For this weekend we've reduced the prices across our SIM only caps.
Mobile Cap: $10.99/Month for $400 Talk/TXT to Anyone, +1GB Data. No Contract, Free SIM & Shipping
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Hi - re the deposit refund just let us know 30 days before hand. The 12 month clause is for the fixed term contracts, which this offer does not fall under.
TPg charge $40 upfront- $20 deposit + $20 sim charge. This is half that.
Liveconnected I have 3 numbers on my account all discontinued plan with not contract, can I upgrade to this new plans?
And how do I freakin log on to self service portal!? How the hell go I get username and password? it's so frustrating!!! (and yes I can check usage, but apparently it's not the same email…)
Holyplai - not sure without looking at your numbers, but there's no harm in submitting the order.
Self-service portal : username will be the same as the username for the usage meter , so basically your email address.
Re the password, hit the "Forgot my password" link - it will reset for you.nope for some reason I can log on to check my usage but not self-service portal =/ and yes I clicked forgot my password and it says it doesnt recognize the username -__- omg the offer ended can you guys extend it? coz the support team haven't replied me!!
what's your case number?
I don't have a case number, I just contacted the sales team to solve this matter…
LC are you saying that I should just try and buy the plan? using my current LC number and info? and is the plan still available? websites says yes
Can you go over the cap and have the charges billed to you ?, because the call charges are quite high and i would assume they would make there money there. Does Live Connected have live balance checking over the mobile phone?. If they dont then thats one doggy plan.!!!!
Hi - yes if you go over the cap these charges are billed to you. You'll get usage alerts but its also best to keep an eye on your own usage here too.
We do provide an online usage portal that gives both detailed and summary views of your usage.Re Live balance checking on the mobile - sorry we don't have our own app here. However South Freo developed an add on pack for Quota Lite (free) that keeps an eye on your Live Connected usage.
I have a question for Liveconnected Rep . If i use the Liveconnected SIM inside my 3G modem for the internet can I get unlimited access to the social networks i.e Facebook etc or its only available when I access the sites through the mobile.
Hi Chafrill
Wouldn't recommend it.
Optus are really against using a mobile SIM within a wireless broadband device, so they reserve the right to cancel the service.Most wireless broadband plans now have unlimited social anyway.
Hey liveconnected,
Im currently on optus at the moment and I've got two mths to run with me contract.
If I sign up now and get a liveconnected mobile number, can I port my optus phone number in two months time?…
Also as your a optus reseller, If I call another optus number can I still get the 20mins free after 8pm until 12mid?….
Can other optus callers still call me for the first 20mins free after 8pm until 12mid?
if ur able to answer these questions, this will help me decide to come across to you
taHas been answered before by rep, but you have to port at sign up not later.
Not sure about the rest, hope that helps. I was also interested to know if others who have free calls to optus can call Liveconnected for free.hi - random's right - the numbers got to be ported at signup.
Free time isn't included in these plans so you don't get the 20mins free 8pm-12am to other Optus mobiles.
However with the 2nd part of your question hard one for us to answer as its whatever Optus decide is included in Free Time.
Before i sign up for the $10.99 plan, just wanted to ask how the call rates are charged?
It says $0.35 flagfall + $0.90 per minute for standard calls which is deducted from the cap value.
So if i make a 1 minute and 1 second call to another mobile am i going to be charged for 2 minutes?Yeah, good question.
I've been wondering this myself but I heard that other companies charge every half minute even though they listed the price per minute.
Still would be good to get some confirmation though.Hi yes - 1 min and 1 sec would count as a 2 minute call. This is pretty much standard in the industry but there are some players that offer 30 second billing.
This is what the T&C's has to say about minimum terms (definitions page 42):
minimum term means the period of time for which you have agreed to receive the service under a fixed-length agreement. The minimum term begins on the service start date and runs for the period of time stated on the application, unless otherwise set out in the agreement. For a non fixed-length agreement, there is no minimum term.
Then fixed length agreement:
fixed-length agreement means an agreement that has a minimum term, during which time neither you nor we are free to change the terms of the agreement or to cancel the service, other than as specifically provided for in the agreement. A fixed-length agreement does not include a month-to-month agreement.
Contradictions in the contract:
If anything in these LiveConnected terms is inconsistent with a provision in another part of the agreement, then unless otherwise stated, the LiveConnected terms prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
Most anti-neg comments have reflected what I think too (paranoia, not for you, etc.)
The argument from the negs seem to be about how Live Connected are NOT being transparent and clear about the call exclusions and $20 deposit, and having to dig deep into the T&C to find out about it.
Thing is, many companies do that don't they? I suppose you may not have to dig as far as the middle of a 44 page T&C to find out information from other telcos, but you still have to read the fine print to find out that international SMS is not included, to find out that you can only unlock your phone for free after 12 months of your 24 month contract.
What I'm saying is, other telcos don't spoon feed you that much information anyway.
So in the end… anyone who signs up for a plan by just looking at a summary of the plan will think it's a rubbish plan anyway, simply because they received a huge bill showing all the international SMS sent were not included in the cap credit.
Wrong, other companies DONT do the same thing. They don't call something refundable, then hidden in the T&C is a clause saying it's not refundable. And they don't require 30 days notice for terminating a non-contract plan. Stop giving this lot an excuse to do something that is unacceptable in the mobile phones industry.
The rep seems to have gone silent after their sneaky terms have been exposed here. It's funny how they are keen to flash their good points, but keep silent about their bad points. That just makes one wonder what other bad dodgy bits there are, that we haven't discovered yet.
Hi dkslim
Presuming this is about the $20 deposit.
Previously like TPG we used to charge a $20 shipping fee for the SIM. We've dropped that in favor of the deposit.
To be clear the month to month comes under the "No Fixed Term" contract, so to get a refund on the deposit just give us a 30 days heads up.Why the 30 days?
Because we need to pass that on to our suppliers or else we're left forking out the charges for an extra 30 days when effectively we've stopped billing you.But what other provider requires 30 days notice, when there is no contract?
You're the only one that does this. At least make this clear on your website, rather than try to hide it in the terms and conditions, then you wouldn't get as much negative publicity.And your terms and conditions say you get to keep the deposit if we terminate before 12 months (regardless of whether we give 30 days notice or not), what do you have to say about that?
dkslim, Quote from above, which answers my questions (thanks LC)
Hi - re the deposit refund just let us know 30 days before hand. The 12 month clause is for the fixed term contracts, which this offer does not fall under.
As I thought earlier in my previous post.
OK, at least that point about the $20 refund has been clarified, thank you. If the company had made this clear (along with the 30 day notice requirement) right at the beginning, there wouldn't have been such a lot of negative feedback.
"If the company had made this clear (along with the 30 day notice requirement) right at the beginning, there wouldn't have been such a lot of negative feedback."
This is the hallmark of this thread. The negative feedback is for making important and less favourable information hard to find.
Hi All
To say we've been inundated since we launched this offer is an understatement :) Thank you to all the customers and supporter. We're going to try and get through all the questions raised overnight and today.
Ordered 3. Great deal. The haters are always going to hate. Keep it up LC.
Where are the haters? Please enlighten me.
I would say the 8 negs that this post has received
BTW how many Voda/Optus/Telstra reps would even come online and answer your questions
Voting negative does not eqate to hating. Get some perspective!
I consider that hating the post, if that too strong a word then these neggers( yes I made that word up) don't like the company and it's policy, that's pseudo-hating for me
If at some point I decide to change providers and port my number to them, will I have to pay for another month (i.e. the 30 day notification)?
I signed up last night anyway because I think it's a good deal. There are T&Cs with all telcos and these are no better or worse and for $10.99/month it's not going to break the bank if you lose your $20 deposit and have to pay $10.99 for the 30 day notice to cancel. Many other providers will charge you a bucketload more.
I have read ALL the comments up to now - yes i am that thorough :) And have decided it is a great value oriented plan that would probably save money for a large % of the population of mobile phone users.
Negatives are quite harsh in the scheme of things and especially when compared with other telco's. I prefer to give LC benefit of doubt as a small start up and they have overlooked rather than intentionally hidden things. I suspect the next iteration of their website/marketing collateral will do a better job of being more 'upfront' or informative. I think they have a good story to tell (eg we dont use a call centre/Bpay/etc so we can save you money) that will appeal to many customers. If we choose to accept some inconvenience we do so in the knowledge it will save us money eg catch a bus versus a taxi/ own car.
They have made a business decision to not make their plans available to overseas students and I know from my own experience that a small but significant percentage (financially) will intentionally rip off telco's et al before leaving the country. LC uses simply business rules to eliminate the risk, i suspect that the credit checks based on a drivers licence is automated and much cheaper for them to process than using other ID's. In time they may be able to increase the variety of security documents. But they know a large % of their potential target market have licences so that is good enough for them. The fact this may mean you fall outside of their criteria is just too bad as people have pointed out earlier - some deals are only for students - it doesnt mean it gets a negative from everyone else-we just accept it.
As good as the value of this offer is, I will not be taking it up; my TPG PAYG plan is perfect for me. But if all my friends were to adopt then …
PS it is touchy not touche; another meaning entirely CG
PS it is touchy not touche; another meaning entirely CG.
Thank you for your enlightenment. I am a better person now that I know that piece of information.
Negatives are quite harsh in the scheme of things and especially when compared with other telco's.
Without the investigation and research carried out by some of the people who voted negative many people would be unaware of potential issues down the track—including you. Harsh you may call it, but in the end everyone is better off.
Now that certain issues have been clarified by the rep I will revoke my negative. But it didn't have to be this way if LC offered more clarity to begin with. But I suspect that their business model is intentionally designed this way.
LC should still list the $20 deposit requirement in their OzB posting. All they detail is: "Mobile Cap:$10.99/mth for $400 Talk&Txt to Anyone, Bonus 1GB data.No Contract, Free SIM&Shipping".
so you say customers who don't bother reading the T&Cs will bother to read the jargon on the previous 3 pages? i dont think so.
They will attempt to sign up to the deal and they might run into issues like the ones highlighted (driver's license, credit check, BPAY), but it wont cost them anything and they will be the wiser. Once signed up they will realise why they are paying so little for what they get (email system, no call centre, and delayed online usage meter). If they went ridculously over their cap or called 13/18 numbers without knowing then they will have learnt an important lesson to be responsible in life and read the information provided (im not talking about the 44 page PDF, but the info about the plan visible on the site and the 2 page T&C).
I will agree with one thing, the 30 day time gap for cancellation was the only thing brought out that might enlighten people and save them money. Thanks for that. But I dont think its a HUGE issue especially as you're only paying $11/month (for a deal that would cost $49 with most other telcos).
Now dont be such a douchebag.
Now dont be such a douchebag.
Thank you for the advice. I will take it on.
so you say customers who don't bother reading the T&Cs will bother to read the jargon on the previous 3 pages? i dont think so.
You will learn far more from reading the comments and in less time than if you read the 44 page T&C PDF.
investigation and research to point out failings is great and appreciated by everyone (except for the unscrupulous). Negatives can be harsh if unwarranted and i think they were, my mere opinion. Often we get a better response from others if we assume the best and ask them openly and honestly not aggressively. I find the anonymity of the internet gives people permission to behave more rudely and aggressively than they would normally, a bit like alcohol for some.
I never enter into a contract without reading the terms, but then i am careful and cautious and prefer to spend time on preventing problems than on suffering/solving them afterward.
PS Sarcasm is the lowest from of wit, why, because it is lazy..and to think you put so much effort in spewing your opinions all over this bargain…what possesses you? (that is a rhetorical question, refrain and restrain yourself from answer please).
I don't consider voting negative to be rude or aggressive but that's just me. If you don't agree with somebody's negative, then vote their comment down and the neg will disappear if enough people do the same.
I think you will find I was negged mostly for some other comments I made, not for the original reason I voted negative. That is a flaw in the comment system.
Why people are so offended and make such a big deal about a simple neg is beyond me (you vote negative and are called a hater?).
that is a rhetorical question, refrain and restrain yourself from answer please.
Oh you are tempting me! ;)
The IRONY for you to consider is that if a deal gets a number of negative votes, it is removed from most visitors screens. So your considered comments go as well.
yes, i too feel tempted to throw the verbal dart every now and again :)
ah restraint..such an under-appreciated skill, and underdeveloped in most of us..including me.
Nothing wrong with negative voting but the rationale needs to be seen as unbiased or unemotional (that is our cultural bias).
I am not sure but I suspect it is not that we feel offended rather we (mis)perceive the tone of the comment sent and feel the compulsion to defend those we feel are being (verbally) attacked. Why? I think it is about our perception of injustice or wrongly/unfairly accused.
To minimise the endless rounds of attacks and counter attacks we could all benefit from taking a little more time to read our comments from the perspective of someone else and err on the side of caution …but i suspect that is out of fashion and inhibiting and too much effort.
Just my two cents.
The IRONY for you to consider is that if a deal gets a number of negative votes, it is removed from most visitors screens. So your considered comments go as well.
And so should be the case.
Also, well said patientvalue.
Why people are so offended and make such a big deal about a simple neg is beyond me (you vote negative and are called a hater?).
Probably the same reason you guys made such a big deal over small issues and negged.
If the community (or the majority of it) finds a neg unwarranted they will question it, specially since so many people consider this deal a really good one.If you really wanna talk fair then go neg about Telstra's exorbitant contracts, vodafone's network and Optus's bulls**t pricing.
I respect your opinion but disagree with it!Probably the same reason you guys made such a big deal over small issues and negged.
You consider them small issues. You are welcome to your opinion. 20% negative votes on an OzB posting is very significant. There are also many people with reservations who didn't commit to a vote until they received satisfactory answers from the LC rep.
yes people didn't vote negative, they waited until they got their answers
The fact that the documents were not ina very obvious place doesn't mean they don't exist and if you start negging on T&C, I dare you to stop using google services as well as many others. The fact remains that on the face of it and until now no one has had any problems with LiveConnected.I think that only deals where no one can possibly benefit from are the ones to be negged, not because you missed out on the deal or that Rep's description didn't include the Full T&C
Anyways my concern for this post is now over since I already signed up
you start negging on T&C
That's not why I voted negative.
until now no one has had any problems with LiveConnected.
Really? I guess you didn't read this thread properly then.
And by problems I mean people who are using it, obviously you aren't.
People who have problems with this LiveConnected plan will ignore it while people who think this plan is just what they needed will probably sign up.
Both my parents have been on a LC plan for a while and have had no hassles at all. No need for any call centres or customer service ever.
Uses the Optus network and in ACT there is full coverage wherever they go. I find nothing wrong with any of their condition simply because I have a Telstra Landline for 13/18 callsby problems I mean people who are using it, obviously you aren't.
No, there are current LC customers in this thread who have alerted others to unexpected issues/problems/expenses that they themselves have experienced, and I thank them for that.
Regarding myself, I just signed up to LC only a couple hours ago! I also just graduated with a Bachelor of Mobile Communications (majoring in LC policy), so I should be good to go! ;)
You can major in LiveConnected's policies? Epic case study! ;)
do you have call divert on your services?
do you get a confirmation after sign up? i didnt get one
you will have to wait until it reaches processing state, might take a day max
still havent got mine after two days. whats the go?
TITLE: Mobile Cap:$10.99/mth for $400 Talk&Txt to Anyone
*13/18 are not considered "Anyone".
well…'anyone' according to oxford is 'any person or people'. correct me if im wrong but 13/18 numbers are usually businesses/organisations, which is different. Yes they are comprised of people, but you're not calling them to talk to a friend or acquaintance.
But yes, they should probably change it from 'anyone' to something else to make it clearer.
Most businesses have local or national 0x-xxxx xxxx numbers. If Anyone is to be taken in the context of "Anyone is a person not a business", this becomes even more complex.
Hey can i sign up for this now and activate it in a week when i get my new phone?
Or any chance of extending offer?
I just signed up for this after doing some research here and at Whirlpool. Obviously there are sacrifices you make, but I'll be saving a good amount on this plan, and it's worth it for me.
how long is this offer gonna go on for?
got to port a few numbers around before i can get onto this, so yeah.
and if its gonna end soon, can i just sign up for it, and then port my number too it in a weeks time?
I don't think you can. During the sign up process you are asked if you want to port a number across and if you do you have to enter the number and current connection details.
They say that activation of the SIM will occur automatically 24 hrs after delivery.
I don't think there is any provision in your account to port a number across at a later date, but I could be wrong. Can anybody confirm this?
but i must say that i signed my mum on this last time, where they had the fb promo, and she absolutely loves it. she has a old nokia, so she doesnt touch the data, but she finds it fantastic.
Is there no chance at all that I as an international student can get this offer? It sure beats everything else I've seen..
Can't International Students get a DL made here, I mean IF you are gonna stay here afterwards then might as well get one now.
Or if you had one back home, get it converted? No idea how that worksYeah they can but why would you want to get a drivers' licence just to be able to sign up to phone plan? Some people can't drive and some don't ever want to drive and have no need for a drivers' licence in their life.
LC is the first company I have ever experienced where the only way you can get connected is if you have a drivers' licence (and before somebody jumps up and down in a fit, I am not negging them for that).
i dont get it why overseas students dont get a L licence here tbh. its like the easiest way to get a proper valid id. All my overseas friends have L licence, not because they wanted to drive(maybe they do) but its alot easier when they going to bar/pub/clubs, as they dont need to carry their passport around and drop it when they are drunk.
even local friends who dont drive has a L licence…and please it is valid for 10 years! XP means you can party for 10 yrs guys!
I dont get it why overseas students dont get a L licence here tbh. its like the easiest way to get a proper valid id.
Easier and cheaper to get a Proof of Age Card:…it is valid for 10 years!
In QLD a learner's licence is valid for 3 years. Don't know about the other states, but 10 years, really?
yea vicroad learner is 10yrs…and they didnt cut my learner, can easier give some minors to go to clubs:P hahaha (i am on full licence like 3 years now)
not saying that get one for just the phone plan, but it was a suggestion
Another suggestion would be to Try TPG mobile, if you use TPG as ISP then the $14 plan is awesomeI have a VicRoad driver's license, i'm still plainly rejected. It's not as simple as obtaining a driver's license.
Negative feedback is for making important and less favourable information hard to find.
Ive been with these guys for a little while now when they had something similar to this deal for 27.99 a month with a gig. been great since i signed up. hoping i can transfer over to the 39 discovery for 24.99 a month on this promo.
Hi All
The offer finishes at 10:30AM today.
LC I add to cart the cheapest discounted plan ($4.99) but did not confirm the order yet cause I was still reading the T&C, and the offer has ended but I still have that page where all I need to click is "Confirm", does this mean I get the discounted plan when I press confirm?
I'm with LC now and trying to change plan, hopefully I can.
oh well tpg it is then
anyone get any email updates?
I am using another Optus reseller - Woolworths Everyday Mobile - and I can check all calls and SMS activity on my teenage kids phones in close to real time.
Trawling the liveconnected FAQs it appears that the ways I can monitor usage is by a usage graph and relying on SMS when usage is at 80% of 90% of cap. Given that Optus allow almost realtime usage stats to their resellers I am surprised that Liveconnected don't offer it.
Is this correct?
:-) Read before you post. It has been already explained in this discussion that there are two different platforms - prepaid and postpaid, which are very different in their nature. As far as I know Woolworths mobile is pre-paid, while this plan is post-paid.
BTW - I would never ever go with postpaid for kids :-)Read before you post.
My god, you can't blame them for not reading through every one of 400 comments, some of them quite long.
Amaysim have close to real-time call records and they offer customers both prepaid and postpaid accounts.
caulfieldguy, I wouldn't recommend liveconnected for kids anyway. Kids are not disciplined enough not to forget to dial 13/1300/1800 numbers. I would recommend amaysim instead, they are even cheaper than woolworths and have a real nice and easy to use online portal (much better than liveconnected).
I signed up last night but yet to receive any confirmation email. Are they too busy or you have to wait longer?
LC must be so overwhelmed… no reply either.
We are :)
We did not expect the take up to be so high and are trying to get through the orders as fast as possible.
Who votes for an extension? I've signed up but spread the word and got a whole bunch of family and friends lined up for it.
Could only do your business good liveconnected. If not, oh wells at least I've tried asking.Good idea, we'll push for it with our suppliers.
How many people missed out?please count me in. Thanks Liveconnected.
I don't know if I got in or not. No reply yet. Counting down the number of minutes to one business day.
Count me +3
+1 for me
I hope this deal gets extended, I tried to joined last night but could not get through.
Why is it that Live Connected deals seem to attract more than the usual amount of negative votes? It is difficult to argue against the value for money this deal offers compared to just about any other mobile phone service. Of course there are caveats, but you have to expect a few at this price point, and as with any other telco, you need to spend some time finding them out. Anyone not reading the t&c's before signing up to a phone plan is asking for trouble.
Anyway, I didn't apply for myself as I have no need at present, but I persuaded (very easily I might add) my sister to apply as I knew she was looking to change plans. If all goes well, I would consider jumping on any future deals myself.
Also, I thought I'd pass on a handy little website which converts 13/ 1300/ 1800 numbers to their landline equivalents. Could be handy for those wishing to avoid bill shock.
Life saver muthaf**ka!
as for the swearing, really wanted to say that. Dude you are god
kind of wanting to revoke my praise in my comment earlier about these guys. as an existing customer it seems even though I paid a 20 dollar 'SIM and delivery' fee back when i joined I am still required to pay the $20 deposit to change plans as it is now known as a deposit and sims are free…
what a load of crap. piss poor effort guys. I should not be required to pay a deposit to go up a plan, especially when on your site it says "move up or down plans for free" and i paid that when i signed up aaaaages ago. real kick in the face for existing customers. what happens if i change plans 6 times over the next 7 months. do you keep 120 bucks in 'deposits' just in case i bail??? bail from what? a sim only month to month system.
sort it out - Case 00012201
oh and then i also have to pay 20 bucks when i want a microsim cos theyre so expensive and bulky to post.I'll have to agree with you on that one
Let us know of your CaseAs for the microsim, you can get a cheap microsim cutter for max $5(ebay) and that can be used anytime you are changing a plan and need a microsim
that 20 i paid was the sim and delivery charge which at the time i saw as a startup fee, much like they are charging now. its merely been changed to a joining fee now with free sim and delivery. i dont see why i should be paying it again…as far as im concerned they are the same thing, much like TPG charge 20. what is the deposit for anyway…im an existing customer?. but they are stating on their site chop and change plans for free whenever you want yet they want to charge a 20$ 'deposit' to do so…?? seems like revenue to me.
also, when i was with telstra/optus and worked at voda, all sim replacements and sim swaps etc were free of charge. the sims cost nothing.yeah, if i need a microsim ill chop it, screw paying for it.
Well technically, the fee for 'SIM and delivery' and startup fee is not the same as the 'deposit', from my understanding. If the $20 paid was for 'deposit' specifically, and they refuse to refund you or charge you another $20 deposit for changing plans, then yes I see the problem.
I dont think the 'sim and delivery' fee would be refundable. But I do agree you shouldnt have to pay a second deposit.
yea, technically. All they've done is change the name to entice ppl to join. I remember joining and thinking $20 for a sim was ridiculous so now its free sim but a $20 deposit I guess. Bleagh
Was the $20 that you paid for the 'SIM and delivery fee' or for the deposit specifically? Didnt LC used to charge $20 for SIM and delivery, like TPG? Only recently they got rid of the sim and delivery fee, but kept the deposit?
Just for comparisons sake, optus want $28 for replacement sim cards even if upgrading from those really old sim to a new sim with sim back up.
LC please respond to my case: 00012156, you guys reply to cases so long =[
I ordered it yesterday but hearing about the $20 deposit was kind of daunting.
I doubt it would go on for more than 12 months so that's gone for me for sure.
But after reading TPG's site:
1st month minimum charges on TPG no-contract Mobile plans calculated as: $(Mobile monthly charge in first month) + $20 SIM charge + Mobile Deposit of $20.
You'd have to pay $20 for the SIM anyway with TPG so that's pretty much the same here.
I only refer to TPG as it has a similar plan($10 for $125 + $125(TPG) + 250mb).