This was posted 6 years 4 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] - Humble THQ Nordic Playstation Bundle 2 - $1/$10.89/$15 USD (~$1.41/$15.38/$21.18 AUD) - Humble Bundle


The new Humble Bundle is here. This time it is a Playstation 4 bundle. Three tiers as always.

Tier 1: $1USD:

  • Lock's Quest
  • Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams: Director's Cut

Tier 2: $10.89 USD (BTA):

  • This is the Police
  • The Dwarves
  • Red Faction II
  • Black Mirror
  • Destroy all humans! 2

Tier 3: $15 USD:

  • Titan Quest
  • Darksiders Warmastered Edition
  • Sine Mora EX
  • Battle Chasers: Nightwar


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closed Comments

  • +7

    So, this one seems to be both US and Europe/Australia, unlike past PS bundles. If that's right, I'm glad they finally managed to work it out.

    edit: I can confirm it's fine for Australian accounts. Apparently, you don't get This is the Police in New Zealand though.

    • -3

      and there was never any issue with the previous PS bundles.. all you needed to do was create a FREE account on the US PSN store and redeem the codes.. games could still then be played under your AU PSN account.

      • +9

        You just described the issue. It cannot be redeemed without US PSN account.

  • +7

    Am I getting old when I feel nothing from reading any of those titles or am I just too picky these days?

    Honestly have no interest in playing any of those games but they seem like solid contenders.

    • +1

      Yep. Felt the exact same. A big helping of 'meh'.

    • This is The Police was fun, same with Destroy All Humans 2

      Would have bought 2nd tier $10.89 USD if it had This is The Police 2
      But yeah, too many indie/unknowns for my liking

      Titan Quest prob should have been in lower tier

    • About the only thing that that I'm interested in is Battlechasers, which is why I backed the KS and have it on Steam.

      If it were in one of the cheaper tiers here I might have considered a buy to get a PS4 version also, but not at $15USD

  • some games are the same as the first bundle. still yet to play any of the tier 1 bundle I bought last year lol

    • comparison to previous bundle:

      Darksiders Warmastered
      Destroy All Humans! 2

      not previously bundled:
      MX vs. ATV Supercross
      Darksiders II
      MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore
      Darksiders II, Deathinitive Edition
      Battle Worlds Kronos
      Destroy All Humans!
      Legend of Kay Anniversary
      The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
      Red Faction
      Super Dungeon Bros.
      ArcaniA: The Complete Tale

      • the first bundle was better

        First bundle Second bundle
        Tier 1 Tier 1
        1 Deponia PS4 1 Lock's Quest
        2 ArcaniA: The Complete Tale PS4 2 Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams: Director's Cut
        3 Super Dungeon Bros PS4
        4 Red Faction PS4
        5 The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 PS4
        Tier 2 (plus tier 1) Tier 2 (plus tier 1)
        6 Legend of Kay Anniversary PS3/PS4 3 This is the Police
        7 Destroy All Humans! PS4 4 The Dwarves
        8 Destroy All Humans! 2 PS4 5 Red Faction II
        9 Battle Worlds: Kronos PS4 6 Black Mirror
        7 Destroy all humans! 2
        Tier 3 (plus tier 1 and 2) Tier 3 (plus tier 1 and 2)
        10 Darksiders Warmastered PS4 8 Titan Quest
        11 Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition PS4 9 Darksiders Warmastered Edition
        12 MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore PS4 10 Sine Mora EX
        13 Darksiders II PS3 11 Battle Chasers: Nightwar
        14 Darksiders PS3
        15 MX vs. ATV Supercross PS3
  • FREE Neverwinter add-on content!

    NOTE: Please note that if you redeem your code for this game, Humble Bundle may receive a commission or fee.

    This is confusing. If I redeem, then there’s a chance HB has to pay something? Or there’s a chance they will get % (yay!).

    • +1

      "receive" means they will get money for advertising Neverwinter.

  • +3

    Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a great little hidden gem. Highly recommend it to anyone that likes turn based RPGs

    • or anyone who was a fan of the comic that ended before its story was completed..

    • Plus 1 to this. I played that game endlessly. The RPG systems and mechanics are pretty much flawless. Worth the entry price alone.

  • Given I only want Sine Mora, I think I'll just buy it on switch

    • enjoy wasting your $40 compared to about $22 AUD then!

      • Uh.. no?

        Sale price $25.
        10% Nintendo cards -> $22.50 + a couple dollars of Nintendo coins

        Vs buying here on ps4, on the platform that I wont really play it on, for about the same price ($15USD)..

  • Giana Sisters is fantastic platformer.
    It is a remake of a successful Mario clone from the 80’s.

  • Are the upper tiers a single key or individual keys for each game?

    • +1

      At the humble bundle page

      ATTENTION: Two keys will be provided to redeem all the games in your bundle. One key will be provided to redeem Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - Director's Cut and an additional key will redeem all other games. You will not be able to add money to unlock additional content after your initial purchase.

  • The trailer for Lock's quest has the narrator breaking the fourth wall 😂

  • Please reassure me, did they make a mistake with the Black mirror's trailer? … It seems it's the trailer of the first black mirror on Pc.

  • Buyer beware, THQ Nordic make notoriously shonky remasters. Lock's Quest in particular has a myriad of issues that I believe still aren't fixed (and it's a bloody DS game!).

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