RRP is 879.
It comes with an Ice Cream Bowl attachment for free! RRP is 200
Here are the available colors:
Empire Red
Contour S
Cobalt Blue
They also have KSM160 valued at $503.2 using the same code.
Please note that the only difference of KSM160 and KSM150 is the 2.8 Litre Stainless Steel Bowl.
You can buy this bowl separately from the same store for $46.4 using same promo code!
If you'll buy them separately, it will just cost you $477.6! That is 25 dollar less than the KSM160 set.
Tried using the code on all your eBay links but it doesn't work, price is over $530.
So how does the Goodguys promo code work for peter of K?
I might be doing something wrong.