DSE - Sandisk Cruzer 4GB (White): Pick Your Price

Dick Smith currently has white 4GB Sandisk Cruzers for a range of prices. You get to pick your own by taking the product from the appropriate level on the shelf. The prices range from $9.99-$14.98.

I've asked around and nobody knows why they have this price range, peaking at $14.98, or even why they price their products with a 98c roundoff. Some have suggested it is to have enough money left over to buy a fishing squid lure, found here (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/40891). Looking at this store's display, which lists the cheaper ones at the top of the shelf, I suspect the reason behind the price range is because the taller you are the more of a discount you are entitled to. If you can't reach the top shelf, you may be able to get someone taller than you to collect the product for you, though I'm not sure whether this is classed as a hack, or if it is frowned upon here at OzBargain.

Keep in mind, this is not a true pick your price, whereby you arrive at the counter with the Sandisk Cruzer in hand and suggest a price you'd like to pay, with wild stares from the cute asian Dick Smith register girl. If that was the case, the indie developers behind the Cruzer would probably not receive much sympathy, being an $8.9 billion company with 20 manufacturing facilities and offices around the world. It is not a single skinny American white guy in his basement with a flair for C++.

You may be able to price match at Officeworks for an additional 5% off, though I believe the Officeworks employees have been instructed to first measure how tall you are to figure out which price you would be able to get from Dick Smith.

Good luck all!

MOD EDIT - OK funny joke - and we can all laugh at it, but hey where do we stop with these. Now this gets so many votes, shouldn't we allow all joke posts, then how do you find the real posts? Love the joke as much as another but enough is enough, there are the forums where we really encourage you to have fun and interact with each other. - moved to forums



  • +10

    I suspect the reason behind the price range is because the taller you are the more of a discount you are entitled to. If you can’t reach the top shelf, you may be able to get someone taller than you to collect the product for you, though I’m not sure whether this is classed as a hack, or if it is frowned upon here at OzBargain.


    For those who are in Auburn though, go to Harvey Norman (along the Grt Western Hwy) they have 4GB USB sticks for $4, however it is limited to 1 per customer. Bring a friend or kid with you if you want to buy more.

    • +17

      Bring a friend or kid with you if you want to buy more.

      if you are a kid, bring another kid with you to reach the top ;)

      • +6

        don't forget the little people!

    • +5

      Broden probably brought his family tree along so by the time I get there it's all gone.

  • +24

    OP which store did you go to? I want to check out this cute chick.

    • +6

      with wild stares from the cute asian Dick Smith register girl.

      It is not a single skinny American white guy in his basement with a flair for C++.

      LOL + to the OP

    • +9

      I too want to know more about this Cute Chick you talk about?
      does "the taller you are the more of a discount you are entitled to" apply here as well?

    • +1

      strong white knight.

  • +46

    +1 for funny description

  • +1

    Not really that cheap considering you can get cheaper but I have found the DSE brand quite reliable. I love your description though so you get a +

    • +2

      Sandisk cruzer blade cheaper elsewhere?

      Where oh where? Cheapest I have seen is OW $12

      • -2
        • +1

          That means I can buy another fishing lure.

      • +2

        To be honest I both misread the title (and thought it was talking about the DSE brand) and wasn't talking about that brand in particular.

        Anyway, I find the Sandisk enclosures quite bulky in comparison to other brands. Regardless, I have seen them for cheaper at the post office and computer stores in general. The Verbatim micro usb are about the same ~$10 but are awesome. At 1.2g and 2.35mm thick you can have them hang on your key-ring and don't even notice they are there .. I have one on my motorcycle keychain because it is waterproof.

        • +2

          "1.2g and 2.35mm thick" that's what she said ;). I'm unsure about bulky because when i saw the blade in person it was actually quite compact. I think the blade is the slimmer product of the Sandisk range and trust the brand.

        • +3

          You are only 2.35mm thick? wow.

    • +74

      I like dicks…

      This is your post without the hyperbole you frown upon.

      • +1

        need to be said or not..IDK
        That's what she said!

      • +2

        This is the best response I've read on here in weeks. Maybe months. Funny that it's a response to probably the best bargain post I've read on here ever.

    • -1

      It's funny because punk was right and yet he has -52 votes. Ozbargain community I am disappoint.

      • Ozbargain community I am disappoint.

        what's worse are leechers who critisize the community

  • +3

    this guy knows ozbargain!

  • +16

    Funniest post on OzB I've ever read. Well done.

  • +6

    So let me get this straight, the taller you reach, the cheaper the price is?
    If thats the case, then its probably a prank by a staff.
    They're probably watching you and recording it on camera, laughing their heads off.

  • +5

    Also giving a + for the description lol. Might even be worthy of an add to the Epic Threads, but I'll wait for more comments.. that page is getting quite full already.

    • +4

      I'll take that as a yes for adding :D

      ed: done, but issh your task is to update the numbers, as per usual :)

      • +2


        love your notes!!!

        • +2


        • +2

          oh and btw, delete the note I left for you in there once you think the numbers will stop :)

        • +2

          yep shall do.

        • There goes your updating job :'(

        • +1

          what a shame ;(

  • +4

    +ve for the description haha. :)

  • +6


  • +6


    "You may be able to price match at Officeworks for an additional 5% off, though I believe the Officeworks employees have been instructed to first measure how tall you are to figure out which price you would be able to get from Dick Smith"

  • +6

    For the description.

    EDIT: CRAP !! Broden Jr +'ed it. All the top shelf items are going to sell out !

    • +8

      Broden Jr +’ed it. All the top shelf items are going to sell out !


      Jr is the important part, he can't reach ;P

      however for Broden…

    • +9

      hahaha sorry guys I'm gunna have to run away with that cute asian girl and take all the Cruzers with me…

  • +1

    lol, good one

  • +1

    lol posting, good one

  • +3

    +1 just for the post
    (im pretty sure you can get 4GB USB for cheaper from Hardly Normal every other week or something)

  • +2

    hahaha this has made my Saturday night!

  • +1

    What does "pick your price" mean? Doesn't make sense to me, the prices are set aren't they? You're just picking which size you want, and they have different prices obviously, like every other range of products on the planet.

    • +1

      Far right column in the photo. Same specs & size. Different prices.

      • +1

        Different barcodes?

        • +1

          doubt it….
          labelling error.

      • +2


    • +14

      Get a sense of humour.

    • +3

      lol you're funny :P

  • +11

    Once I see that Asian chick I will grow 18cm taller

    • +5

      umm… you mean wider .. not taller :)

      • +13

        he means it if he's lying down

    • +8

      is that 3 or 4 cruzers in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

      • +1

        LOL those responses were epic (reference to shmahoo)

        • +3

          I have three major turn ons in my life.

          1. my wife.
          2. humour.
          3. bargains.

          Hence hanging around in threads like this, also trying to make people happier.

          Congrats to Jesmond for the original post, it truly is fantastic.

        • +1

          I have three major turn ons in my life.
          my wife.

          the best of all 3 in your previous response ;)

        • +1


          wow, coincidence.

          my three major turns on in my life are-
          1. humour
          2. bargains
          3. your wife.

          (i'm being facitious. #3 should,like your post, read "my wife" and should be #1)

        • +1

          so you don't go on the net looking for porn, but come to ozbargain to get your fix?

  • +2

    OP should consider starting a column..

    one of the best OZBargain description ever.

    • +6

      I think most of the votes are for the description and not the actual deal ;)

  • +3

    Shouldn't this belong in the forums?

    I'm interested to know what the product actually scanned at?

  • +1

    NOT real bargain. But very funny post

    • +8

      Well done! You worked it out!

  • +4

    Jesmond mate did u and the girl hook up?

    • +1

      If not, try to the cute Asian at EB Games Hornsby…..

  • +2

    I suspect the reason behind the price range is because the taller you are the more of a discount you are entitled to.

    Time to call my big brother(2.2m)! :P

  • +3

    +1 for the awesome description

  • +3

    This might be the most voted deal that really isn't a deal on Ozbargain (excluding hacks and freebies) ever :D

  • +3

    A perfect antidote to the doom & gloom of warfare, floods, earthquakes & tsunamis … JESMOND!!!!!! :)

    … & bargainhunter!!!

  • +1

    I bought my 16GB Sandisk Cruzer CZ51 for $21 overseas recently, I don't think its that unbelievable when you only get 8GB for the same price here.

  • +1

    this is epic
    http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/epic_threads —> READ it(this one is #18)(thanks Mark Heath)
    142 votes and not really a bargain
    Jesmond, you are a legend

  • +1

    I think I've read this description about 30 times over the course of the night. Just brilliant.

  • +12

    Apparently the cute Asian girl is available for dates and is handing out numbered tickets…early reports suggest that the lines outside DSE are longer than those for the IPAD 2 at the Apple store in NYC.

    To be sure, JB, HN and OW are all doing an inventory of their own Cute Asian Girls in efforts to price match DSE but insiders suggest that Myer may top them all with their own HGO (Hot Girl Offer)sourced directly from Asia and marketed directly online GST FREE.

    Sources say that Myer have been backed into a corner and have no other choice but to respond very aggressively and that hopefully now the government will sit up and take notice.

    Government insiders say that it wants to provide a level playing field for retailers when marketing dates with Cute Asian Girls but that their score on the "hotness scale" is a much bigger factor than the GST.

    We will see.

  • +7

    Geologist in the 31st century:

    " I am very excited about this lastest find. As well as this primitive form of information storage, we have evidence of a rudimentary form of stock control. You can see this in the image on your displays now - vertical lines bunched together, some thicker than others. We have determined that these contain a limited amount of data. But what is more exciting is that we have some insight into the social behaviour of these Earthians. As one moves up the layers, one finds that the datum re price changes, the price becoming less and less. Behavioural sociologists have come up with 2 theories: the more likely is that this is some form of encouragement for people to hunt in pairs. The reasoning goes that it is only those hunting with a companion that can reach the higher levels and thus gain an advantage. The other theory is that this is just a mistake, although this seems quite implausible…"

  • +1

    I think I'll send people to, eg, OfficeWorks for 4 GB USB sticks:

    Last time I checked, prices start under $7,
    with no moving-price games to play… :-/

    When Amazon quoted different prices for
    different customers (on the same day),
    folks screamed "Fowl!" around the World.

    Dunno why 130+ OzBargain members are so
    happy about maying more than $7 for 4 GB.

    (Maybe it's a disease you you got from Apple?

    Paying heaps for an iPad, THEN buying
    the missing bits:

    • keyboard,
    • projector adapter,
    • mouse

    an endless stream of accessories

    Those who bought the PREVIOUS ipad
    didn't even get multi-tasking…

    so, now they'd have to buy iPad 2
    to get that…

    My 2.2 cents, only… ;-)

    • +1

      It potentially comes with a "cute asian Dick Smith register girl."

      • +3

        That could be it… but my DSE has only fairly plump Aussie girls…

        (Their guys are slimmer… don't ask me why…
        I wouldn't want to date either ;-)

      • +1

        do not want cute asian dick.

        btw as |V| pointed out, it isn't cheap at all, people are just appreciating the effort in typing up that description. completely unnecessary and I didn't find it amusing, but whatever floats your boat. I hope people aren't actually buying these rip off 4gb usbs.

        • +1

          do not want cute asian dick.

          not sure about this…


          but whatever floats your boat

          no, whatever floats your boat

        • +2

          I thought it was

          "whatever throats your goat"

          but then again, I grew up in the country…

        • +1

          @shma lol

        • +1

          LOL @ shmahoo

    • +1

      I think I’ll send people to, eg, OfficeWorks for 4 GB USB sticks:

      Clearance, and therefore, chance of getting it is RARE as Officeworks Clearances do not mix well with Ozbargain

      Dunno why 130+ OzBargain members are so

      1) It's over 160
      2) As another members say "Get a sense of humour." http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/40962#comment-408975
      3) If you read the description box, you will understand the hype!

      P.S: your neg will create negs towards your comment, i will + for you efforts

      • -5

        I'm sure DSE would thank you very much for helping contribute even $2 extra per Cruise sale…
        (over $320, from what you tell me about the popularity of the overpriced USB-stick here)

        Every dollar helps 'em grow.

        Both I & DSE enjoy humor…

        DSE can smile all the way to the bank, I'm sure. :-)

        PS Sorry you don't appreciate free-speech as much as I do.

        • +1

          I’m sure DSE would thank you very much for helping contribute even $2 extra per Cruise sale…
          (over $320, from what you tell me about the popularity of the overpriced USB-stick here)

          care to show figures?

          Every dollar helps ‘em grow……DSE can smile all the way to the bank, I’m sure. :-)

          as with most/all businesses

          PS Sorry you don’t appreciate free-speech as much as I do.

          i do, as long as the other person does research and has proper grounding to their opinion

        • +1

          I don't think anyone is buying anything from DSE they are all voting for the description.

    • +1

      Those who bought the PREVIOUS ipad
      didn’t even get multi-tasking…

      LOL your funny

      iPad has multitasking



    • +2

      Dunno why 130+ OzBargain members are so
      happy about maying more than $7 for 4 GB.

      Its something called humor, which you obviously lack.

    • +2

      iPad + Mouse? What the? iPad + Projector? What the? Most people don't even use/need the (optional) keyboard attachment.
      It's funny that with the price drops, iPad 1 is now a great value/functional touch tablet.

      To enlighten you, this post has so many positives due to the humor of the picture and the story that went along with it. Consider it a weekend Ozbargain joke that you missed.

      I detect a faint hint of satire in your post, but if you are getting on the bandwagon and having a laugh, you shouldn't be negging this very funny post.

      • +1

        The 2 most popular bargains here ever have got 0 facebook likes (not that I use facebook), this one already has 8 :)

        • +1


          i think we have what the community likes!

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