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[TAS] Chupa Chups, Skittles and Starburst Scented Candles & Wax Melts $2 @ Shiploads


Don't pay $9.95 for Candles or $12 for Wax Melts when you can get them for $2 each instead!

The Krispy Kreme scented candles were popular 7 months ago.

Like all other Shiploads deals these are instore and Tas only.

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closed Comments

  • -3

    So how to we buy them?

    Where is the link ?

  • As stated in the heading, it’s in Tas.

    • it’s in Tas.

      68,401 km²

      • Do you have to be so rude and difficult? I don't see you commenting on other posts like from Woolworth's and Coles asking where store locations are.

        It's not difficult to click on the link to find store locations.

        • It's JV.
          He's built a reputation on being a smart ass.
          You'll get used to it.

  • As someone who lived in Launceston during the golden years of Chicken Feed, I have to ask Shiploads;


    • +1

      Well you're gonna love this….


      • This missus actually has one of those kinds of bottles, and she's literally used it twice in like two years.

        Most accurate ad I've ever seen. Chicken Feed truly is all you need.

  • Back to uni days everytime I felt hungry and started to walk from UTAS Sandy bay campus to maccas on the main road, there is a shop called shiploads. End of Story.

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