• expired

Bulk Nutrients 10% off [Next 48 Hours]


Long time lurker first time poster, got this code in an e-mail this morning but don't need it, not sure if a one off or multiple use.


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Bulk Nutrients
Bulk Nutrients

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    • +4

      Bro what hahaha

    • +5

      We have cows at our place, they only get impregnated when the bull is on the job and we don't kill calves…ever.

      Wait. Don't tell me….. vegan rage?

      Thanks OP I was considering a reorder this morning so the extra 10% off is great timing. :)

      • -5

        And you're on a dairy farm? Wow, you must run at a loss!

        Else, what's it like cutting the balls off your baby bulls? Or their horns? Or a bullet in the head when they're 2 years old? Are you so kind?

        • +4

          Never de-balled a bull, or cut the horns off anything. The only time we've shot a cow was about ten years ago after we struggled for 2 weeks to get her going again (turns out she had a broken bone in her back). Otherwise the bulls get rotated to different properties or sold off to market. Regardless of the PETA propaganda not ALL animal farmers run industrialised meat factories where they don't care for the their animals.

          If anyone runs at a loss it is not from lack of animal cruelty but rather the buying habits of the general population who buy colesworth branded milk products at great cost to the farmer. And ridiculous taxations and cost-of-compliance foisted by the ever rapacious and inefficient government.

          • -6

            @EightImmortals: Farmers care for their animals - what - while they're making them money? You don't shoot them but you - what - send them off to be shot?


            In any event, I don't blame farmers for anything - it is the consumers who drive it all. Farmers are just doing the dirty work people are paying them to do.

          • +1

            @EightImmortals: Vegetarian, that's what my food eats.

            From the ignorant comments denouncing all animal farming I doubt very much that you're arguing with someone who's been very far from their favourite inner city latte supplier. Good on you for trying to educate though.

            • +1

              @OzBragain: Thanks. :)

              I was just down in the paddock actually, been hand-feeding a calf for the last few days but I don't think he's going to make it. Looks like weak calf syndrome which we've never had before so it will be sad if we lose him. There's only so much we can do sometimes.

              • @EightImmortals: Bugger, hope he comes around mate

                • -1

                  @OzBragain: Nothing like resuscitating an animal so you can kill them at a time of your own choosing and make money off carving their corpses up.

                  • +2

                    @fantombloo: Mmmmm resuscitated veal is the tastiest!

                    But in all seriousness, have you ever been to visit a modern farm run by farmers interested in sustainability and animal welfare? Most farmers I meet are more interested in their animals well being than people. I'm not talking about reading about farming practices from PETA or a book/magazine, not watching a doco, not hearing about it from your favourite hipster barista…actually go out on the land and take the time to talk to the farmers?

                    I have vegan friends who don't wear leather and all the hardcore jedi master vegan stuff…BUT…at the same time they don't try and shove it down everyone's throat any chance they get. These people also appreciate that in all likelihood they wouldn't have been born had their grandparents, great-grandparents etc not eaten meat and used animal products.

                    • @OzBragain:

                      Most farmers I meet are more interested in their animals well being than people.

                      Farmers are interested in their animals in the same way I'm interested in my car: while utility can be extracted they are looked after it, else they're disposed of, in the cheapest way possible. Money dude, money. Farmers are interested in money. I don't blame them, it's their job, made necessary by you the consumer.

                      • +2


                        Farmers are interested in their animals in the same way I'm interested in my car…

                        Of course you know better than the rest of us because you've read it in a magazine.

                        I guess we can assume from your conspicuous avoidance of the previous question that you've never taken the time to visit a decent farm but will still happily spread whatever drivel supports your argument regardless of fact.

                        Ever sit back and wonder why no one takes you seriously?

                        • @OzBragain: Spoken by someone who actually pays people to kill animals.

                          Dude, how can I take you seriously?

                          • @fantombloo: So we're still assuming you've never visited a decent farm and certainly not taken any time to learn first hand how they operate. It's also pretty fair to assume that haven't spent any time talking to good farmers to learn their views on farming practices and animal welfare but yet you still want to preach to the world how horribly farmers mistreat animals.

                            I take full responsibility for persevering with my idiotic optimism in thinking there may be some semblance of reasonable discussion here.

                            Spoken by someone who actually pays people to kill animals.

                            Not spoken at all, I dare say you wouldn't have the kahounas to discuss this face to face but no doubt feel quite comfortable hiding behind your keyboard. While I do indirectly pay for meat that others have killed I also hunt and there's nothing the family loves more than organic free range meat on the table. As I'm sure this is another subject you're disgusted by but know very little about, let me assure you that our dinner's death is quick and without suffering. I'm fairly confident that my six year old has a better grasp on how the food chain works and how should be managed than you do.

                            We've gone way off topic from the post, time for me to call this done and look at what BN have to offer.

                            While you've given me a good chuckle, your disconnect from reality is getting frustrating. I'm going to leave it here but feel free to have the last word.

                            Ahh, okay one more. Was looking at this Ebay deal and couldn't help thinking of our chat here. Can I buy you one for your kombucha stubbies.

    • +7

      OP posts vegan deal

      Vegan still gets offended. This is why people don't like you lot.

      • -3

        Yes, look at all the offense I've taken.

    • +1

      How do you spot the vegan at a dinner party?

      You don't, they'll tell you all about it!

  • +2

    Coupon worked for me 👍 thanks for the post. Had to get 10kg of the earth protein

  • Hey guys if you're looking to go international Myprotein is having 30% off at the moment. Switched over to them from Bulk and flavors and products have been good, postage is also pretty good.

    • Damn I just bought like $500 worth of supps that would've been great

      • Sorry mate only went looking after I saw this, I was about to spend around that as well

    • Isnt postage is $20 at MyProtein?

      • Not if you order over 150$ i think

  • +1

    Don't need it but I can say from previous experience that Bulk Nutrients are bloody fantastic.

  • has anyone tried their total meal replacements? Are these on the line of Soylent/JimmyJoy/Aussielent in terms of 'replacement' or just as a quick alternative?

    edit: it does have a disclaimer:
    Formulated Meal Replacement This product must not be used as a sole source of nutrition, or as a total diet replacement.

    • that's usually a bad idea anyway from a fibre point of view

    • You've already answered your question, but I can at least add that the vanilla caramel flavour is good :)

  • +1

    Thanks, just made use of this. $7 flat rate shipping is pretty good too

  • Tried but says that it has now expired. Too late!!! ;-(

      • @azorax is your avatar a tub of protein? That's hilarious :)

    • Works, thanks op!

      • I think expired again :(

    • Same. Also not working for me now.

      "The coupon code you entered has been disabled so it can't be used."

  • yep just tried it not working

    • +1

      seems like a targeted code so maybe had limited uses sorry mate, just thought it was better here than going to waste

      • +1

        no worries, not your fault. i just wasn't fast enough! cheers for sharing anyway

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