Good price compare to $0.99 Each/ $5.50-1KG Woolworths
This promotional price appears to exclude Victoria.
Good price compare to $0.99 Each/ $5.50-1KG Woolworths
This promotional price appears to exclude Victoria.
If you think Australia made of an international community, then what is the original Australian cucumber?
Probably the abocumber.
Those actually came from Asia and Oceania.
what is the original Australian cucumber?
Chiko Roll.
Again as above, Europe is made of many different countries and cultures so England is not Europe therefore who edited that Wikipedia page maybe was drunk and shows that he/she really doesn't know what is the difference among the English cucumber or Polish, German, French, Italian, Spanish and so on.
They probably came here by boat.
That's a pretty good price considering these have been about $9.90/kg for ages now.
Time to make some homemade pickles I think!
Link in this post showing $7.90 /kg
Link shows national :… & Screenshot shows $3.50/Kg. Its on special.
May be not for VIC.
Same price here in the NT. Think it is NSW only.
You use Lebanese cucs for pickling?
Yeah, they are the most readily available small cucumber.
Coles Lebanese Cucumbers $0.49
I've never seen them sold per item at Coles.
Which Coles is it? Ours sells them for around $8/kg
May be online only.
Coles Lebanese Cucumbers Approx. 140g on special
Approx. 140g Unit Price$3.50 per 1Kg
Add Add1 Coles Lebanese Cucumbers Approx. 140g on special for $0.49
on special for $0.49
It's showing $1.11 on your link……
I guess, Price may vary on different states. Then, I think Woolies cucumber are cheaper for you $0.99 Each/ $5.50-1KG
The Lebanese cucumber is green skinned, white fleshed and only 12–15 cm long. It has a juicy texture and a tender skin that does not need to be peeled.
At woolies today 9$ a kilo. At my local lebo corner shop $6.
Why are these supermarkets ripping us off lmaooo
prices only started dropping this week here in Melb. Supermarkets haven't dropped yet.
they were like $4.90 at the local IGA last week, I should have gone crazy and got a bunch (stupid continental cucumbers…). I just assumed coles/woolies would lower their price too, nope.
Bought one few hours ago, didn't occur to me to post to OzB :) Cheers!
Only one ? ;-)
Enjoy :)
Yes, thanks! Lasts for 2-3 days on my sandwich consumption rate ;)
Wife needs minimum of 4 if she cooks Chinese for dinner :P
You cook cucumbers ???
@dealhunt: Yes, stir fry, peeled, seeded and cut in to smaller chunks. Oil+garlic and then add cucumber. Yummy and light :)
lol my mum use to put me a whole one for lunch almost everyday for school, everyone would give me weird looks when I'd eat it..
my mum use to put me a whole one for lunch
Are you sure it was for lunch and not PE class?
Fully sick deal habib
I feel u brahhh, dis deal is hecticccccc uleh
omg cuz i'mma gonna tell the cousins about this sik deal…
Phew! I'm glad I got that out of my system.
Why did the lebo go to hospital?
To finish the job.
Hi guys, I am just curious why cucumbers have been so expensive lately, they selling 1 cucumber for $4 near where I live…
Supply vs Demand
This promotional price appears to exclude Victoria.
This is the worst kind of discrimination, the kind against me! >:|
Try using VPN and connect to NSW servers ;-) or
Visit NSW this weekend . Will reserve some stock for you :)
bloody lebo cucumbers
Scab pro tip:
Sirena tuna sandwiches with sliced cucumber are delicious.
Pro protip: make lamb souvlaki with taziki.
What is taziki ?
I love a bit of taziki on my snitzel.
I need to read titles slower .. Lebanese caught me off guard
No loose cucumbers allowed in the People's Republic of Victoria apparently.
This cucumber can be a bit of a smart arse.
are they organic?
You guys gotta watch out for those loose Lebanese cucumbers.
Is that same price in store? It is 30 minimum spending for online order.
are the Australian cucumbers not good enough huh