at and virtue-signal about

      • thank you le boomer maymay man

  • Bought it for $33 from Argentina Xbox store before they blocked VPN purchases. No chance of playing it until I 100% RDR2 though.

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