You must have read if not - Myer posts 'disappointing' $486 million loss - article here -…
Went to the local Myer store to collect a few items bought online and as usual the customer service was atrocious, no one to be seen, finally found someone and he was on the phone for ages while the queue went to 5 people. When asked about a product staff keep pointing to each other instead of taking accountability for it.
The online store is equally bad, half the descriptions are either empty or have half baked information.
So here is the question, if you were made the CEO today for Myer what would be your top 3 strategies to turn it around ?
I wonder how many people here actually work in a big dept store I find that some people want you to hold their hand through the "entire" store to help make up there mind on what they want to buy,and they want your "opinion" on what they are buying and I think to myself "what I like and want you like may be very different"
Other customers just want to be left alone and if they want help they will ask for it!!
Other problems are that is someone calls in sick they generally don't get replaced and if someone goes on annual leave they don't get replaced!! So therefore the service level on those days is down!!
I don't work at myers but since I have been in retail I have a bit more patience for the people who are working in retail who are just trying to earn a living!!!
Remember the bigger the store the more items they have its "impossible" to be an expert on every single item in the store.
Alot of shops seem to think that less "staff" equals more profit when in reality if you get good service you are inclined to come back!!!
The retail environment has changed probably not for the better!!!