This was posted 6 years 4 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$8 off a Preorder at EB Games, When You Purchase/Price Match COD Black OPS 4 to Big W Then Trade It in. Lv 4 EB World Required


Hey all, went to return Black Ops on PS4 at EB Games today, after having purchased it a few days ago at a price match of $64 from BIG W.

The guy at the counter then remarked, as I was a level 4 Eb games member, that I'd get more money if I traded it in towards a Preorder rather than returning the game.

So as such, I paid $64 for the game, and ended up getting $72 towards my preorder- netting me $8 profit.
This is based on the current $60 trade in of Black ops towards a preorder, plus the 20%($12) extra value a level gets.

I've included my receipt for reference.

Obtaining this deal (in dot point form)

  • You must be a Level 4 EB World member
  • Purchase the COD Black Ops 4 game at for $64 at any retailer
  • Trade in the product and receive $72 of credit to fund a new game pre-order

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closed Comments

  • How was your experience of Black Ops 4?

    • Not really my kind of game- haven't played one since the original black ops, few of my work colleagues wanted me to get it with them, but I didn't enjoy it at all. Found multiplayer to be quite clunky and boring, and blackout just felt like a carbon copy of PubG but missing some QOL features, especially in regards to the looting.

      • Well at least you could see it as a pubg for PS4 for the time being…it's not that bad and surprisingly smooth on a normal PS4

        • +1

          Yeah that's fair. Just not my thing- I'm more an rpg person personally. So I'm smashing Divinity orginal sin 2 again on ps4 with a mate, and Monster Hunter on my Switch.

          • @ONEMariachi: Just to add to the discussion. I was a bit skeptical of Blackout at first but if you have people to play with it's actually pretty great. I wasn't really into Fortnite due to the building and always getting destroyed if I reached the final few players. I think Blackout is what PUBG could be if it hadn't been made by such a small gaming developer.

            But I would suggest only buying if you like to play online, enjoy PUBG/ Fortnite/ and have people to play. As playing solo with a random group isn't very fun in my opinion.

            • +1

              @sprucemoose92: I had a decent amount of mates to play with, but yeah just wasn't my thing. Put a good 10-15 hours in.

      • +3

        Opposite experience for me - haven't played MP or Zombies yet, but having played PUBG on Xbox, Blackout is smoother and more enjoyable.

  • +8

    Hate to think how much you've spent to hit level 4

    • +1

      It's pretty easy after all these years…. Trade in bonuses wouldn't require any spending either.

    • +1

      I've been a member since like 2011. Looking at my purchase history, looks like around a game a month for the last 7 years, plus most of my consoles from there. hit level 4 early last year. So not that much really. I've always price matched and taken advantage of deals.

  • +1

    Did you purchase Black Ops again?

  • +2

    Pfft. We're not all level 4! You need 9,500 carrots to reach it. That's practically $9,500 in spendings.

    • +3

      $9,500 to get to Level 4!?!?!?! $8 profit is not quite worth it then… :( This is so gonna get neg, I know. I'm not a big fan of EB Games, honestly…

      • +3

        It's not $9500 at all.

    • Not really. I spent less than half of that in 7 years to get to it. It's not that hard if you game at an average level like me(a game a month). around 4000 points were just fill in your profile and 300 points a year for christmas bonus, and 200 points a year for my birthday. On top of that, my mates use my card too, plus they have deals all the time. For instance the recent Trade in your controller to get a new controller. cost me $19 i got 170 points for it.

    • +2

      I've pullled together some random perfect world numbers to get you 3/4 there within 2 years.

      Pre-order 25 games @ ~ $99 ea. (2475+ 500 bonus)
      Trade those games in a week prior to the new release @ $30-40 trade value, (1000 carrots)
      Purchase 25 pre-owned games $40-50 pre-owned games (2500 carrots)
      Trade those games in @ $10 trade value, (500 carrots)
      2 annual surveys (40 Carrots)
      Pre-Order a new PS4 Pro Limited Edition Console (599 + 20 bonus)
      Trade in PS4 for $150? (300 Carrots)

      7934/9500 collected for ~$3424AUD. Plus 25% and 50% trade bonuses this year is very helpful

      Obviously perfect world numbers, but you get the idea, I'm defs not level 4, but i can see how 'gamers' could easily achieve it for less than you think

  • +3

    This is a pretty convoluted post. Not even sure what the "deal or bargain" is.
    EB gives more credit if you trade towards pre order, I thought that had been the case for a while now.

    • +1

      If you buy it for $64, you will get $72 trade in value for it towards a pre-order if you are a level EB world member, thus making an $8 profit. It's not hard mate. It's not at all convoluted.

      • -1

        But it needs EB world Lvl 4. It's like saying if you have a whole lotta frequent flyer points you get cheap flights. Derp

        • +3

          not the same, but nice try.

  • +5

    Not a deal

  • +2

    But then you spent $13 extra on pokemon let's go than what it costs on amazon. So actually a $5 loss

    • +3

      not really. I'll price match later on when i pick it up.

      • +2

        fair enough, definitely a lot of work though :P

        • As Doctor Kelso once said. Nothing in life worth having comes easy :p

  • +6

    I feel like this one belongs in the forums.

    $8.00 doesn't seem like a bargain when it requires 30+ minutes into retail interactions (eg BigW + EB) and have sunk thousands of Aussie pesos into EB Games to achieve Level 4 (aka 9,500 "carrots").

    OP: Thank you for taking the time to write this one up. Unfortunately (for me), I just don't see the bargain here. I waste almost $6K per annum on gaming software….so I'm always happy to find a way to save some pesos. This isn't one of them.

    • -1

      I guess you can see it as similar to the last deal that existed, that was similar to this.

      $60 trade in value for Cod Black OPs(previous one was about spiderman andntomb Raider), extra $12 if you are a level 4 member. Everyone there seemed chuffed with it.

      • +1

        Wasn't aware of that earlier deal. Thanks for the link. Would've offered similar feedback had I seen it ;-)

        Two wrongs don't make a right. But two Wrights made an aeroplane and three rights will get you back back to the highway.

      • +2

        $60 was level 1, and the games you had to trade were worth less than $60 to buy.

        So didn't need level 4 to make a profit.

  • +5

    Level 5 EB World Baller here

    • I heard they randomly pick from the level 4 members and send you an invitation??? Not even staff know how level 5 is picked

      • I thought it was the top 500 in each state?

        • Not from what the guys at an EB store told me. They said head office won't tell them how either. Supposedly nothing to do with being a top spender or getting the most points etc. Would be interesting to find out. And supposedly the L5 only lasts 1 year, and you have to be invited again to get it. Not sure how accurate any of this info is.

          • @Sammyboy: Yeah I've heard the 1 year thing too. It would be cool if it was just a random 500 people though. That way anyone has a chance rather than only the popel that spend stupid amounts of money. Have you seen the top lists. there are people with 200k + points. Like, what the shit. They'd have had to spend $100k + at EB games.

  • +7

    eb are pissing me off with their offers that:

    1. have no end date.
    2. no published t&c's
    3. no trade lists and
    4. no trade prices.

    they start 1 day may finish that day.

    its basically bait and switch on a daily basis. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY OF LOOKING AT IT.

    • +6

      yeah their controller one recently was annoying, as they had posters up saying the deal would end on the 30th of October, but then they took it down last week. I only got it done cos I'm friends with someone at the store.

    • Well said. They really need to organise and make these easier to understand. Enough that they aren't left open for interpretation between staff and customers.

      Also not knowing when deals are close to being exhausted when not providing an end date.

  • Ahh.. I thought that I would have to climb level (floor) 4 at EB building to get this deal 🤪

  • Is that $60 trade in forany level? For those that have birthdays in October and received their birthday email it is a 50% trade in bonus.

    Would that mean those people can get $90 for their trade in?

    • Yeah, I'd say so. I ended up getting a 50% bonus on the trade in for Mario odyssey using that when they had a $50 trade in deal for that a few months back and got $75 total.

  • +4

    I'm level 2 and I made $2 profit lol (price matched for $64, traded for $66 towards RDR2). A saving's a saving thx op haha.

    • You're welcome haha

  • I have AC Odyssey and Spider-Man (2018) brand new from Big W. I can’t see myself even beginning to play them with red dead and smash bros and fallout coming. If I trade them in with a L4 account at EB toward a pre order, is that better than selling them on Gumtree?

    • You'd have to ask them. I'd say probably not at this point though. You could probably get $50ish each on gumtree.

    • +1

      I traded assassin's Creed Odyssey in last week (came with my One X so I traded it straight in for a further discount on the $599 deal)

      Came in at $57, but due to that "high" trade value, apparently EB world doesn't come into play.

      I wasn't too fussed though. Gathered I'd only be able to sell it for $50 second hand anyway

  • -1

    My Boys been playing and Streaming it via Elgato. Looks pretty hardcore in Zombie mode. Lots of fun. Here is his last stream.

    I got it for $68 from EB games with price match from JB Hifi.

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