Hello everyone.
This topic may seem cliche or a topic that must get financial personalized advice but I'm throwing it up anyway.
I will not be taking any advice and committing to what people say on here but would like to get peoples thoughts.
I'm 28 working in a job that pays a salary, i currently live at home with parents and don't pay board.
I barely have many expenses prob around $700 a month, I've always been very bad with my savings but recently have worked on saving my money, I'm sitting at around 8k since Jan that's also taking in account that I've paid all debts off this year also I'm wondering what the safest but most efficient way to make compounding interest or interest in general.
Don't really want to put it in a term deposit just in case I may need to access in an emergency.
With such little savings, I'd suggest just a high interest saving account. See this and choose your own flavour.
Once you get your savings under control, then you can consider other OzBargain inspired investment ideas.