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Nvidia Shield TV Box Including Asus Controller $228 Delivered @ Tech Mall eBay

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AAH, non-original controller.
Not sure what the difference is, I have the asus controller, it is ok, but nothing special.
The Shield controller has a mic so it can have the always on Google Assistant, not sure if it's the same for this Asus Controller.
Previous Shield's used a wireless connection for Shield controllers that had half the latency of Bluetooth.
Not sure about the current generation.
Just a word of warning from a mapping perspective in emulators that the Asus controller can be a pain in the rear. Source I have this and the original Nvidia controller. For navigating around it does the job well though.
Can you run Dolphin at full speed?
For those interested, I have been experimenting with using a Hauppauge WinTV-dual HD USB TV tuner that is plugged directly in to the Shield, with Plex server running on the Shield, for an "all-in-one" DVR / media player solution:……
TLDR - it works relatively well with Plex, but I couldn't get any channels tuned within the Live Channels app.
Take a look at tvhproxy. I don't know your exact setup but I got Plex tv configured with a PS3 playtv
I'm guessing you have to run TVHeadend with that?
I currently run Plex server on a Win10 PC with a HDHomerun on the network, but wanted to test out the Hauppauge connected directly to the Shield.
Saying that, I've come to the conclusion that Fetch plus a Shield is the best DVR / media player combo for me ;)
Yes you need tvheadend
Press start button 13 times within hdhomerun app to bring up advanced options.
You can then set DVR up if you have an external drive connected
i gotta ask what Free to air tv you are watching these days thats worth DVRing that you couldnt just stream or download
I don't have an antenna outlet in one of my rooms. Mainly used with Plex. Interface is easy and the kids know how to use it. And because I like to fiddle. Tbh I can not remember the last time I watched free to air but the kids like ABC kids
Same as testeagles for me - mainly kids TV and some sport.
Also worth looking at Apple TV if you just want to stream. You can transcode anything through a PLEX server on a Windows or Mac server, or have it all decoded on the Apple TV with Infuse and just sharing the files from the media server. And it's more family friendly than the Shield, if everyone else in your house is not as much of a geek as we may be.
Best device ever for PLEX Direct Play. Bought it during the PLUS15 sale and never looked back.
What is Plex Direct Play? Is this the best app for remux videos?
Direct Play means it will play on the device without transcoding anything. If anything transcodes, you lose quality.
This is the best device I've ever used for remuxes.
On the device, or hard drive connected to the device via USB?
Why use Plex over say Kodi?
@YellowKnight: PLEX meets all my needs and I've never had issues.
I can't speak for Kodi as I've never used it.
:EDIT: PLEX server on my PC.
I’m waiting for the Signature Box III
Which one is that?
Am I the only one that sees a penis on the right side?
Damn I want one of these but really can't spend this much money on it.
Probably will thoughGot one :) Thanks OP!
These shields are the best, don't skimp get the best.
any games worth playing beside fortnight and pubg mobile on android?
I've been playing Life is Strange.
You can also get Half Life 2 and Borderlands 2
About a billion.
Such as?
Just name the first million or so, don't want to waste your time!
Can this play pubg mobile? Anyone with experience with this controller?
Perfect timing; my Veolo 4K has been a right PitA of late. Nice one, nocure
Code doesn't seem to work?
"This code can't be applied to your order."
Just as a follow-up, eBay have identified the use of this code as causing an issue for a large number of users. It's a system issue on their end and they're working on a fix.
Is it just me or is it not that great value for the money? Comparing it to the Apple TV 4K because android vs apple
Storage is 32GB (or 64GB for more $) vs 16GB on the shield
RAM is 3GB on both
Gigabit ethernet on both
HDMI v2 on both
802.11ac on both
CPU benchmarks I couldn't find many comparisonsGranted for $21 less you're getting a game controller with the shield as well as 2 x USB ports, but that's maybe offset by having 16GB less storage
It is never good to compare apple with android given people buy one or the other due to the ecosystem and not hard specs.
You can also add a USB drive to expand native storage
Can you install apps on the connected hard drive?
I'd prefer it to be onboard
Will there ever be a sub $200 Nvidia Shield deal? The holy grail?
any link on what emulator app can be installed in the shield?
thx for the tips
i tried random one of it, it doesn't work, always shows rom errorI run Its the easiest way to get set up, costs about $15 though but emulates many arcade, computer and console games.
Ozbargain rule no 1:dun buy anything you dun need
You must have to old rule book…
I must resist I must resist
Don't resist. I got one recently (minus controller for same price).
Such a better unit than the Plex app I was using on my PS3, or the WD Live box that I used when the PS3 couldn't handle stuff.
Fast - quick to use and wake from sleep. Plays everything fine. I'm probably only using some of its capability but very happy.
Is this the 2017 version?
It is 4k and HDR.
However something like this, I would think has very limited usefulness for most people.
I think almost all TV these days come with netflix, stan, and a browser.
If you have an old tv that doesn't even have netflix, well it probably isn't 4k let alone 4k-HDR, so money would be wasted on an expensive box like this. Can pickup a smart tv (1080p) cheaply, such as WD tv box, usually about $30 on Gumtree or ebay.
Don't see much point spending $200 if your new tv (when you get it) will have the main things anyway. I have a sony tv with android built in, the only useful thing IMO is I can use US netflix using paid VPN app (over $100 year for VPN though) and also I sometimes use the Ten-tv or 9-now to watch free to air stuff which interests me (only current affairs and new for me, as netflix and stan have anything else I want) .This has better specs than the very underpowered TV units. Even the Mi Box has been better than the TV units.
Most TVs don't have the 4K Netflix app I thought? This and the Mi Box are the ones that do?
If you want this functionality get a mi box @ ~$70 but for those that want to game on Android TV, do other media sharing apps, and tinker with, then this is for you.
What is the paid VPN you use that works with US Netflix? Every one I have tried seems to fail every few days/weeks?
Most TVs don't have the 4K Netflix app I thought?
I think I read that somewhere that some budget TV's have netflix, but 1080p rather than 4k (even when tv is 4k). I didn't think it was "most" but could be. My hisense 4k tv in bedroom I think has just the 1080p netflix app. I'm 99% sure my 2017 model sony andoid TV has 4k app of netflix.
What is the paid VPN you use that works with US Netflix? Every one I have tried seems to fail every few days/weeks?
I use expressVPN android tv app. Just turn on app, connect to US server in app, then hit netflix button on remote, straight into US netflix content. Only ever issue I have had (with US) is occasionally it has said "we have detected a vpn" and stopped working. This has been fixed every time by just going into app, click disconnect USA, then reconnect USA again and then go back and now error message. I use old optus unlimited on mobile phone to hotspot though, and almost every time the error vpn message came up, was when my phone battery died, changed batteries mid-netflix-streaming and I guess netflix connected before the vpn connected.
If you use a router box instead of vpn app, then you can use router box (only certain ones compatible) and do something within router and connect 5 devices etc to vpn without any app, and other way apparently is to use "virtual router" in a computer/laptop, maybe those raspberry pi things work also.
The expressVPN chat online was very very good on the couple of times I contacted. If you go down the router or 'virtual router' option, I would do a quick chat support convo with them and they explain every detail.
I don't like high cost of expressVPN, but for me it runs fast, can stream 4k (or 2k at max usually for me, because optus unlimited data mobile plan is capped at 3g). Haven't tried claiming, but they offer 30 days money back if not happy. And every person that uses your referal to sign up, you get 30 days bonus and so do they, and a friend on mine on internet chatsite told me there is a way to keep signing up using dummy accounts (and adding extra 30 days) .
Another mate had already paid 12 months by accident, so I chipped in with him, paid about 1/3 of value. If you keen, he does want to sell another share in it, has about 9 months left, and he does want to sell another share in it (can use I think 4-5 devices connectd at once, throuhh same expresvpn loggin).
The only issue with expressVPN app on android method, has been other countries besides US, ie US always works for us, but other countries I can view what is available, but won't actually play mosy content as vpn detected, I did have UK working, they have big bang theory and some UK shows also of course
My friend uses 1 of these for $80 delivered. I'm pretty sure it is 4k netflix app, it is a full android box with 4k output.…They have 1 in stock, 2 years warranty. My friend says it works great for him, has a small keyboard inside the remote, and 'air mouse' to add functionality. And of course, my sony android tv works great for the same, I do wish I had his remote with keyboard and air mouse though.
I just bought this recently when cashrewards were doing double cashback on Amazon. The device is great and I bought it primarily to watch US Netflix. Given that it's Android, I was able to download the NordVPN app and VPN to an American server. This way, I get the 4k HDR picture as well as surround sound on my home theatre setup. Bonus as well was that I'm now also able to watch Amazon Prime as my Hisense doesn't have the app.
I did consider the Xiaomi Mi Box, but given all the issues people have had with stuttering Netflix and needing to constantly reboot, I thought I'd play it safe and invest a little more.
Basically if you have a smart TV but not that smart, then get this.
Good deal. Thanks OP