This was posted 6 years 4 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

MSI RX Vega 56 Air Boost 8GB OC $440 Delivered @ Shopping Express eBay & Futu Online eBay

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closed Comments

  • Is this worth it over a 1070 ti for the freesync?

    • +14


    • +6

      If your monitor is a freesync, then yes. If you have a gsync monitor then the 1070 is a better option.

      If you're buying a monitor at the same time, freesync monitors are cheaper too.

      Having said all this, a 1070 ti is a better card anyway, if you can get it at this price. The non-ti version is roughly equivalent.

      • -2

        Having said that the 1070 is a better card, it has no freesync.

        • +8

          The Vega 56 is slightly better than the 1070. It sits right in the middle of 1070 and 1070 ti.

          • @StuBalls: Stuballs

          • @StuBalls: But is the software/updates as reliable as Nvidia?

            • +1

              @Ozvalue: Yeah, if anything AMD cards get faster with time as the drivers are optimized.
              That said, if you want OpenGL support (Cemu), then this is garbage compared with the GTX1070.

              • +2

                @idonotknowwhy: You can flash a Vega56 to become a Vega64 card.

                Some cards were actually 64's relabeled as a 56 and had the Core and Memory downclocked. Though most had the memory unlocked which provides a significant boost (if it's the Samsung Mem), so there's still benefits to be had.

                The only drawback is the fans on the AMD Reference Cards being pretty weak. Most people used aftermarket cooling solutions to actually get less noise, less heat, and higher clocks.

                …just FYI (the Vega56 and Vega64 are great cards plagued with low availablity and crap prices)

                • @Kangal:

                  You can flash a Vega56 to become a Vega64 card.

                  Yeah I did this, only made it heat up faster and throttle sooner.

                  I'm not saying Vega64 > Vega56 so much as I'm saying Strix > Reference.

                  My advice is if you're getting a reference model, put it under liquid cooling.

                  That being said, the thermal-throlled Vega56 was faster than the RX580.

                  • @idonotknowwhy: Yep, definitely.

                    However I would stray away from water-cooling and instead say people should use a third-party air-cooler such as Arctic Accelero Extreme IV or the Morpheus II.

                    It's better in my opinion, unless, you already have a water-cooling system/accessories.

                  • @idonotknowwhy: Strix wont fit in my MATX case

                  • @idonotknowwhy: If you are using the reference card you MUST undervolt it. It will help with the thermal throttling.

      • Mindblank tech on YouTube has great videos about Vega 64's and how the throttling works.

  • Would this have the Samsung or Hynix HBM?

    • +1

      luck of the draw…previously bought some with Samsung

    • I have an MSI vega 64 (non air boost) and it's a Samsung. Not sure if relevant at all but yeah…

      • all 64's are Samsung I believe.

    • Hynix

    • +1

      Just got mine and it's Samsung. Would've been happy either way at this price but nice to be lucky.

  • +4

    I don't need it…

  • +2

    thanks….mega deal this.

  • +6

    Damn you. You just want to watch my wallet empty don't you! ;)

  • +7

    Dam this is a good deal for something that edges out a 1070 for a lot of games.

    I dont even need it… But i want it

  • TA has a podcast? I'll subscribe!

  • +2

    This is so tempting.. Was considering an RX 580 8GB for ~$330 but for $440 I might have to bite on this instead.

    Had a Vega 56 Gigabyte OC model, was rubbish & returned it.

    My only concern with this one is the noise / cooling with the blower setup / 1 fan.

    • +2

      It's a good candidate for water cooling. Otherwise play with noise cancelling headphones to drown out the airflow noise.

      • Do you know of any decent water cooling kits for this? I understand it can be pretty expensive (up to the cost of the card itself even).. I'll probably get it and just use headphones :)

        • +1

          I've heard of people using Raijintek's Morpheus 2 Air cooler. It costs $110 to import it from eBay international sellers, or it's about 82.50 AUD from Newegg Aus..

          But there's a problem with this cooler — if you install it as-is, it doesn't contact the VRM components. So you'll still also need to do some extra shopping to find anodized aluminium heatsinks to stick onto the VRM to prevent them overheating.

          This is a photo album of it

          Watercooling is quite complicated, I've not read much into it but all I know is the price of the waterblock, loops, fittings and water pump adds up to cost where most 'casual' users can't afford.

          • @scrimshaw: Do you know if that's the normal price on Newegg or just on sale?

            • +1

              @ethan961: Normal price afaik

              • @scrimshaw: Awesome, thanks. I'm planning to undervolt and I use IEMs anyways so will give the blower a shot first but this sounds like a pretty good value solution if the blower doesn't cut it.

          • @scrimshaw: Hmm I've actually been considering that same after market cooler. Do you know how many of those extra heatsinks I'd require if I were to use it on this card?

    • Noise is my concern also! It can't be worse than two Sapphire R9 280X Dual-X going full tilt though - surely??

      • I dunno. I have an RX480 and it's bad enough to the point where I'm almost considering buying one of those arctic cooling GPU coolers, a vega 56 would kill me. I have undervolted it but when running a few select games (For example Kingdom Come Deliverance) it sits at 100% and throttles at 2200RPM. It's not until I bump it up to over 2500RPM that it stops throttling but it's so loud D:
        I have undervolted but it doesn't make a difference.

        • Which RX480? I have the gigabyte one and just use the gigabyte software to set my own fan rpm/temperature band. Makes it much less annoying.

          • @Xizor: HIS.
            I know that MSI and ASUS's softwares work with different brands but idk about gigabyte.

    • +2

      I upgraded from an RX580 to a reference Vega56 a while ago.
      Performance was better (locking 75fps 3440x1440 in what I was playing, couldn't do it on the RX580).
      Would not recommend it though, moved to Strix Vega64 due to thermal throttling + noise from the reference model 56 though.

      • Do you have the VRM temp issues with the Strix 64? Was thinking of picking one up on sale as I'm getting a Freesync monitor but don't want a toaster.

    • I use a blower system on my iTX system, I undervolt the card and it runs cooler, quieter and faster. Easy to do guides available. AMD pushed VEGAs so hard it is actually counter beneficial to performance.

  • +1

    Oh wow that is a crazy deal.

  • Just posted a deal for RX 580 $344 the other day. Thinking I should have went for this.. however build is going to bankrupt me at this rate so I'm happy to pop the 100 on a PSU or faster RAM. Graphics cards are freaking rip offs these days.

    • +2

      If you went with an Intel cpu with the current shortage prices then i can see why it make you bankrupt :P

  • +1

    If you are rocking a 290/390 or 390/390X and just playing on 1080p only I would hold it off.

    I had to check if I would get any improvement

    • r9 390 user reporting. No issues at max settings in any modern game, 1080, monitor is due to upgrade though. Sitting tight for Xmas sales.

      • congrats on your future upgrade. 1440p and higher definitely need a new card more powerful than your r9 390. Unfortunately for me the Minister of finance would not be so approving.

  • Is this a reference design or is it going to be a pain in the ass to find a waterblock to suit?

    • +2

      Reference according to

      • +1

        can confirm reference.

        • +1

          thanks guys. Grabbed one. Waterblocks seem readily available ~$150.

  • Does shopping square support the AMD RAISE THE GAME promotion?

    • +1
      • Thanks :P

    • +1

      compu world

      • +1

        Thanks :P

    • I'm guessing not…

      compu world

      Has anyone applied for the coupon from a store that is not one of these?

      • I am pretty sure from previous RX 580 deals that I have seen during these last few weeks, there have been some people able to get the promo by contacting the seller even though they are not on that list of participating stores.

        This is based on comments I have read here on ozbargain from those previous RX580 deals.

        • Thanks for your reply. I think I'll avoid the risk this time.

    • Is it possible to sell these games or is the code/game tied to your amd graphics card or something?

  • Why can't they make a better looking GPU, they sure did a better job making nvidia card than Raedon.

    • +1

      Looks don't matter much when your customers are just buying them to stick into an windowless enclosure and most of them are going to be using it to mine coins.

      Now that mining boom is over this is just the excess unsold inventory that nobody wants. You can buy it for gaming but the main issue with Vega is that they are extremely high TDP SKU's which demands very good cooling, otherwise you see thermal throttling when the fans can't remove the heat fast enough.

      If you do buy this card the best way to go about it is to undervolt / underclock the card and keep your room cool. or install a wc loop.

      • +1

        These type of cards are better in some iTX cases with limited air flow. So they can be a benefit to people who have or want to have one of those builds.

    • +1

      Because their market was miners and not kids who think looks mean performance?

  • +3

    Don't need one myself but it's a cracker of a deal for a good freesync 1440p capable card, especially if you're willing to tinker a bit.

    Raise the power limit by 50%, undervolt as much as you can and increase the fan curve depending on how much noise you can cop (reminder that a less aggressive fan curve may be quiet but limits clock speeds due to thermals). You will be rewarded with big gains unless you get potato quality silicon.

    I have a gtx 1080 myself but tweaked this on a mates pc and now his fps is not far off mine (if stock clocks) and in fact beats my 1080 in some instances.

    • Your mates model exactly this one or a different model?

  • Is a 500w power supply enough?
    I mean for overclocking and stuff

    • +1

      Depends on the quality of said power supply and the rest of your components (and whether you plan to OC them too)

    • I wouldn't risk it on a 500w. Min 650w for this card I'd say.

  • Damn, after paying $330 for an RX580 (8GB), feel like I got ripped…I would have got this easily :(

  • +1

    I called Shopping Express this morning and they confirmed they are eligible for the AMD Raise the Game promo, just need to contact them when you receive the product to provide a serial number.

  • Anyone use these for workstation stuff, Solidworks, rhino, 3ds max, adobe products?

  • +2

    Thank you picked one up, needed to upgrade from my rx480 and this came at the right time. Great deal.

  • +1

    Finally bit the bullet and bought one, thanks OP

  • +2

    For anyone who got one with Samsung memory & wanted to flash to the 64 bios:

    Download ATIwinflash:

    Download The Stock 64 Air Boost bios (save to your atiwinfash directory):…

    1. Make sure you have your high power bios selected on the card (switch position is closest to the backplate)

    2. Run atiwinflash as an admin & save/backup the stock bios

    3. Open command prompt run as an admin

    4. use the cd command and locate your atiwinfash directory

    5. Run the command line " atiflash -p 0 -fs MSI.RXVega64.8192.171212.rom "

    6. Wait until promoted for a restart then restart

    7. Boom! 64 bios on 56

    HWINFO Screen

    As usual at your own risk

  • +1

    Step 1 appears to be rather important on this card - I managed to flash to the 2nd BIOS despite the fact that it's supposed to be write protected.

    The bigger deal is that after the first flash, it appears to now be write protected! I can't find any record of this happening to anyone else online, so perhaps only an issue with these Air Boost cards. Guess mine's a Vega 64 for good on that BIOS, at least until I buy a programmer or find some way around the write protection.

    Also for step 5, for people with multi GPU systems the Vega may not be card 0, so check with "atiflash -i" first.

    Also for multi GPU systems, apparently the Vega had to be the only card in the system after the flash, otherwise it sat on a black screen and never initialized in Windows. This had me very confused because it shouldn't have bricked being Samsung, so I flashed back to stock and tried flashing the 2nd BIOS which worked better than it was supposed to… anyways booting with only the Vega installed sorted it out.

    My HBM appears stable at 1100mhz, could probably go higher with a different cooler but undervolting to the desired power use brings the noise to an acceptable level for me anyways so I doubt I'll be moving from reference.

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