50% off DisplayFusion for the next few days.
Doesn't go on sale very often and is a must have for anyone with an Ultrawide/4K monitor.
50% off DisplayFusion for the next few days.
Doesn't go on sale very often and is a must have for anyone with an Ultrawide/4K monitor.
I haven't looked at this program for a few years. Everytime I did, I found a free option that got me past driver/OS issues, though without some of the bells and whistles that would have been nice to have.
My last major issue was alignment of screens of different resolution, and that was fixed by Display changer 2, but is no longer required with Windows 10. With drivers supporting custom resolutions "Custom resolution utility" is no longer required. I do feel Windows updates have introduced some incompatibilities on occasion, but all seems OK at the moment.
What I do miss, is how display drivers once had a much more extensive profile management. They once offered easy right click display profile selection for various configs along with eyefinity/surround. Will Display Fusion give me this? If so, can I also save colour management profiles as part of the profiles? So I can switch between 10bit and RGB etc.
How about control of monitor settings through DCC eg Colour Space, Brightness/contrast and colour balance etc within the actual monitor? This would be awesome.
I better have another look, but maybe you have a quick reply to save me searching for basic functions that don't exist due to MS security etc.
Edit: I intend to end up with 16:9,21:9,16:9 all 1440p(or higher for the centre monitor), what is the big feature for the Ultrawides?
I honestly never bothered with custom resolutions being I run a 1440p, 1080p and 1080p vertical. I can just see that going nowhere, quick.
It looks like it can set monitor colour depth along with the usual resolution, refresh rate, orientation and such. If you're talking about the built-in brightness and such of the actual monitors, I've never known any software that can touch that.
The custom resolution are more for scanrate these days, but was a big thing with workstation CRT's.
re Getting to monitor settings via Windows Software. Have a look here at the link. It has worked with all monitors I have tried, including 10+ year olds. I just had a thought that I should see how it goes on my TV.
Profiles to switch between eyefinity and standard would be a big help. I run 2 10 bit monitors and being able to change colour space from RGB with the same profile selection and scan rates would be awesome. My 10bit displays will max at 60HZ in 10bit, but go to 80Hz in RGB, and that is a lot of clicking to change. Being able to change colour management profiles at the same time would be the icing on the cake. And to select monitor internal colour spaces would be the cherry on top.
potplanty, these seem like some pretty major Win 10 issues.
-Can't Fix: Start menu moves back to primary when typing to search.
If I just use Windows standard taskbars and not the feature in Displayfusion, is this still an issue?
-Can't Fix: Applications don't register in Task View (or virtual desktops) when not on the Primary monitor. Workaround: Set Taskbar Mode to "Windows taskbar shows all…"
This is a bit of a game stopper. Who runs multi monitors and not a multitude of windows. Forcing all windows onto the primary windows taskbar as a workaround seems like a nightmare? No Virtual desktop is also not great news.
@Major Mess: Wish I could help more but I'm at work right now and won't have access to my home computer for a few days. I'd suggest going to the forums and asking the developer as they're usually pretty quick to respond and very helpful.
@Tacooo: Thanks anyway. I have spent a bit of time on it and there are some other issues that might affect me. Not being able to use task view properly is a deal killer. With the other utilities I use the only thing I am missing is an easy way to quickly config forced profiles for app and window arrangement.
Displayfusion should be fine for most, especially for dedicated jobs. Again the task view and virtual desktop issues kill it for me anyway.
benefits for windows 10?
Avoiding Windows er "seamless display switching" which just manages to seamlessly annoy every day.
Diji1, I tried searching for "seamless display switching" issues, but could not find what it is. Could you possibly elaborate? Cheers.
What I have noticed is some issues with custom resolution scan rates changing depending on the current desktop scanrate. ie I have an 80Hz 1080p custom, but if I have my desktop at 60Hz 1440p, the 80Hz may not apply in a game. Same with 1440p 80Hz custom.
Literally nothing. Windows 10 is garbage.
However, if you mean benefits of using this on Win10? Well you have automatic window-snapping (when a program opens, open on X monitor in X position), separate background slideshows for each individual screen, removal of the taskbars, correct scaling of screensavers across multiple monitors.
"automatic window-snapping" - Can I set up multiple profiles for this? eg Video editing profile, Photo editing profile, etc, but may have a common app included for both profiles but in a different location.
removal of taskbars? I guess you mean vs windows either offering one or all displays? I would like to run a 3 icon high taskbar on a non Primary display and 1 high on the other displays. But if I do a display driver reset from within Windows I end up with the three high taskbar on my Primary display(required to get my old AMD GPU to run at it's proper clock or overclock - only after running a video in a window somewhere does this bug occur-also required a reg edit ,saves rebooting the whole PC). Perhaps this would help with this issue as well.
Saying Windows 10 is garbage is a bit of a blanket statement. What is garbage is having no control over updates. Win 10 seems to be the best multi monitor supported OS so far, albeit with some bugs. Also the whole changing of the way setting are accessed is broken, and makes it a pain to find deeper gui's that used to be easy to find.
Yeah, I'm curious about this too. Might look for a demo or trial, because running 3 monitors in x1080 there's really very little I can't do on Windows 10 AFAIK. Maybe there's some features there I didn't know I needed and can no longer live without though.
@ToastySteve: There seems to be a few results on youtube, probably all showing the same basic features though. Anyway I'll chuck them on in the background and post back here if I find anything interesting there or through further searching. Considering I have run multi monitor since Windows allowed, on 4x S3 pci VGA cards at work and in 2000 adding a geforce MX twin head at home with an S3, I should check if I am really missing something. It is a pain profile switching via drivers has sort of disappeared.
@Major Mess: I'm testing it at work now. It's actually pretty powerful. You can drill in to things a little bit more deeply than windows 10 allows, like setting opacity on individual taskbars, taking control of the windows lock screen, monitor fading and dimming, alt+tabbing, and what looks like the most useful part of the program is setting up triggers, i.e. If I launch VNC player on my work machine, launch it on my monitor facing away from my coworkers. I've had mixed success with that in the past using Windows 10.
@ToastySteve: Yep, should be good for most users. Lots of gui bells and whistles.
These two issues have put the nail in the coffin for me tho.
-Can't Fix: Start menu moves back to primary when typing to search.
If I just use Windows standard taskbars and not the feature in Displayfusion, is this still an issue?
-Can't Fix: Applications don't register in Task View (or virtual desktops) when not on the Primary monitor. Workaround: Set Taskbar Mode to "Windows taskbar shows all…"
Any chance you could turn off DisplayFusions taskbars and just use the standard Windows taskbar on multi monitors, to test if the Task View and Virtual display issues still occur?
The tools I already have do everything I need and things that DisplayFusion can't, apart from the great feature to be able to set workspace combo's of apps etc to profiles. Some apps allow switched to be added to their shortcut and the bodgy windows splitting sort of makes up for it a very little amount.
The dimming and fading would be cool while watching a full screen web streamed video. Currently I load a blank black web page full screen in the browser on the monitors I am not using. Sort of funny really. For local media Zoomplayer can blank the non used displays. (Turning off the displays causes other issues, and I suppose I could use Display Changer below to get around it. But that would mean waiting to get back to web surfing etc while the media paused and displays reenabled etc. I am pretty new to streaming services so have not bothered about it and have a Shield in the lounge room).
Some tools and info you might be interested in.
Multi monitor wallpapers can be made by creating a large image the size of the total display area.
eg when I was running 1920x1080 + 1920x1200 + 1920x1080, I had a bmp of 5760x1200 made up of three photos, one for each display.
Custom Resolution Utility - Much more powerful than drivers provide.
Display Changer II
I was mainly using this to set precise alignment - Windows 10 used to snap alignment to certain limited positions, to change refresh rate and bit depth, and to select 2 or 3 monitors active.
It also has a handy utility to restart windows display drivers, which is unlikely to be something most people need.
Your saved config is activated by running a bat file, which you can create a shortcut for. The command can generate the config based on your current display configuration so not hard to do.
Lets you get to those windows that have their title bar off screen so no ability to drag from there - lets you hold ALT and click and drag anywhere in the window, plus resize and other functions.
Major Geeks related page.
A launcher I have on the side of my right monitor. It is now end of life tho.
Other Win10 Launchers appear with a google search - "windows 10 launchers"
I haven't looked for a while tho.
-Can't Fix: Start menu moves back to primary when typing to search.
Huh.. there you go. I'd never noticed that before. It's probably going to annoy me now. Thanks for that.
Agree with all you've said. I was hoping it'd fix my issue of the monitors I have using displayPort lose all their windows to my other screens when it gets switched off. Massive PITA. I haven't found anything in DisplayFusion to rectify it yet.
@ToastySteve: Yeah no fix to restore powered off monitors. I read a post on their forum and it is by design that way.
If you have a profile to cover what you are doing at the time, a hotkey would get you back. But not much use for general web browsing.
@Major Mess: I havent done it but you dont seem averse to less 'in the box' solutions so - you should be able to use windows event system to trigger for instance a display fusion hotkey on the device attach for those monitors so that when they turn on their profile is reactivated
@ToastySteve: "I was hoping it'd fix my issue of the monitors I have using displayPort lose all their windows to my other screens when it gets switched off." - http://monitordetectkiller.com/ will fix your switching-monitor-off problems !
@Nom: Thanks bud. I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'll let you know how I go. :)
Edit… Oh wait, it's not software.
Does this program offer an option to increase the size of the "Show Desktop" button? With 2 monitors side by side, I like the Task bar on the left one only. In Windows 10,this button is incredibly small, and of course there is no corner to push the mouse into, meaning it's very difficult to select.
I know there is a work around by creating a shortcut on the language bar, which I have done, but I'd like to revert to a decent size SD button like previous windows versions.
There's the option to have the cursor "pause" on corners like it used to on Windows 7 rather than ignore them completely. That's probably the better option.
Are there any differences for the steam version vs buying directly? And do you need to run it via steam or does steam simply provide the download?
last time i bought this (on steam many many years ago) they also provided a key that you can use in the standard desktop version, it updates via desktop too and not steam.
Does this fix the annoying problem in Windows 10 where I turn off my Main monitor and suddenly every window changes size to the side monitor. Then when I turn the main monitor back on I have to re-adjust every window?
You should be able to set up a profile to set fixed combos of apps etc onto specific monitors. But it specifically cannot restore the windows etc in your case tho. Apparently that is how it is supposed to function. I just read this question in their forums.
I have occasionally accidently turned off one of my display port monitors and it is a pain as it is removed and reinstalled, and as it has audio it will sometimes reconfigure the default audio device (DisplayFusion could fix that with a hotkey, but so could other apps such as "Audio Switcher" which I use to swap from speakers to headphones etc).
That is the ONLY reason why I would consider buying this app…
Did you end finding a solution to this?
Bit heavy going but you should be able to use the windows event system to trigger for instance a hotkey when that device attaches to reload the profile for it
Just found Stardock are running a 50% off for their 25 year anniversary.
Get the ultimate custom desktop with DisplayFusion plus WindowBlinds.
If you have multiple monitors just shutup and get this program. You'll thank me later.