For this weekend we've reduced the prices across our SIM only caps.
Mobile Cap: $10.99/Month for $400 Talk/TXT to Anyone, +1GB Data. No Contract, Free SIM & Shipping

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Yeah, I've never experienced the practice. Is that even legal??? :o
Must be just Optus and Optus resellers by the sounds of it.
For 1st, I thought only bloody Optus did that.
But yeah, I paid $20 more as well for the first month.
I complained but all I got in response was some irrelevant spiel about god knows what.Virgin do it too unfortunately, almost got caught out with them in the first month.
Im on TPG right now, only reason im not switching is because I don't want to commit to them when they could change the plan pricing anytime.
Change now to liveconnected - Costs me $20. 1-2 months later the price flies up again -> AFAIK it would cost me another $40+ to get back on TPG :(
This is a good bargain for those who want just a plain calling and sms plan who can stick to the allocated cap credit. Honestly who calls 13/1800 numbers much nowadays. The neggers don't offer a better alternative, and just because it doesn't suit your needs, doesnt mean its not a good deal.
For 10.99 a month, and $20 refundable deposit, how many extras do people expect?
If you want call centre support, bpay and australia post payment options, less excessive data charges for going over the limit, access to international and 13/1800 numbers, theres heaps of other plans that offer this at a premium.
Nobody else charges a $20 refundable deposit*, if they didn't charge that I wouldn't have given it a negative.
* TPG charges it too, but TPG will never go bust whereas this is a new company that might.seriously in terms of how long been tpg offering mobile service its the same as when live started their business. TPG always long established but only with its internet services they only extended their mobile business recently~
and like what kaizer said…these negs are just not valid when you cant even provide a better value thing. you guys neg'ed it because you are being cynical no others.
I would like to offer you a strand of my hair for A$1000000. I have not offered this for sale to anyone else and therefore any other offer for my hair must be illegal.
Seeing as you are unable to provide a better value option for a strand of my hair, do you agree that A$1000000 is good value for a strand of hair? PM me for my bank details, I accept direct deposit ;)
In this case though, the "negs" have offered a better alternative! They have said a better alternative would be this exact deal with the exclusion of these numbers (and other important T&Cs) listed on the front page. Honestly if Live have had this feedback on previous ocassions and are still leaving this information seperate then I can think of no other logic than they are trying to mislead. Why else would they not agree to this change? It's a ridiculously simple change to make.
The general rule of thumb is that a company that is reluctant to add transparancy, especially when it would not cost them, has something to hide.
I think many people would have to thank you to dig up all details.
Then they join this deal with what they know from yours.
I would like to vouch for Live Connected. I've been with them for 5 months, great little company that is trying very hard with a new take on serving customers via an online model which is pretty daring in itself to say the least. Yes, the 13, 1300 and 1800 numbers not included in the plan is weak but paying $11 a month for $400 worth of calls and 1GB of data? Again, $11.00, cmon', it's good value. (Notice, I didn't even include the bonus $400 for calling Live Connected members). I have been with Optus for the last 15 years and the only few times I had to call them was to either change plans, close plans or to increase the ring time before the phone goes to the message bank.
Not having a call center is not the end of the world as you will hardly use it once you get your plan. Only things to remember are, do not use 13, 1300, 1800 numbers, check usage daily, remember the usage meter has a 48hr delay so get in the habit of approximating up to date current usage by recalling usage for the last 48hrs. This has worked for me, not a single bill over $10.99.
Like always, if you are the type of person that needs constant help on how to setup your mobile phone, internet, outlook connection, etc, a call center to answer your lazy questions that can be found just by reading the website carefully; then this company is not for you. LiveConnected is making leaps and bounds and I am sure over the next 8 - 12 months, it will become a serious contender to rival most mainstream long running budget telcos. Give them some time, as the online model get's streamlined, becomes more efficient, newer more complex systems designed to further speed up and automate things get's implemented, etc. I know this just by seeing where the company was 6 months ago to now, absolutely amazing. Keep up the good work LiveConnected. Thumbs up from a happy user.
to concur with dreamscene's comment, i have now been with liveconnected for 11 months and i can't be more happy with liveconnected!
i have had two small issues with misbilling (coupon not applied) and the issues were resolved very efficiently via email. i do prefer support this way (where i can also attach scans/screenshots etc) than trying to talk to call centers that follow a dumb script.
i think this deal is amazing. i've just signed up for two more services on this $10.99/month to replace two services (one on Optus, one on 3) that are up for renewal in May.
the only pain i can see with this is that i may not be able to port the old numbers in later in the future but this seems to be a limitation of the optus postpaid platform.
Can the Rep or someone using the service tell me the order in which the credit is used?
Some companies have used (or still do use) a system whereby the "General" credit is used up BEFORE the "Extra" credit is used.
So to expand on this; If I make a call to someone on Live Connected will I be using my $400 "Talk value to Live Connected" first or will I be using my $400 "Talk and text value to anyone" first?
Obviously I would prefer to be using my $400 "Talk value to Live Connected" credit FIRST as this makes a big difference to the "value" of the credit for some scenarios.Yes mate, it simultaneous. I.E.
Call the wife (both on Liveconnected) it comes out of the Liveconnected $400
Call my dear old mum (on Telstra) it comes out of the "anybody" $400.So basically you have two $400 balances that go down as used.
Thanks for that :)
i am 100% sure its simultaneous. this is not like the optus new plans where you have to consume the whole anyone before you can have the optus to optus credit.
You need a drivers license to be able to proceed with registration.
Frikkin' IDIOTS.
A Neg vote is the least I can do.
Probably some form of identification, so they know youre not Osama bin Laden and/or that youre not hobo who cant afford a car license.
Not everyone has a car or needs to drive.
I'm international student. I don't have one too.
Nothing to do with owning a phone but a lot to do with credit checks. You would have to neg most post-paid plan operators for this reason.
Not a valid argument, other operators will make do with other forms of ID if you don't have a driver's licence.
Well, than this plan is simply not for you. The same as the Volunteers deal published here some time ago was not applicable to me. Or that a student deal not applicable to those who are not students.
Maybe it should be put in the title then - Driving license & credit card holders only, above 18 years old.Can't reply to tm001 so I will reply to you.
tm001 do you and all of Live's other supporters receive regular payments from them? Why do you think it is so crazy for someone to comment on the requirement to have a credit card? dkslim is not suggesting what you are spinning (i.e. that every deal should be dumbed down as much as possible) but rather pointing out a difference between this plan and competitors'.
I honestly don't understand how your reply to this post was meant to be constructive.
I agree wholeheartedly with the comments above - there are plenty of other forms of ID that could be used. I know a few people who don't have a licence to drive and they are not hobos.
You would have to neg most post-paid plan operators for this reason.
All other major mobile operators you can get a credit check done without a drivers' licence. Jeez, there are that many people I know without a drivers' licence. LC is forfeiting major business oppportunities here.
Before someone says something, I am not negging them for that reason!
you're negging because you cant get the deal. you're just sour.
sorry guys if its been answered, what mobile service is this using? optus?
ANOTHER dodgy thing discovered, buried deep in the Terms & Conditions:
- you must give 30 days notice to cancel (see T&C 13.1), as far as I know no other mobile service provider requires 30 days notice, rather you should be able to cancel immediately since there's no contract.
- if you terminate within 12 months, you lose your "refundable deposit" of $20 (see T&C 13.7).
Let's see how the rep responds to this. A customer shouldn't have to dig to find this info, it is very sneaky of them to have in the T&Cs without telling us upfront!!!
Those people recommending this company must be people who haven't had to experience leaving yet.
LOL, this gets better. The liveconnected rep said in regards to the $20 deposit:
The deposit is to help reduce our risk of non-payment which in turn means we build in less fat into the plans hence the pricing.
If that statement is really true and honest, then there is no reason why they couldn't refund the deposit even if the customer cancels the service within 12 months.
Once again, a lack of transparency.
wow, that is useful info. thanks dkslim for digging that up.
that "free sim" isn't so free anymore (only worth it if you stay for 12 months or more!)
so if liveconnected decide to change the promo (which they can in no contract), within 12 months, they will be taking my $20 away or forcing me to stay/paymore
and as the rep said they only have to give 30 days notice
and we also have to give 30 days notice!!hmmm what will the rep say or do to assure us that they wont do this, as quoted from liveconnected
"So its in our best interest to keep the price going at $10.99", so they dont really have to keep the price going at $10.99 when they can just take our $20 deposit within 12 monthsYeah, in the title of this deal it says:
No Contract, Free SIM & Shipping
What a crock of s#^t!
Well I just ordered it and it states:
$4.99 Monthly access fee
$0.00 Starter pack
$20.00 Once off depositLooks like free SIM & shipping to me…
Also on…
I can see:Month to month contract
Change plan to suit you
OK, that may be deceptive that there IS a contract, but that is pretty much same with any other post paid plans - not sure if you can get for example 3 days with someone….
It may look like free SIM and shipping on the surface, but that is what the $20 is for—the fact that they call it "deposit" is just marketing strategy so they can claim free SIM and shipping.
If it was really free you could cancel the service anytime and get your $20 back, but you can't do this—only after 12 months. Also they claim "no contract"; if that is the case why do you have to be connected for more than 12 months to get your deposit back?
Look on page 42 for terms/definitions:
non fixed-length agreement means an agreement that does not have a minimum term, or a fixedlength agreement where the minimum term has expired. A non fixed-length agreement includes a month-to-month agreement.
Therefore, my understanding is that, month-to-month agreements, such as this promo, does not have a minimum term as its a non fixed-length agreement.
From T&C 13.7
You, the customer, agree to a minimum term contract of 12 months, and agree that early termination
charges will apply if you terminate the agreement between you and Live Connected during that
minimum term.I think this part only applies to contract plans, as it has been stated that minimum term =/= month-to-month agreements. Indeed its not really specific, but I believe this T&C was written for all LC plans, contract and non-contract plans, therefore not all statement applies to all plans.
Hope that makes sense, thats just my understanding from this. Please correct me if Im wrong, would like the Rep to confirm this.
If you do a search for "deposit" in the whole lengthy T&C, the only place where it mentions that word is 13.7, so it sure looks like the deposit loss described in 13.7 applies to ALL services. Otherwise, there would be another paragraph describing a refund of the deposit, which doesn't exist
Here are the T&Cs:…You also acknowledge that if you terminate during the minimum term you will lose any deposit you may have paid.
Month-to-month does not have a minimum term, as pointed out in previous post.
I had to pay deposit a second time when changing plans, there was no talk of a refund or transfer of this, to the deposit of the second plan
asa79, was it a non-fixed month-to-month no contract (no minimum term) plan like this one?
Im thinking of signing up, but dont want to till this is all sorted out and clarified by the Rep.
I agree, this is an important point that the rep hasn't answered yet, although the rep has answered other questions later than this one.
the clause you're referring to is for Fixed Term Contracts. This offer falls under the non fixed term contracts.
so for your deposit refund just let us know 30 days before hand.However point taken, have seen this question come up a few times on this thread, so have flagged it to the marketing team to update the Ts & Cs to make it clearer.
I am bit confused why people neg. So far the reasons put up here could apply in same or similar shape or form to other providers. It is clearly said that this provider is not for everyone. It is very low budget. Obviously if you are a neurosurgeon with on-call to save lives than you probably should look somewhere else (Telstra business?). For me as a second phone looks great. I have not seen plan comparable to those offered here for the prices offered here. I think it is great deal.
OK, it has got limitations - no BPAY, must have driving license, … But will you neg a deal for students just because you are not a student?
I am ordering the 4.99 plan and will post here later on how it went, but so far all the terms & conditions looks to me very similar to others and quite reasonable. Will see how it will go. But guys, just be fair and do not neg based on misunderstanding, etc. (for example it is clearly said on the site that the discovery 19 plan is month by month, free SIM delivery, etc)The negs are not for the missing bells and whistles. The negs for the hidden caveats that LiveConnected chooses to make it difficult for customers to find out.
If LiveConnected had plainly said that "Folks, this is what we offer, and these things are excluded", there would not have been so many negative customer feedback.
All this information is somewhere on their site, if something particularly concerns you, it's probably there in writing.
Having to replicate everything in an OzB post is not particularly practical is it?
the only thing 'hidden' is the exclusion of 1300/1800 numbers which you can find if you bother to read the T&Cs, which btw are only a click away and organised into a neat PDF thats written in a large font and only a page long (unlike other T&Cs of telco's that i can only attempt to read).
You can view it here:…If people aren't smart enough to read the T&Cs of the things they purchase, especially expensive items and those with ongoing costs, then you really shouldn't bother buying it in the first place.
Stick with Telstra, and get ripped off.
Full T&C are 44 pages long. Happy reading![0]=faf745cd3ecfb4d0324ad9283e4847b8
people you know there is this thing called google and whirlpool forums
link here
Wanna ask other users, go there…wanna ask reps go there, wanna learn more about the actual T&C that matter go there. Basically shit loads of people who use the service will be there to answer your questions, no need to go on negging a great deal!
That is All
Touche anyone?
Well, who are you with now? Telstra (my "main" mobile operator) has same exclusions in their cap as well. The T&C are exactly what you are after, everything described in detail. Whatthey offer, under what conditions, what is included, what is excluded….
If you are too lazy to read those before signing a contract - well… What can I say? :-)
They are budget no-frills plans, so do not expect all the bells & whistles… :-)
I would love too a plan for $10 with $1000 value for calls to everywhere with a call cost 0.1c per minute within AU and $0.50 per minute international, with my personal assistant happy to assist me with anything and everything :-)You ignore the point. I don't think anyone in this whole thread said Live should include these services. They are simply pointing out important features that really should be listed on the front page. You are trivialising their opinion.
would prefer to include international calls and fine reduce the amount to $200 cap then
everyone else seems to be including international calls
im waiting for the one with the cheap SIM plan that has a good call bundle with a small data plan, not like im going to browse crazy on my mobile when i have my computerUse international VoIP operators for that. Much better rates than any other usual operators (sometimes free)
great deal, i have been using their service for 2 months, prompt customer service is the best thing i like about them, im thinking of getting another service from them.
is it possible to chose my own number if i want a new number under this plan?
also my credit card wont be charged anything if i fail the credit check will it?Hi - for new services numbers are auto assigned, basically the next one in the line.
No your credit card wont be charged if you fail credit check. If you are concerned about your credit file and credit check, drop us an email first.
This is the weirdest thread ever. I know lots of people have mentioned this already, but pretty much every negative point listed is pure paranoid posturing. Every single cap call limit by every Australian telco will include gst in the figure. This does not need to be mentioned. Excess data prices are approximately the same across the board. This is shown in the t&c. You will not use over a gig unless you're tethering.
To my knowledge, no optus caps include international calls. This is normal.
The only 1 legitimate downside to the deal is 1800 etc numbers, but the price is so damn good there's no way it cant be considered a bargain.I've been with LiveConnected for a while now and I must say that they are quite good, initially they had a few billing problems but they have been sorted out.
Now you even get a mid month email telling you how much you've used and you can check your usage at any time.I'm on the old plan which is similar to this, but is $330 worth of calls and includes 13 number and costs $14.99.
I think the most I ever paid on my monthly bill was just over $20, so I think this definitely receives a "+".People are so skeptical of small companies who are actually out there trying to do the right thing by customers, yet then are more than happy to bitch constantly about their big providers over charging them. You either sacrafice the big name, or you sacrifice the price. I know which I'd rather.
Good deal guys. Will keep an eye out for you again once my 3 contract is up. Any chance of offering an unlimited SMS service at an extra cost at some point down the road?
“The skeptic does not mean him who doubts, but him who investigates or researches, as opposed to him who asserts and thinks that he has found”
Miguel de Unamuno
i dont understand why ppl -ve this plan. If this plan is not for you, leave it. Neg'ged only when you are having "REAL" problems with it (e.g. ex-customer or something like that).
C'on, you dont have DL and cant register it, so you neg'ged it. Thats unfair.
C'on, you dont like the T&Cs, then move on with Optus or telstra or 3 or voda. the World is your oyster.
C'on, losing 20$ deposit for termination before 12th month, less than 2$ a month (but how much you save??), you gotta be kidding me. Any Telco needs a bit airtime to "survive". Be realistic guys.There are heaps of doggy companies out there (would anyone do me a favour and list them all here).
I agree with you and I will start off your list as well
Pedigree - Really Good Dog Food!
Chum - Terrible.
Have you tried it? lol
hahaha nah, but my pup won't eat it. :(
what to do when so many ppl actually living in their highroller world thinking if they paid 100bucks, its a good stuff and ignoring the fact that 10bucks is the actually what the stuff worths and there are plenty of equal quality alternative.
just like they would only buy panadol and say panamax is made of poison…*ppl who reads label knows that panamax has the ABSOLUTELY same composition of ingredient as panadol.
Panadol vs panamax vs "being Paranoid"
To back up your comment about the medicine, refer to : (btw, sorry, this is off topic)
** deleted** it's a dup
I don't understand why people are so touche about negs on OzB. The reaction you often get, you would have thought you had just murdered the King of England.
my personal reason: misleading -ve would destroy small independent companies, who are actually doing the right things to major group of consumers. they are bringing in more competition into the market (of course i understand the saying "ive got what ive paid for").
By reducing/removing unnecessary value added services (e.g. BPay, CC processing fee, paper bills, itemised bills, call centres, Caller ID, Call Forward, Call Waiting, and so on), they are able to reduce the total cost, and pass the savings onto customers.
Regarding to CALL CENTRE, are you happy to pay extra for overseas call-centre's wages?
BTW, if anyone does their homework well, they would know it costs a fortune to setup BPay or Post BillPay .. and in the end, who pays for that costs?misleading -ve would destroy small independent companies
I didn't know my vote wielded such power!
If you read my comments I didn't vote negative for any of the reasons you listed and I fail to see where I have been misleading. If anything it has been LC that has proved to be less than transparent if you consider some of the issues raised in this thread.
The fact that there are currently 10 negs (plus many others who have not voted either way because they are waiting for answers/resolutions) indicates that there are some issues to be resolved.
I may even end up ordering one of these plans myself.
now thats the voted neg then you get the deal anyway. what?
Suppose the Mc-Burger company sells burgers for $5.
Suppose Live-Burger, the small timer passing savings to the customer, advertises supposedly the same or better Burgers for $2.50 , but makes to hard for customers realise that Live-Burgers are 25% smaller. Only those careful enough to read the 44 page T&C can find this information somewhere in the middle of it. It is still a good deal as far as value for price is considered. It is however a piece of deceptive advertising which attracts negative votes.Are the negative votes good? YES. It conveys the customer sentiments to the sellers so that they can address the issues.
LiveConnected has attracted so many negative votes in the past for the same reasons. Check their past deals and see how many people criticized them for making it hard to find out that calls to 13/18 are excluded from the cap. It is just that LiveConnected chooses not to address the reasons for negative sentiments.
surm: I suppose that expecting consumers to do their own homework is too much to ask?
Btw, per your analogy, the Live-burger is still a better deal lol
It does say on the page
Important things to note: A) click here for the full Term and Conditions
Anyone who doesnt check and throughly read the T&C when provided is a dumbass. Fair enough if they hid the T&C, making it extremely difficult to access the page, but here no. Theres really only 2 pdf T&C files, one that is more specific for this promo and only 2 pages, stating clearly that it does not include 13/18 numbers.
Just cause it doesnt suit you, doesnt mean its a bad deal. Sometimes, you gotta sacrifice a bit in exchange for something else, in this case for me, on optus prepaid, 13/18 no. for hell lot more credit and inc. data.
"I suppose that expecting consumers to do their own homework is too much to ask?"
Put it this way. If the seller removes the important but unfavorable billing information from the rest of the billing information is and places in a T&C, that is deceptive conduct. T&C is not for that. No one should be allowed to advertise a car and mention on the T&Cs that the engine of the car is excluded in the price.
Unfair contract terms
how the term was expressed in the contract. For example, it may be hidden in fine print or written in legalese…
Relying on disclaimers and small print
Your business cannot rely on disclaimers and small print as an excuse for misleading or deceptive conduct.…
"Btw, per your analogy, the Live-burger is still a better deal lol"
Dude, that was the whole purpose of the analogy. 75% of the burger for 50% of the price is a better value. However, the Live-Burger was deceptive in that it made it hard for customers realise that they don't get the full size burger. For the deceptive behavior they get negative feedback.
Lol All I heard was blah blah blah it's a good deal, but I'm gonna neg for a trivial reason
sigh if you can't see it's a good deal, then it's no one's loss but yours
@camel grass: my bad :-p
I think the touchiness in this instance might stem from existing customers who have had nothing but good experiences wanting to defend LC. I know I'm in that category.
The issues mentioned aren't new, they were pretty much all brought up the first time LC advertised here (and again on every deal hence it seems). If a regular Ozbargainer had posted this deal up, I reckon there wouldn't be half the amount of flak.
If you take a step back and look at the risk, it's only $30.99 to try these guys out! If you don't like it, just cancel the service the next month.
Hahhahah I actually laughed out loud. You say you don't understand the negs on this. I can't say that I think this deal deserves a negative but what I can't understand is the fact that you think a hidden cost is acceptable because something is cheap. At McDonalds they have a promotion at the moment where you get free avocado with one of the burgers. If they tried to charge you a 5 cent avocado cutting fee in addition to this would you just say to the person at the register "Oh I suppose the avocado is free so charging a cutting fee isn't so bad"? 5 cents is nothing, so you'd be happy to just pay it, right? You wouldn't think it was a bit of a scam? Just remember that a little bit of money multiplied by a lot of people can still work out to be a lot of money.
Hi Rep, I've been on applo5 plan for around a year and wish to switch to series 19 before the end of promo. Can i simply log a case via selfservice portal?
thanksi think he replied one of the similar questions on Page 2.
Yes, you should drop them an email.
Rep, can I port my number after receiving the sim or do I have to do that at sign up?
do it at signup otherwise "Optus postpaid" will treat it a new service.
The reason I ask this is that there are still some optus credit (about $18) which we want to use up before porting. If I can get the sim today and get the special then port the existing number in a week's time that would be ideal.
Edit: just had a read to understand the process better. Seems like the porting process only starts when the new sim is activated. Am I right to say I can keep the existing sim incl all its credit and once it's used up, activate the LC sim and have the number automatically ported over?
Hi Fungi
Yes that's right, but the activation will occur before the end of the month so you'll need to use up your credit before then.
I am considering this deal and would like to thank camelgrass and friends for their detective work. I know I should read t&c but I would'nt have. Sure I am not Robinson crusoe in this regard. IMO it has been a good discussion on both sides and I can go in eyes wide open.
The rep needs to waive the $20 dodgy deposit fee, AND get rid of the 30 day notice to leave requirement, before it can be considered a good deal.
There are terms in the T&Cs which allow them to keep the $20 deposit, which is just plain wrong.
I don't know why you're being so nitpicky about this. If you don't think it's a good deal, move on. As it is this plan is perfect for a lot of prepaid users, infact I am going to change 3 people in the household to this, who are currently using $30 optus prepaid with 6 mths expiry, only now for the same money they're getting crapload more call allowance.
You say it isn't a good deal, fine, find us a plan where you can go month to month, pay no sim fee, only pay a $20 refundable deposit and get $285 worth of calls for $4.99 a month. I'll be very interested to see if you can do it.
This plan isn't valid for most or all non Australian or non-permanent residents. They still perform a credit check prior to signing anyone up for this. Making the $20 safety deposit redundant and dodgy.
Tpg Does Not do credit check. LC does credit check because they can stuff u up if go over there high call charges.
Mate, wake up to the real world. When I came to Australia 10 years ago I could not get ANY mobile post-paid plans on my student/working visa. Well, in that case you need to stick with pre-paid. Unfortunately heard of too many ppl who left Australia with unpaid fines, etc. The federal police will probably survive if 1000 ppl a yer left Au without paying $100 fine. But for a small operator a loss of $100k a yer could be fatal.
BTW - Good luck when looking for any rental accommodation, you will cry when realizing that you will have to pay safety deposit MUCH more than $20 ….Unfortunately, i bought a house in Burwood, the whole bond/safety deposit thing is moot. But the point is, if you cant deliver the service to non-australians or non-permanent residents, put a sign/note saying that and quit wasting our time. Is it that much to ask of a small operator to just do that?
the refundable $20 deposit is wrong because it advertises itself as free sim/delivery and no contract but does not mention anything (other than in the fine lines of terms and conditions) about losing the $20 if you leave within 12 months!! (which will most likely happen if they decide to change the promo back to $29. No contract so they can do this anytime with 30 days notice
so yeah false/unclear advertising.
However even after all these negatives I will still get this sim for me and my gf (moving from TPG $14.99 cap). The positives and value ($10.99!! for $400) is better and cheaper than my current. so will be good and save money only after 10 months (save $4 a month so thats $40 for the $20 deposit I wont get back then another $20 for going back to tpg sim)
dkslim & Co., how much is TPG paying you? Honestly, some of the negs here are ridiculous! You guys should be embarrassed. Some of the negs I'v read so far:
- Having to pay if you go over your cap
- Out of quota data being expensive
- Terms and conditions which are CLEARLY written and available on the website being "HARD" to find.
- Rep not spoon feeding informationWho these days, effectively, signs a contract (even if it's month to month) without fully understanding its terms? In this case, there seems to be limited financial liability even if things go wrong.
Maybe you guys can call your Mom's and get them to read over everything, weigh up the pros/cons and make an informed decision for you.
Why not consider the $20 deposit a delivery/sim card fee and call it a day? Surely it would be worth it for the cost of $11 per month? Liveconnected is trying to offer the better part of something Optus and most other carriers charges almost 5x for. Not only that, but they've discounted it by over half from their own original price. How is this NOT a bargain? I haven't seen a valid argument yet.
Nobody is paying me, I negged this deal because it is misleading. It advertises that you get a "free sim", but it is far from free, you have to put a $20 deposit and they can pocket that deposit if you leave within 12 months (which there's a high chance of happening). What annoys me is they call that deposit a "refundable deposit" when it is clearly not, and didn't bother to alert the customer about that. Also, they keep advertising no contract, but the T&C says you must give 30 days notice to leave - once again, misleading. Don't you think those things should be mentioned upfront, rather than buried in the T&Cs? This is dishonest practice, and FULLY deserves a negative vote.
If you are happy paying those "hidden fees", then you are a soft consumer asking to be taken advantage of.
You're first point is invalid, you dont need to stay 12 months ot claim back ur $20 deposit. Give them 30 days notice and they will refund your deposit.
So it all comes down to the 30 day notice to leave…it may be inconvenient. But they're not charging you the world. its only a $10.99 plan. you may have to stick with it for an extra month if you forget to cancel. big woop!
I'm totally agree with you.
I would like to get this deal but they need Driving License!!
All the carriers I have been with don't do that. In fact I don't know any that do. The day of activation is start of the billing cycle.