Coles Shapes 10 for $10. Awesome price, check the last page.
Mod: Added location to title
Coles Shapes 10 for $10. Awesome price, check the last page.
Mod: Added location to title
I don’t think I need 10 packets of Shapes.
they make good ninja stars
and when you get hit it on someone's shirt, it's flavour you can see
/yes i am mature/ ;)
Yov've convinced me I need 10 packets of shapes ;)
that does sound weird…i was planing on getting 20 lol
you don't need 10 packs of shapes?!?!?!?
now you really sound like a weirdo. ;)
I would buy that
Shapes are delicious
10 packs would last me 5 years…
10 packs would last me 5 minutes D:
I can't be bothered clicking on the catalogue….are these real or fake Shapes?
Figured as much. Thanks! :D
Why do Coles catalogues take so long to load?
REAL REAL REAL SHAPES. OMG, bargain of the century!
Yes, it took that long to load. That's three minutes of my life I won't get back. Plus, my life will probably be shortened by a year with all the trans fats in my system from 10 boxes of REAL Shapes!
at least your life won't be shortened by two years from the trans fats from 10 boxes of fake shapes
Appears as this is in VIC only, as the NSW catalogue I have in paper next to me has different specials on the last page.
I second this. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I was so looking forward to going to the coles express near me at 7:00am in the morning too!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Noooooooooooooooo >O< the last page for SA is different too, no 10 for $10 shapes :(. sad sad face
Sucks to be you, guys.
shakes fist at you Vics
I want shapes :(
argh, almost wet myself looking at this then to find out its vic-only….. good deal, but perhaps change the title?
HAH! For once, us Victorians don't get shafted on a deal =D
Oh yeah? Us non victorians will visit every victorian who takes up this offer and we won't be leaving the couch! :p
I can't imagine there would be that many Victorians taking up this offer as when I picked up my 10 boxes, there were people carting off cartons of them - greedy buggers!
Would Woolies pricematch?
or in that matter any other Coles in NSW/ACT
Try Officeworks
Good idea, afterall they claim they will beat the price by 5%, so $9.50 for 10 at officeworks?
They do sell them:………
And lowest price guarantee:…
Hey if I buy them from officeworks can I claim it was used for business purposes and claim it back on tax or something? :D
OW should seriously expand in the food industry
wesfarmers should introduce pricematch at coles
lol, wining post of the day.
Heh. hard to decide what I like more about this site. The bargains of the Lols :)
1 cracker – 2.2g
- 47kj
-0.5gm fat
1 packet – 200gm
- 4284kj
- 46gm fat
- 1314mg sodium
10 packets 2kg
- 42840 kj
- 460gm fat
- 13140mg sodium
…Challenge accepted.
And yet, Shapes are boldly advertised as "Baked Not Fried" so the unquestioning consumer thinks it's somehow a healthier than average snack food choice.
A 200g pack of Shapes contains almost 50% of the daily energy needs for the average adult.
why do they call it nutritional info… if these things provide no nutrition ????
Coke 2l - 2 for $6, as opposed to 3 for $8
yep, the savings are getting worse as the essentials prices are reduce slightly.
Bargain if you live in VIC - the SA catalogue has them "2 for $4" … what utter crap !! I too was looking forward to this, although I'd also guarantee at this price they'd be all gone 5 minutes into day 1 (empty shelves are a regular feature of the few Coles stores south of Adelaide when theres a good deal on anything).
It feels like not long ago they were $2 a box normally … now Woolies has them every couple of weeks at $2.60-ish on sale. :/
2 for $4 is a pretty normal price. Woolworths runs this special every couple of months and since Shapes last at least 9 months it's easy to stock up.
10 for $10 would be extraordinary. Just shows how cheap they really are to make.
The price has nothing to do with how cheap they are to make, after all how do you know coles isn't taking a loss on this in order to get people into the store and buying other products.
After your comment Hintswen I was curious as to just how much a 190g packet of Shapes can cost to make, so I did the sums :-)
I have a pack of Italian Woodfired Pizza shapes here. Ingredients listed in descending order of abundance: Wheat flour, vegetable oil, salt, cheese, sugar, tomato powder, etc.
The vast bulk of Shapes are made from flour, with almost the rest consisting of oil. How do we know this? Salt is listed as the third most abundant ingredient, but it's only 0.938% of the total weight (nutrition info box). Fat content is 21.7%. From all this we can say wheat content is about 75%, oil about 20%, and the rest consists of spices, flavours, etc. If you add up the nutrition information the 75/20/rest as 5% is about right.
World wheat price is 320kg/MT. Canola oil (expensive version of vegetable oil) $559/MT. Therefore 32c/kg and 56c/kg respectively.
32 * 0.75 * 0.19 = 4.6c of wheat in every Shapes pack
56 * 0.2 * 0.19 = 2.13c of oil
Now wheat needs to be milled into flour, etc. So we'll double its price. The vast bulk of every Shapes pack contains just 11.3 cents of ingredients. Arnotts naturally buys tonnes of the stuff at a time. Of course the biscuits have to be baked, packed, and transported. Unless Arnotts is doing something very wrong they can still get a profit on $1/pack :-) Coles can sell for zero profit and count on increased store traffic.
you're not factoring in advertising, packaging and labour
Превосходное дело на формах!
Excellent deal on the shapes!
Fat FTW? Oh my what a sad world we live in :(
Not appreciating sarcasm, and more importantly, the brilliance of shapes? Oh my what a sad world we live in :(
Dishwasher tabs half price $7.50.. bargain.
My boyfriend is making me buy him 20.. and I want 10.. i'm going to look like the fattest person ever :|
Im willing to accept that!
Wow I'm amazed by the amount of people who actually like Shapes. The first time I tried it I felt like I was eating a bag of salt >.< I'm not a health freak in any way but man this thing is wayyyyy too salty!
Maybe try again, bag of salt and bag of shapes. You should be able to tell
Whaaaa? BBQ Shapes are the shiz. Especially all that red stuff left at the bottom of the bag after you've munched all the Shapes. Plus, how can you not love a product called "Chicken Crimpy"?
Shapes are an Australian icon! Here is some trivia from the Shapes Website:
Shapes has been spreading the fun since the 1950s.
Australians love their Shapes and munch their way through over 53 million packs each year!
The favourites are BBQ, Pizza and Chicken Crimpy.
chicken crimpy is my least favourite
Cheddar & pizza ftw.
I prefer Pizza, like the guy above me chicken crimpy is the worst. And yeah lets take a poll who does and doesn't eat the red stuff left at the bottom
+1 if you do!
Pizza is the only one I like :)
I don't like Pizza ones, because of those funny little yellow lump things on top.
I love pizza because of the texture :D
lol +1
Not available in NSW… we only get 2 for $4…. what bastards.
I think it's time for a drive to Vic, Broden.
Time to drive a truck to VIC and fill it up with shapes and drive back to NSW….
Then tell everyone on OzBargain you made 10x as much as you actually did! :D
and then we find a receipt of your purchase only showing 10 shapes boxes
Maybe Victorians can buy up and sell them on eBay to NSW ;-)
nice prices at coles, do you need to buy 10 boxes or can you buy 1 box for $1?
Have to buy 10
There was this one lady that picked up 2 boxes (suppose she thought it was 1 for $1 too). She came back 30 seconds later, gave me a cheeky look, then grabbed another 8. Guilt trip!
Cute. haha
Bought 20 packs, epic win!
is it wrong to neg comments where people boast about getting deals? :)
I'm just jealous.
though probably a good thing this deal is not in QLD for my stomachs sake.
OzB'ers better hurry up and hit a store. Unless my coles has a stash in the back, they're running out! Every second checkout has people in queue with at least 10packs and some even just took them in whole boxes from the front!
lol which store is this?
Point Cook town centre, western Victoria.
Same up here, just went to the Mildura store and the shelves were bare apart from a couple of boxes of Pizza and Cheese & Bacon :(
You should be able to get a raincheck, which means that any time in the next month you can come back in and get them at the special price.
I always do it with chocolate specials. If one type is not on the shelf (eg turkish delight) I go to the counter and ask for a raincheck, as they don't usually specify the flavour. That way when I run out of the stash I have bought I can go in and get another lot :)
They are 2 for $4 here in Sydney.
it's a shame Coles don't have equal national pricing
National / State / Area Pricing is based on MAXIMUL PRICING… A store / set of stores can reduce the price if the manager wants, the local competition dictates that it does… or any other reason… that is why some stores have certain prices always cheaper.
dammit, if i wasn't on a health kick i'd be all over it like a fat kid on, well a box of shapes lol.
Someone needs to try getting Officeworks to pricematch just for the lol's.
Please post up a receipt if they suceed LOL.
I might try sometime this weekend, $9.50 for 10 boxes of shapes? Seriously can you find anything lower lol
I might try sometime this weekend, $9.50 for 10 boxes of shapes?
go for it!
I'll try OW tomorrow if I wake up early enough from night shift. :P
do it, do it.
What's ironic about this deal is that the Victorian Arrnots factory (the dudes that make Shapes) was shut down in 2002 and their NSW, SA and QLD facilities were expanded to cope with the extra load. Yet Victorians are the ones with this exclusive deal.
Has anybody thought of how this deal may have come about? It's like some clown forgot to turn off the machines overnight and had a major FML moment in the morning. Acting on impulse, the clown had it all shipped to Victoria and stashed in one of their warehouses - the last place the higher-ups would look after ditching it in 2002… but of course they did, and hence why Victoria has tons of cheap Shapes!
Either that or it's another part of Arrnots strategic business plan to increase their marketshare in the savoury biscuit sector.
Which would you want to believe?
Which would you want to believe?
This, because clowns are funny
It’s like some clown forgot to turn off the machines overnight and had a major FML moment in the morning. Acting on impulse, the clown had it all shipped to Victoria and stashed in one of their warehouses - the last place the higher-ups would look after ditching it in 2002… but of course they did, and hence why Victoria has tons of cheap Shapes!
when I was a 10year old scout I went on a tour of the arnotts Vic factory. greatest 3 hours of my life. watching tim tams being made, etc. examining the mutant/reject biscuits.
they had oompah loompahs!!!
for $9.50. WOW! NOW we knOW who put the OW in WOW! :)
I'd feed em to my youngest but I'd be accused of child abuse. Might have to eat them myself. I wonder how many beers you'd need to wash them down? Or maybe I should watch my waistline and go for diet-coke? Breaks down the calories doesn't it?
Must make a note to not read that review but pls let me know when you find a good review for Tim Tams ;-)
Went to Coles at Northcote Plaza today to buy some Shapes and they had HEAPS. So many boxes! o_o
every coles ive been to has heaps of these.
Im amazed there's no national shortage of them.
Maybe they are stockpiled in times of national disasters (cyclones, floods, etc) ;-)
I bought 10 packs earlier, but almost the entire stand was cheddar. Soo, I went back last night as they where restocking, got another 10. the boxes where still on the pallets, so I had to do some sneaky work to get to the cheese+bacon, but sadly i could not find the chicken.
I saw this. Great price though I'm tempted to just ask a random person eyeing this deal if they wanna go halves. LOL. (though for some reason I think this would make me look like a bit of a weirdo :P) I don't think I need 10 packets of Shapes.