White with multi coloured pin striped straws. 200pk. Was $1.50. Now 75 cents.
BigW in Highpoint, VIC.
Smart Value Drinking Straws 200pk $0.75 @ Big W
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Not sure if this was intended to be inflammatory for the sake of it, but if you genuinely need reason as to why single use plastic is harmful for the environment and sealife in general, the internet is full of information. No need for these plastic straws
Littering is harmful to the environment, not plastic.
This is wrong in so many ways.
Many areas in Australia, even with recycling bins, do not have plastic recycling facilities. The plastic you put in that recycling bin ends up in landfill most of the time anyway.
Try doing some test pitting or otherwise on an old tip site. Metres and metres of plastic. It is absolutely disgusting to see.
So no, not only is littering harmful to the environment. Plastic is to, even when on your end you're doing the right thing.
Not sure if this was intended to be inflammatory for the sake of it, but if you genuinely need reason as to why single use plastic is harmful for the environment and sealife in general, the internet is full of information. No need for these plastic straws
If you want to do something why don't you demand that the councils recycle as much as possible IN AUSTRALIA instead of dumping it into landfill or sending it to a country that likely just dumps it?
Everyone get's all worked up over plastic straws instead of looking at the real issues.
If you want to save the world from plastic you might want to start here:
Around 90 percent of the plastic polluting our oceans comes from just ten rivers, a new study has shown. Eight of those rivers are in Asia, with the remaining two — the Nile and the Niger — in Africa.The biggest offenders are indeed two of the largest rivers in the world, with the Yangtze and the Ganges carrying over 900,000 tons of plastic between them to the ocean every year. By comparison, the Thames dumps 19 tons of plastic into the sea annually.
@Kparky: Poms are getting left behind.
@Kparky: Can we take care of our own backyard? There is actually a massive initiative under way which will clean the world's oceans of plastic will take about a decade.
@Korban Dallas: No. That system is attempting to collect the larger solid plastic. The vast majority of plastic in the sea is broken down to microscopic size and floating in suspension. There is no scheduled fix for the problem.
More like the "rational human being who doesn't want to turn the world into a tip full of dangerous and potentially cancer-causing microplastics". Do you want to go swimming in an ocean filled with plastic? Do you want to drink water with micro-plastics in it? Nope? That's rational.
Modular build your own McChokey Kits! :)
Thanks OP these don't break down for thousands of years, great value.
Straws don't kill turtles, people kill turtles.
people kill turtles.
…by poisoning the earth with single-use plastics.
Turtles generally live in the sea.
Ninja Turtles (can) kills people. And eat pizzas.
There hasn't been a caged egg post in a while.
They're all behind bars.
Might be handy for some sort of project for teachers or kids. But try not to use straws these days.
How is generally trying to be mindful of your environmental impact "left". I would assume litter and its impact on the environment is completely apolitical?
In a perfect conservative world we all live in luxury while the poor people build homes from our waste! As long as I can't physically see its impact on my life, it doesn't exist!
Doing anything educated is left.
How is generally trying to be mindful of your environmental impact "left".
Do you go around littering, so you seek quicker degrading products for your litter?
I suggest that you be mindful of your environmental impact by not littering in the first place.
What do you think happens to plastic straws when you throw in a rubbish bin?
@pigferret: They go to landfill.
How is generally trying to be mindful of your environmental impact "left". I would assume litter and its impact on the environment is completely apolitical?
Because there is no logic in going after straws sold in Australia when they are not the ones that are killing wildlife in the sea.
What about all the plastic that you get from the supermarket with everything you buy? I use a handful of straws each year but I bet I get hundreds of handfuls of plastic each year with the shopping.
ignore the haters
yea who cares about the environment
I do and I love my drink with a plastic straw too.
Shake it off!
You can use metal straws, $3 for 4 with a brush (not sure if i can mention the shop).
It's strange to use at first, but you will get used to it, also you feel good doing something for the environment.
Why couldn't you mention the shop?
there's been quite a few sellers on here in the past selling metal straws
You can find them in Party supplies area of Kmart.
Metal straws are great with milkshakes/cold drinks - makes the drink tastier. But cleaning them is a bit of a pain. Worth it to save a turtle, I guess…
bad for the environment. kill it with fire. drink straight from the tap.
i don't think we can kill it that way…
These straws are already manufactured, someone will buy them or they'll end up in landfill regardless. As much as I don't like single use plastics there is a market for this - cardboard straws decompose during use and metal straws are a great way to chip a tooth, especially for older people or certain disabled people with lower muscle control. Personally I like the idea of multiple use plastic straws - think crazy straws but not necessarily crazy. You can effect change with your buying habits but it is really legislation that needs to be there to get the job done.
But if you buy them then they will buy more, so the manufacturer will make more.
which is why the legislation needs to catch up
They won't bother make as many if no one buys them, may even stop selling them all together.
anyone know where can i get stainless steel straw with decent quality and price? or they all the same and just get them from ebay?
eBay, Kmart, any kitchen supply shop (House, Kitchen Warehouse) etc. They're pretty much everywhere for only a few bucks. Same quality wherever you go.
Got some from ebay (8 straws) and finally solved the problem of my kids going though 50 straws per week… they were cheap (was getting big packs from IKEA) but genuinely felt bad after watching War on Waste episode about the problems those plastic straws are causing.
Is bad for environment a valid reason for negative vote?
I would say NO
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:voting_guidelinesI would agree.
Else all petrol deals shoul be hidden, as its bad for environment too.All anything some body might feel it bad for environment.
Petrol is generally more of a necessity than plastic drinking straws (exceptions exist).
isn't most things on here bad for the environment in some way?
@Mooncakes: Yeah but people are quick to jump on the bandwagon, in this case it's straws after some moronic kid made up false statistics.
A bargain is a bargain, like the product or not.
don't like the product
Where are all the cheap cigarettes deals???
I'm on the hunt for some bargain Asbestos sheets… any ideas?
Thanks to all the loony lefties on here there's no more Asbestos stores left. Another industry destroyed by the liberals!!
Lol plastic straws vs asbestos, yep basically the same, now what idiot banned DDT???
I expect my waste disposal company to correctly dispose of my waste, which they do. Almost all of the oceans plastic comes from non-developed countries - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/06/90-of-plastic-polluti…
So while we run around hand waving and changing our practices on plastic, very little changes for the environment and our limited focus is shifted from things that Australia is a leader in i.e. carbon emissions.
@hoxygt: So your argument in summary is "why bother?"
Did I get that right?
@Faro: Not at all - more let's give it an appropriate level of attention that it deserves, say alongside plastic forks, plates, all the packaging food etc comes in.
@hoxygt: Last time I did a beach clean up there was a (profanity) tonne of single use plastics… guess it floated over from "non-developed countries"? Live the change you want to see mate. Couldn't agree more re carbon emissions but it is possible to focus on multiple things at once (and production and correct dispose of your waste is energy intensive, using less single use plastics actually will help with carbon emissions).
@el_cheapo: Why don't you target the countries that the rubbish comes from? It makes no sense to jump up and down over a product that has a purpose when there are many bigger issues that are being ignored.
How the f is saving 75c a bargain
If you buy in bulk, it adds up.
Or buy in bulk and resell on eBay 1,000 disposable straws for $5+shipping and make a mint
@bm: actually, the best way of making money is to first make a mint.
You can find metal straws in kmart, party supplies area. $3 for 4.
https://www.kmart.com.au/product/4-pack-metal-straws/2238328I hate paper straws with a passion. My local cinema recently switched to paper and by the end of the movie the end gets so soggy its practically disintegrated. Plastic all the way.
Why do you even need a straw? Just bring your own drink, even if it's water. That way you're saving the environment, not paying for liquid sugar and don't have to sift through the ice cubes
Have you been to a cinema? They stop you from bringing in your own drink, unless you go out of your way and smuggle it in.
I've been stopped from bringing in coffee and bubble tea, both of which they don't sell.A sugar filled soft drink isn't quenching your thirst though. It's very much something you can live without. In which case, you could ask the lobby for a cup of water, no ice. Problem solved!
@Faro: OMG when did this thread turn into a nanny forum!
@hoxygt: You're entering into STRAW man territory now
@Faro: You may as well go the whole hog and tell people don't go to the cinemas because it's cheaper to wait for the DVD, or to save that plastic DVD, wait to stream it. Oh wait, but that will increase your carbon footprint because of the electricity you're going to consume.
Look, the better way to do it is to dispose of the straws properly. Advise people of the best way to do it, like cut them up or something. The issue is that the straws aren't themselves hurting anything unless disposed poorly.
You might as well say ban alcohol, tobacco, etc. because it's harmful to people and the environment, in fact farming is harmful, so you shouldn't grow fruits and vegetables, of course cattle is harmful so don't breed them either, etc. It can go on forever.
Best thing to do is humans shouldn't breed and be culled. That's better for the whole planet and humans as well. In fact, everyone should do an IQ test and if it's lower than the average they should be culled, and if you're disabled or have a disease then cull them too, because wasting resources on keeping them alive reduces progress and harms the environment because it's a useless human wasting resources. One disabled human does more harm to the environment then a pack of 200 straws.
Feel better?
When was the last time that happened? I've never been stopped. Iif I'm in a hurry I get a 600ml coke from the vending machine - because even vending machine prices are a bargain compared to cinema prices.
@macrocephalic: Around start of this year. It hasn't happened again to me because I smuggle everything under my coat/bag, and I'm not about to go test it in case I have to chug down a whole drink in quick time again lol.
I hate people who disregard the planet with a holier than thou attitude with a passion.
please don't' buy plastic straws…they will keep making them if people keep buying them :(
But those paper ones .. gosh they disintegrate quite quickly don't they
I certainly hope these do-gooders neg every car or fuel deal that comes up from now on.
And iPhones/tech, clothes and food.
Furniture, white goods, pretty much every single deal on this website even bloody using a phone/computer to view this website is bad for the environment so is running the website.
Yeah. I hope they shut the fk up and drop $50k+ on an electric car too.
I also hope they tell people who smoke, which is far far worse, the exact same thing. But I never see that happening.Among the hundreds of more environmentally harmful things in someone's day to day life, they decide to focus on straws.
As bad as cigarettes are, they're a choice human beings make that ultimately affects their own life and potentially those immediately close to them.
Turtles don't have the discretion to see a straw and separate it as something man made and inedible.
Believe it or not there aren't education programs for turtles about what they should and shouldn't eat
Actually, cigarette butts is the worst sea pollution:
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/plastic-straw-ban-cigar…@esandjay: Yep. Thought as much.
When a smoker gets lung cancer, our tax payer money is wasted having to treat them all the way until death.
They take also spot in the transplant list which could have been used for someone else who is more deserving.Smoking is far more detrimental to human life, consequences are far more impactful and the time frame is much shorter vs what the straw pollution will do to human life.
Hope you saw the link someone else commented below you.
@Blitzfx: Straws are commonly used to drink sugary soft drinks which in turn leads to obesity and our tax payer money is wasted having to treat them all the way until death.
They take also spot in the transplant list which could have been used for someone else who is more deserving.Obesity is just as detrimental to human life, consequences are just as impactful and the time frame just as short as what smoking will do to human life.
@Faro: Correct. That's why there's push to get junk food banned and cut sugar addiction.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2006-04-23/soft-drink-ban-for-vi…Oh look, Victoria have been doing it for over 10 years. I guess you've been living under a rock.
Nice try though.
jesus, you have to start somehere. it doesnt have to be all or nothing.
I bet they use toilet paper too
wow so people dont care about the environmental impact(youtube.com) of buying laptops and phones but apprantly buying a straw is bad??
If anyone is throwing them in the ocean. It's a problem.
These people have ozbargain's moderator backing, as reporting their invalid neg result in no action taken.
+1 for not down-voting the deal for invalid reasons.
I don't really have a horse in this race as I don't use straws, but it's annoying to see the integrity of this site violated.