Made a pitstop at Krispy Kreme this morning before heading to work and saw this poster for 2 dozen original glazed donuts for $20. One dozen is normally ~$15, I think.
I saw this at Krispy Kreme Auburn and it's been confirmed in other locations.
Made a pitstop at Krispy Kreme this morning before heading to work and saw this poster for 2 dozen original glazed donuts for $20. One dozen is normally ~$15, I think.
I saw this at Krispy Kreme Auburn and it's been confirmed in other locations.
not bad, still sick of KK after the free 1/2 dozen donuts promo lol
those were the days .. free donuts and free books (from Borders) :)
Clearly a fantastic business strategy by both companies…………
Can confirm for KK Collins Street Store Melbourne.
Thanks, dasher…updated it now as well.
Should I 'av 'em before or after the chips?
sandwich between and cover with gravy
Dont forget to add bacon!
before, durring and after.
Needs more fresh donuts!
Haha I'd have said this is a great deal if we didn't have the free promo back in december….now everything other than free is expensive! :P
I guess that's the ozbargain effect on your mental state. Good deal nonetheless, thanks OP!
Mmm, heart disease.
finally back to a more realistic price. I remember they used to be $9 a dozen.
under 90 cents each… finally they figured out why they havent been making money!
did u know that one original glazed donut is equivalent to one mcdonalds cheeseburger, in terms of fat content
think twice about stuffing your mouth with these
Not surprised at the pricing. Afterall, they are in administration
Mmmmm that corner on parramatta and silverwater rd in auburn sure have hit a winning heat disease combo.
Now I can just duck into maccas for lunch then Krispy Kreme for dessert :D
Large Double Quarter Pounder meal with 2 dozen donuts anyone.
wow nice!
i can't afford these donuts.
got some for free last time
Yeah I got 2 dozen free hehe, good times.
is anyone else seeing a donut machine in the google ads? twilight zone music plays in my mind
Hey look! They're still bloody expensive.
Fried dough and sugar.
They have it at Sydney Airport KK as well
Anyone know when this deal end & work at Melbourne airport?
They lost me when they stopped selling Lemon doughnuts. Then they stopped the apple..
Never been back since..
does anyone have the promo code for this offer? because i can buy the orginal glazed dougnuts at the shops for 2dozens for 20$ but when i try to order it online it charges me $31.90… im guessing because i haven't entered the promo code.. thanks
the offer of 2 dozen orginial glazed doughnuts for 20$ has ended for liverpool megacentre.
I think Marto wants some.
Greatest news today.