• expired

Aussie Broadband - 1st Month Free on NBN Services (New Signups)


Aussie Broadband are putting a free month promotion out until the end of October.
Use the code OCT18FREE at online signup or mention to our sales team over the phone to get your first month free when getting a new nbn plan with Aussie Broadband.

Promotion can be applied at checkout in online signup or can be requested over the phone with our sales team.

Terms and conditions apply.
New customers only.
Promotion applies for new nbn orders and pre-orders placed with promo code from 4:30pm AEDT 19/10/18 until 11:59pm 31/10/18
Offer not available on nbn150 or nbn250 plans for FTTP customers.
One promo per application, highest value offer will be applied.
Available either online or over the phone.
Promotion cannot be applied to orders already placed.
Service not available in all areas, see
www.aussiebroadband.com.au for full terms and conditions

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +2

    Bet you it's not available in my area. Aussie net sucks

  • FIRST MONTH free meaning one month from activation date?

    • You receive a credit for your first month on your bill.

  • Are they better than Telstra on FTTN?

    • +8

      Yes. You get to talk to an Australian born person located in Australia with Aussie Broadband.

      • Hahaha.

      • +2

        why it makes it better than talking to non-Australia born person? as long as they are able to attend your call and help you, why it's important what's their original background?

        • Because more often than not they are like a robot, not caring at all and occasionally they may have a fcku attitude.

    • +2

      Absolutely fantastic in Sydney CBD. 100 mbps really means 100 mbps at all times including peak and weekends.

  • Is this the best deal so far from Aussie Broadband?

  • +1

    I’ve been with ABB for 4 months, coming from buzztelco. They have been great. Haven’t had any connection issues. Was able to be connected from buzztelco to ABB within 45mins. HFC nbn

    • +2

      What were your speeds with buzztelco and what are they now?

      • +4

        Both 100/40. With buzz telco, there were periods (at least 7 days out of 3 months) where I dropped out over 10 times. These drop outs lasted for 30min-2hrs. Yes, sometimes no connection throughout the whole day. The speed was unstable especially during peak hour.

        While with ABB the connection for me has been stable with minimum speeds of 90/30 throughout the whole day. Australian support team. Have dropped out 2-3 times in the last 4 months (simultaneously reconnected).

        To be honest, ABB is more expensive than most providers, but I’m extremely happy with the service. I don’t have time to be constantly contacting the NBN providers for connection issues like buzztelco. Consider giving ABB a trial for 1-2 months - no cancellation fee or lock in contract

    • -1

      I'm currently with Aussie Broadband (3months) and don't recommend them very much.

      Only thing they are good for is a faster connection during peak and Decent support. Not worth the extra cost.

      After being told paying extra is worth it I experience more drop outs than my previous provider (Telecube) on the same nbn wireless network. unreliable website giving random errors to change plan, unable to view usage at times. Around midnight last night I was strangely only getting 8mbps down when I'm suppose to be getting 25.

      ill be moving from Aussie Broadband as soon as a nice deal pops up here for NBN.

      • +4

        Drop outs probably have little to do with your ISP.

        Peter Gillespie

        • +2

          Agreed, Aussie Broadband's part of this starts at the POI, between your device and the POI is all nbn.

          • -2

            @XeKToReX: I understand this, still a massive inconvenience that I went from very rare drop outs to drop outs every day as soon as I changed provider.

            But if all provides were this way then it would come down to only support when it's clear from people getting better speeds on the same network different providers this sometimes isn't the case.

  • aussie are great.

    Only issue I had was about a week ago. I change the DNS to google and that fixed it up.

    • +5

      I wouldn't use Googles DNS.

      Use /

      Googles DNS has response times of 100ms+ atm

      Edit: NVM they fixed it.

    • -7

      aussie broadband are not that great in my experience.

  • I applied yesterday… ops is there anyway I can get this still?

    • No. Aussie Broadband don't do that.

    • Me too - signed up Friday. Hurts, doesn't it.

  • +2

    NBN construction is just starting in my neighbourhood. Hoping Aussie BB have another offer like this in a couple of months when I can get a NBN FTTC connection!

    • You can probably book in advance

  • NBN is supposedly available at my address in December (no exact date yet though); is it possible to pre-order with this deal?

    • +2

      They offer pre-orders up-to 3 months in advance, so yes.

      • +2

        Thanks, I've just signed up :)

    • NBN was supposedly going to be available to me in September-October 2017, then it was an actual date in January 2018, now its April-June 2019 :(

  • Hi rep. I got 5 months more on my TPG plan. Will ya do a similar promo in 5 months time 😁

    Also my NBN is FTTP is it compatible with Aussie broadband.


    • -1

      Yeah they don't care about existing clients, I refereed someone and got on the chat and they tell me they didnt sign up when they sit next to me everyday at work.

    • Leave for 3 months and you're a new customer I think.

  • +3

    DAMMIT!! I signed up this morning!! :(

  • +2

    Can I use this and a referral code?

    • +1

      Yes, but only the referrer gets something for it (either $50, or $100 for their first referral). You can just use their referral if you want and get $50 back instead. So this code, and the referral code would be the best bet.

    • +1

      Yes, you can. With this code and the referral you will get the first month free and the referrer will get their $50 (or $100 if it's their first). If you don't use the code you will get a $50 credit and the referrer will get their credit.

  • +1

    Currently with Mungi, but have been experiencing some severe slow downs during peak… anyone else noticing this who are with mungi?

    • yes im with mungi and experiencing serious congestion issues during peak.

      • I just spoke to aussie live chat and transferring over could take anywhere between 20 mins to 48 hours…. not sure I want to risk no internet for the weekend…

        • Hmm will people die without internet for one weekend?

          • @edfoo: no, but I'll have to listen to my mum complaining her netflix is down.

            • +4

              @[Deactivated]: Get some Viagra for your dad in the meantime! :) …/!!!

        • For me, transferring from buzztelco to ABB took 45 mins. Fully connected

    • Speeds are pretty constant with them here but nothing over 17mbps. Also getting near-daily dropouts which last between 10-15 mins but they’re trying to figure out why this is happening. Good customer support from them though.

    • +1

      All the companies are in a 'landrush' mode - trying to sign up as many as possible with goodies, then keep the lights on with the existing customers. When NBNCo take such a huge proportion of the total (and even force increases) you can understand the issue.

      Eventually they will switch modes to caring about (and trying to keep) existing customers - but don't expect good deals even then, unless someone can roast NBNCo over a fire - they are the root of the problem.

      • +2

        *Liberals are the root of the problem.

    • +5


    • +2

      Company offers a service for a price. Customer signs up, receives exact service they wanted and paid for. Gets annoyed. That's how you 21st century!

  • What about people like me who can't get NBN till June 2020. :(

    • +5

      Simple. You don't get this deal.

  • +4

    Having to deal with their customer support somewhat extensively lately, I would suggest they are quite good.
    The advice from ABB - 'we have a lot of troubles with those modems', 'It's your modem', 'buy a new modem' - was somewhat to be expected, while they scramble to fix problems (and try EVERYTHING in their power to reset ports, put on stability profiles, monitor dropouts etc. <- They need to do all this before contacting NBN, quite frustrating). End of the day, it wasn't the modem (as I thought that was the case as mine hasn't skipped a beat in two years).

    After a lot of sub standard / failed fixes from NBN (they finally replaced over 100m of corroded cable today!), I feel my connection is now back on track.

    Good team and good price.

    • +8

      would have been cheaper to just run fiber, gotta love the liberal version of the NBN…

      • 100% agree, quite ridiculous.

        • I found even though they were there to talk to the techs were useless in terms of technical knowledge. Spent hours being told the wrong thing plus the netcomm modems they offer totally suck.

  • They're pretty good just wish they would look after their own customers. Recently work was done on my local POP ? or what ever its called and my ping on HFC went from 30ms down to 8ms which I thought was pretty good. Im on the 50/500GIG plan and its always at 45mbs so cant complain.

    Also got a bill from an old address for the period after I moved called them got through to support instantly and got it refunded so very good customer service.

  • +2

    I am sure I will get negged, but what is the attraction here? I am on 100/40, every time I have ever tested it, the lowest I have ever seen is 95/38, unlimited data and 100 dollars a month, not locked to a plan. I could sign here save first month but locked to a plan of 24 months. where is the incentive? Good customer service? I have never spoken to customer service for my NBN connection in the last 5 years…

    • +2

      Speed test mirrors often have QoS applied to them. Providers are sneaky.

    • Aussie only have contracts if you select a modem, as the modem is free if you agree to sign for 24 months. Its not very clear that they still offer a no contract option but it is something they are fixing.

  • Signed up with Mungi last week. $69.95 a month (Unlimited NBN50) for 5 months & 75 later. Mungi is quite good & good value in comparison.

  • +1

    HFC is rolling out in my area at the moment and I've had Telstra and some other mob knock on my door for me to sign up…

    Is it possible to sign up with ABB now? (I did try online, however, as it is HFC there is a halt to signing up with ABB).


  • +4

    Just wanted to warn about this company.

    They do not care at all for customers once they have your money.

    We were with them for 3 weeks, then switched to Exetel.

    To tldr the story,
    We were promised there was no free modem IN THE MONTH we signed up during.
    The next day (same month) they offered a free modem.
    When asked about it, the response was a form of 'boo hoo, not legally binding'.

    I even had a staff "talk to their manager about it" by putting me on hold for a whole 4 seconds (literally, i kid you not!) Aka, she lied AGAIN.

    The CEO personally spoke ABOUT me, never TO me, despite me being in the 'room',and despite loading my signature file, claims emails were not recieved. IMO, another lie.

    Even the ABB ozbargain rep copy-pasted a response to me, because it has another ozbargainers name in it! Lol. Didnt even care enough to type to me.

    Regardless of it being technically legal or not, the thing we took from it was they they didnt CARE that we FELT cheated.

    Nothing at all "aussie" about that.
    Having "Australian" staff isn't very good when the company doesnt have any mateship.

    Exetel apologised FOR THEM for us "having to go through that" and waived the lock-in, and gave us free months, to "help us out" lol.


    Got better, faster and cheaper service from Exetel.

    Exetel even give my elderly parents follow up calls to ask 'how the services are all going'.

    I will say though, that ABB had a VERY good setup process.
    Very imformative
    So its worth using 3 weeks of your free month, then jumping ship.

    Remembering, statistically, that all australians stay with an ISP for a minimum 5 years, contract or not; just because their assurance wasnt legally binding, shouldnt stop them from making the customer not feel cheated.

    I wont neg it, as its a 'freebie' with no lock in.

    However the fact that they dont stand by their word was disapointing.

    • +5

      Its always funny how people can vote down an honest personal experience without comment.

      I mean, when a customer is lied to thrice, and still has the integrity to compliment the things they did do right?

      Its not like its a slander rant.

      I can only assume the company is trying to vote down any negative feedback to apper moral.

    • +3

      Exetel are the worst ISP in Australia.

      Read this and see how fantastic your dream ISP is.. They're the dogs of the industry.


      • I try not to hold isolated incidents from almost 4 years ago as a strike against an entire company.

        I think they were within their right.

        I'd love to see how he used 1.5tb without piracy.

        I worked in the industry (never with exetel) at that time, and a few anonymous logs were sent around the various independant isp's for those users.

        Basically those users who were dropped were using excessive data, had near un-arguable piracy activity, and since they breached their terms were dropped.

        There was always a "do not perform activities that will impact the network for others" clause, and 2tb from a single user was saturating their network (and as such, impacting many others).

        Exetel was VERY small at that point, and very cheap.
        People expected premium service from a small company without paying a premium price.

        If those users can prove a non SOHO, and legal usage of 2tb a month, i'll retract my opinion.

        They are now significantly bigger, and that whole period was actually the only time i can think people have had a negative thing to say about them.

        • +2

          I can see 4k video streaming (Netflix etc) and steam game downloads + updates making usage that high.

          Why do you think that 2tb per month is only likely via piracy, when anything that can be pirated can be obtained through legal means as well and would be just as large?

          • +1

            @NobalaKoba: Netflix HD averages 3GB per hour. 4K is 7GB per hour. So 1TB is about 150 hours of watching or approx 5 hours a day over a month. That's slightly high but pretty feasible with the bingeing culture we have now or just leaving it on in background constantly etc.

            Games are getting larger and larger, many new games are reaching the 100GB per download mark.

            Not to mention Youtube streaming, Twitch, online gaming, spotify/music streaming (~1GB/hour), video calls etc etc.

            1-2 TB a month is easily used up nowadays no question.

            • +2

              @Hybroid: Thanks for doing the math. Especially in a household with teenagers I can see Netflix usage being that high after school, during weekends and on holidays.

              MasterScythe said "There was always a "do not perform activities that will impact the network for others" clause, and 2tb from a single user was saturating their network (and as such, impacting many others)" but in my opinion, if the network infrastructure can't handle the extent it's being used, then it shows how dated it is and that it needs to be upgraded, rather than the customer being blamed for using their unlimited internet connection for, well, unlimited internet. Sadly as a country we're lagging well behind in terms of network infrastructure and it's unlikely we'll catch up within our lifetimes at the current rate.

              • +1

                @NobalaKoba: Yep - don't offer "Unlimited" when you're gonna kick people off for using what you're selling.

                Look at what's happened over the last 12 months.. RSP's are shutting down because they can't actually provide what they're selling. This mindset from businesses needs to change and needs to be brought to attention when people are considering a new provider.

                Don't reward businesses that lie.

              • @NobalaKoba: In 2015? I'd like to see that.
                Netflix didn't even launch here til March 2015, and wasn't widely adopted until late 2016 if you follow the stats; after the 'kicking off the pirates' occurred.

                • @MasterScythe: It was just an example, not the only way. Regardless, Netflix started 4k streaming in 2014, the region lock could easily be bypassed by a VPN for under $5 per month.

          • @NobalaKoba: Remember, that didn't exist (online) in 2015.

    • +1

      100% agree. I cannot believe Aussie Broadband does this. I had it happened to me as well (signed up 1 week ago - asked for any promo codes, was told there are none, low and behold 1 week later this promo code comes. Asked them about it but said promo code started today even though my service hasn't been activated yet and i'm still a new customer. And my comment got downvoted on this thread. I was with Aussie broadband for 1 year last year and that's why I went back to them. But this does make me feel cheated.

      • That does suck bro, condolences.

        The big thing for me was that we asked (paraphrasing) if it was worth waiting, because we said;
        "If there will be an offer this month, we can wait."

        "Nope, no free modem this month"

        "K sign us up"

        Next day? Modem.

    • "Remembering, statistically, that all australians stay with an ISP for a minimum 5 years, contract or not".

      These statistics must be wrong as I'm an Australian and I've had a number of stays with ISPs that were less than five years. Alternative facts perhaps :-)

  • Signed up to aussie a few days ago… no offer for me /sigh

  • +2

    These guys are, hands down, the best NBN ISP.

    • Who else did you try?

      • +3

        Skymesh and I also used to work for Telstra.

        • +1

          iiNet, Telstra, Skymesh, DODO, Optus, Westnet & Internode. (through the years as now some have merged) ABB is absolutely the best we have ever used, not only did they force the trash copper in our area to be replaced but they tuned the line to get all available speed that even telstra refused to do & they own the (profanity) shit. We get real tech feedback from customer support that actually helps.

    • lol

  • Hi OP, I would like to pre order. Your website says available for preorder but when I try to sign up it says unable to sign up. Can you help?

  • I have considered ABB but they have terrible routing out of Perth to Asia. The new Vocus Perth > Singapore cable gets me lower pings to Singapore than it does to Sydney.


    ABB looking glass: https://i.imgur.com/3RnhzLq.jpg

    • Who do you use?

      • Mate Communicate, which is basically the iPrimus network.

  • I have Telstra HFC when NBN comes nothing really changes except lower downloads speed

    Can they provide me service?

    • How do you figure? Telstra offer 100/5 on HFC at best, don’t they?

      ABB should be 100/40 on HFC

      • Telstra HFC goes above 100 for many people.

        But yes, main difference is better upload speeds.

      • Telstra buffed it to 115/5 fyi.

  • We will get NBN in my area in a month's time and I'll need a modem. Should I select the $79/month 24 month contract plan over the $74/month no contract plan?

    • The $79 is unlimited, the $74 is for 500GB.

      You can go on a contract with the $79 if you wish, you get a 'free' modem with it but if you leave all you pay is the price of the modem (think it's like $149). If you don't need the modem you can still choose the $79 unlimited plan without a contract.

      If you want to see the uncontracted plans for unlimited, select the 'build your own plan' and it will be no lock in contact.

      • $79 x 24 months = $1896 + $ 0 modem = $1896
        $74 x 24 months = $1776 + $149 modem = $1925

        Price difference = $29

        Unless you can find a NBN Compatible modem for less than $29 (or have one already that can work for sure) , go for month to month $74 plan. Else pick up $79 contract with modem.

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