This was posted 6 years 4 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Vibe Pack with 12 Channels in November - Was $6 (Fetch TV Box Required)


Similar to this earlier deal this time it’s the Vibe pack with 12 channels

Channels - ESPN, ESPN2, E, Comedy Central, Style, Egg Network, Spike, MTV, MTV Music, MTV Dance, FashionTV and Edge Sport.

Note - This has already started today on my retail Fetch mini box as well

Works on Optus and retail fetch boxes. subboy suggested it did not work for IINET

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Thanks OP

    • Cheers!

  • +2

    Should be available now - might need to reboot your Fetch box and unhide the channels in your guide.

  • +2

    Seriously, I have no use for the Fetch box I got a few months ago. What should I do with it?

    • Give it to me

      • Apparently I can't sell it away. I would if I could.

        • Mini or mighty? Retail or ISP owned? And how much do you want for it?

        • Yerjokinarentyer?

    • +1

      If you got it from an ISP, return it, as you are likely renting it, and it's linked to your account, so no-one else can use it.

      If it's a retail unit from JB or HN etc, sell it.

  • Is this only for Optus fetch boxes? I just checked my box which is retail version purchased from Hardly Normal and is still $6

    • Strange.. works for me and I bought my retail box from The Good Guys. Could you try Kirt’s suggestion and try restarting it? The channels should show up in the TV guide, you don’t need to buy the pack

  • Will be great if someone can confirm if it works with Optus Fetxh , I had to send it back after FIFA saga, but will get it back if this works, cheers

  • +1

    What is the cheapest way to buy a retail mini fetch tv box?

    • +1

      second hand?

    • +3

      $129 delivered for a refurb with full warranty from JB (most believe these are brand new with slightly damaged packaging), or brand new for $135 from The Good Guys:

      • Thank guys, but I most found second hand ones locked for specific telco, Btw, will it work with vividwireless?

        • +1

          will it work with vividwireless?

          Good question.

          I'm 99% sure it will, but I know in the past there have been issues getting all subscription TV working with Optus Home Wireless Broadband, so you might want to double check with Fetch themselves:

          [email protected]

        • Thank guys, but I most found second hand ones locked for specific telco,

          So my Optus branded fetch tv box I bought 2nd hand is no good for connecting to fetch Tv ?

          I have optus prepaid mobile with the old unlimited data/calls/text, so I stream using hotpot from mobile phone. I have no other optus paid services.

          If these Optus branded ones are 'network locked' does this mean i have to pay optus to use the thing for fetch tv, or can I use this deal.

          I bought mine for about $35 from CEX Entertainment Exchange (kind of a pricing error, as they bought it in as "generic tv box"), I have Optus branded one with I think 3 tv tuners, so can watch 1 channel, record 2 others at same time. Have wanted to try fetch for a long time.

          I have sony android 4k tv, not sure if that will allow me to try fetch tv.

      • +1

        Just for comparison sake, the Fetch Mini through TGG Commercial is $123, so $12 extra tomorrow is still a decent saving off the $169 retail price.

    • +1

      Beaten by Kirt :)

  • +1

    Excellent, ESPN, just in time for the MLB World Series. Oh, wait :-(

  • Cant seem to make it work on my optus fetch box, still shows as $6. Restarted twice, no luck.

    • +1

      The channels should show up in the TV guide, you don’t need to buy the pack

      • Ah makes sense, tried and happy to say it works! Watched MTV after ages.

  • +1

    Might want to put optus customers in heading .. I have iinet and it's not free this end

  • I don't have access to antenna, would this still work to get free to air channels?

    • +1

      You need an antenna for the free to air 'antenna' channels.
      However the 'catch' up services will be ok.

      • +1

        You can stream some channels now, although it's a bit clunky.
        Menu > TV > Catch Up
        E.g. for 7 Plus, select the 7 Plus tile, scroll right to Live TV

        From what I can see, works for 7 and ABC.

    • +1

      As SirCH said, live tv can be streamed through a couple of the catchup apps, with more being rolled out in the future - this was posted last week by Fetch on their facebook site:

      "Yes, we are working with the other FTA providers to get the live channels integrated into the apps. We don't yet have confirmed dates as there is a lot of work on both ends to make this happen, but definitely underway."

  • Thanks for the heads up :)

  • Confirmed working on retail box no reboot necessary for me.

  • What happens in December? Does Optus start charging for the channels?

    • I suppose they just remove access to the channels.

  • PSA!!! If you tape anything off these channels please make sure you watch it before the month is up!! I did some recordings when the last lot of channels were available for free. Once the month is up the channel access is cut… but they also cut access to the recordings! I was pissed as I had plenty off BBC tv :(

  • +1

    So I'm watching the Comedy Channel for free and the South Park Film is on .. which has me think . .
    Oh, I wonder if "Book of Mormon" came to Sydney. It has .. It is currently playing and there's $79 tickets available.
    But on closer inspection are $50.80 tickets ..
    So I OzBargain that deal …
    The circle is complete!

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