Win Return Flights for 2 to New Zealand (Ex Newcastle) from Tomaree Business Chamber [NSW]

Entry Requirements
To enter, sign up to the 'Tastes of the Bay' e-newsletter
Entry is only open to New South Wales residents of Australia.
By opting in to the email list, entrants agree to their data being used for marketing purposes by Tomaree Business Chamber and Newcastle Airport.
Prize Details:
The prize is 2 x Return Economy Class Airfares, on the Auckland – Newcastle direct route, total value is $790.
The prize will be provided to the customer as a flight voucher, to be emailed to the winner.
Tickets redeemed under this Prize Certificate are valid on Virgin Australia operated non-stop Auckland to Newcastle flights only and not code share services.
Flights redeemed under this Prize Certificate is for travel periods 27 November 2018 to 19 December 2018 and 13 January 2019 to 17 February 2019 only.