This was posted 5 years 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Medion Smart Wi-Fi Plug - Compatible with Alexa & Google Home $19.99 @ ALDI


Cheapest Smart Plug from a reputable retailer with risk free 60 day trial.

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closed Comments

    • What if it was your toaster plugged in and carefully balanced on the edge of your bath tub, programmed to switch on and begin preparing your breakfast shortly after you finished washing…but it turns on a minute two early, startles you, your foot kicks out, bumps the toaster…

      Nah…you gotta take that shit back to Aldi.

    • no issue with your other one ?

      • Not "yet"…

    • I also have the exact same problem and same scenario. I have a lamp plugged into mine, and I woke up the other night and the lamp was on. I was like "wtf"

      It then switched itself on again last night, so not sure what the story is here. I also reported the issue and have not heard anything. My concern is if this was more than just a lamp, and another type of heating appliance that it could switch itself on when not supposed to.

      • Hi aiaccarino,

        My name is Jovan from MEDION Australia.

        I'm sorry to hear you're facing these issues with our Smart Plug however you don't have to face them alone.

        Please private message me your contact details and I'll be more than happy to assist you further at a time that suits you.

        Kind Regards,

        Jovan Teofanovic

        Customer Support Consultant

        MEDION Australia

        • +4

          Jovan, it would be helpful if you would investigate and then post your solution here for everyone rather than to take this off-line.

          Keep us posted on your progress.

    • Hi samcro,

      My name is Jovan from MEDION Australia.

      I'm sorry to hear you're facing these issues with our Smart Plug however you don't have to face them alone.

      Please private message me your contact details and I'll be more than happy to assist you further at a time that suits you.

      Kind Regards,

      Jovan Teofanovic

      Customer Support Consultant

      MEDION Australia

  • +1

    Bought 2 units, both are switching themselves off. Incredibly annoying after going to the effort to move a bunch of furniture around put the switches behind entertainment units etc. Seems everything i've bought from ALDI (that hasn't been edible) has been returned pretty quickly.

  • I also experience the same problem. Both my smart plugs over past three days since I bought them tuned themselves on and off several times (up to 3 times a day) spontaniously.

  • Have had a brand new unit unconfigured - straight out of the box, sitting behind a UPS (which filters lots of noise etc), just turned off by itself! :(

    The other one in the lounge room has stayed on since the blip at 10am.

    Hope Jovan comes up with some magic, or there are going to be hundreds of returns!

    As a side note:
    I did a portscan of my configured one. You can telnet using port 6668, it outputs some garbage.
    Googled and found this:
    Might be handy for local control without flashing - if they ever get reliable!

    • Are those ports open when its not connected to Tuya (hasn't been activated with the App!)

      I'd like to avoid having to link the device to the cloud if at all possible… though I could probably just block gateway traffic and use this api locally…

      • Needs the app to get an IP

  • Same issue here.
    Turned on randomly some time in the early morning.
    Current firmware versions:
    Wi-Fi module:1.0.3
    MCU module:1.0.3
    Hopefully there is a firmware fix coming out, otherwise will be returning in a few days

    • My firmware is 1.0.4. Same problems though.

  • +3

    Bought two units on the weekend from Aldi - experiencing the same problem as everyone else with both units.

    Hope we get a firmware update ASAP as these work well with my Home mini when they don’t have a mind of their own.

    Jovan - Please don’t ask me to PM you, just fix the problem and let us all know here so we can enjoy the products.

  • +1

    Got woken up at 2:55am this morning cos my lamp switched on by itself. Spewin!! Lol

    • Me too! I don't know what time it was, I didn't ask Google!

  • Well my 2 turned on spontaneously again (bedroom lamp in middle of the night!). If there is no fix by the end of this week they will be going back.

  • Anyone heard back from Jovan?

    • Not yet.
      I've installed my 4th plug - no wifi setup or anything, just to see if that one plays up as well.

      I did notice that when first plugged in they turn on, which I find as an odd state to be in (and potentially dangerous too). So, I'm wondering if the firmware on the esp-8266 has a fault that causes it to crash / reset back to its initial state, which when it boots up causes the power cycle. It's a guess…

      @samcro, I wouldn't go holding your breath for a fix in a few days. I wouldn't go holding your breath for a fix at all, to be honest.

      • +3

        @AuSlade I agree. I'm about to pull one apart, and flash some custom code. See if it still switches randomly. Then we'll know if its hardware or software.

        • Let us know how you go, I've been meaning to do this too but haven't gotten around to it yet

          • @Shambler: I've got Tasmota flashed. also did a few generic test uploads first to make sure I had everything in order. Was a PITA getting the triangle screws out. Had to solder on a few leads to the esp module, and use a TTLtoUSB converter. GPIO0 was another pain to ground. Just a little pad on the board.

            GPIO13 = LED (inverted)
            GPIO14 = Relay

            Havent found the button yet. Also not sure how it senses voltage/power/current.

            Have it on test, powering a battery charger (without batt). But Tasmota is smart enough to save the relay/led state, so if it reboots it looks as it was. Anyway.. will run overnight see what happens… pretty sure it will be fine!

            I did try to look at the power with my oscilloscope, but as soon as I attached ground it tripped my circuit breaker. not sure why.. gave up after 2 tries :)

            • @demod: Hi Demod
              Maybe the oscilloscope is tripping earth leakage - I have not had this problem since the 1972 when my boss removed my earth pin on my power lead to my scope probable something people don't do anymore ;)

              • @wheeler: I think you are right, the earth pin just passes straight through the smart switch. The 3.3v is floating. I might measure the -ve pin across earth in the morning.

        • Agree with @Shambler, it'll be nice to know how you get on with this, and how easy it is to flash with other code. I'm not a fan of opening them up, but I have a serial programmer around here somewhere, and soldering isn't that hard either. I can do it, I'm just a bit lazy :)

          There's also mention of flashing them with an RPi, so that could be a solution as well. I have a stack of DuPont connectors / cables I can use, which will make it easy on the RPi to connect to.

          Custom code may well make them worth keeping too. My local Aldi is close by, but the hassle of returning them vs being able to use them with a bit of effort, I'd rather choose the latter.

    • Not yet.

    • I havent heard back yet either. Getting very sceptical now.

      Soldering appears to be a pain, opened one up last night. The ESP component is a bit cramped and is close to 2 components, I struggled a bit. Probably beyond my capabilities, I might get Sonoffs or hope for a tp link on sale at this point.

    • No reply from Jovan yet

      • +1

        I think Jovan's got his work cut out atm! :D

      • Call them directly to lodge a fault. It's pointless lodging a manufacturer fault via OzBargain.

  • +1

    I have purchased 3 but only opened 2 boxes after finding about this thread. Confirmed what others have said with Medion app you cannot join Alexa and when you look at medion skill in alexa everybody is complaining about that poor QA. With tuya app it works with alexa skill very impressive. I turned the 2 on last night to test what others have said about turning off and both were turned off this morning.

    Jovan instead of spamming the site and asking for PM messages you should have said what they are doing as there will be hundreds of returns. If Aldi store was close I should have bought only one to test as it is bulky and takes both spaces in double point adapter so you can't plug in anything besides it, you would think they would have looked at that at designing stage that everyone in Australia has double power points In all the homes I lived in I don't think I have ever come across with one only.

  • Same problem here - where a blunder.

    Hopefully this means tons returned and resold after patching for $10

  • -1

    I had no problems with the 5 units I phurchased.
    I flashed them with Tasmota as I don't like the software that come with them.
    PLEASE PLAY SAFE opening the unit and don't connect to mains power when programing use 3.3volts (you will need a soldering iron as I have not worked out and over the air upgrade for this unit). A T-6x50 should work with the tri-winged screws if this is not for you ask a friend with some electronic skills they should find the info I have given works - AGAIN if you are not sure about this stuff don't do it mains voltage can kill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Config to 18 Generic then Set D5 (GPIO14) to 21 Relay1.
    Have not had time to work out how to use the button or light yet but as it for automation its not a big worry to me.
    Hints: use Audino setup for ESP8266 the load any sketch to it with the erase all flag set and with GPIO 0 grounded then I used FlashESP8266.exe to flash with Tasmota (sonoff.bin) then login to the unit and upgrade before selecting Generic and setting up the config.
    Now all I need to do is get the rest of the home automation working on a PI so I can intergrate with HomeKit (all this trouble so I can use Apple/Google/Amazon. Just hope Ikea gets their automation up and running in AU soon.
    I can't wait until the have the normal price drop I will by some more as this is a cheap way to get AU aproved home automation running

    • this is a cheap way to get AU aproved home automation running

      Would it still be considered 'AU approved' after doing all that to it?
      Personally, It doesn't seem worth the hassle to me. I'll stick to Xiaomi for now.

      • I don't think Xiaomi plugs are Australian approved but from your post it is working this is approved but it is not working properly hopefully it will be fixed.

        I have been looking at other smart plugs this is my first venture with the smart plugs and they probable all take two spots on a double power point does any one come across any of them that don't.

        • The Xiaomi ones are pretty narrow, that's all I've used before this one. I was surprised how large the Aldi plug was. Just a warning, the xiaomi zigbee plugs need a xiaomi hub, wifi ones don't.

          Xiaomi size 55 x 44 x 31 mm
          Aldi size 66 x 74 x 68 mm

      • Well no mods have been done to the hardware - voltage isolation remains unchanged and I wonder if the the suplier will retest after their software upgrades and I would not be sure they would need to do that - but you asked a good question maybe someone here knows. Thanks for your question.

        • Right, you just mentioned that you needed to do some soldering, so I thought maybe that could impact the hardware.
          I'm sure I'd mess it up somehow and make it unsafe… Lol

          • @NigelTufnel: The soldering is to connect the programing wires to the low voltage board well away from the 240volt board.
            The soldering is only temporarily used to do the programing and is removed before the unit is put together again. I would hope that if you don't have the confidence soldering and working on electicial equipment you would seek out some one that does - I am sure that you could find a local technician to help you.

  • +1

    Good ol OzBargain comments, came back here and yeap everyone elses is also switching off… getting real tired of saying "OK Google turn on Studio Desk" about 3 times a day!
    Will return if no update fix in next week or so.

  • Ive bought one so far, don't like my IoT devices talking out on the net, so always intended to load a image I currently use and connect to my Domoticz ststem. To date I've used Sonoff POW units for power measurement.
    So I proceeded to have a look inside. Got out the grinder and "converted" a damaged screw driver to a trange head.

    These Medion's use a BL0937 current sensing chip measured across a 0.001 ohm resistor. Haven't determined the GPIO ports used yet. But they would have to be the ports on the ESP card. so that does short list the options.

    As said, to-date I've been using Sonoff POW modules using ESPurna firmware. The POW's uses the HWL8012 chip. Both chips appear to have the same pin-out and similar internals, with a comment on the Espressif site suggesting they maybe software compatible. So it might be that a std Espurna or Tasmota POW firmware would work - if the gpio use is the same. But i can't find GPIO0. Is it always held low or what? And as said by others use a suitable ttl serial driver with its own 3.3v supply. ** only with Mains disconnected **

    Dont leave the ttl serial driver connected when powering via mains voltages, otherwise it will be the little black smoking catapiller you will see once the Smoke clears. Likely your PC will be the bigger smoking critter.

    Measuring the 3.3v rail will likely be a problem. If like the Sonoff units, the Medion's 3.3v rail is likely live! Deadly live, 240volts ac of it. The DC rail in the POW units is not isolated from the mains voltage, so connecting a cro will be near impossible unless possibly if you run it off a isolated supply with Earth removed. Dont do it. Deadly.

    Anyway I'll be trying to load Espurna tomorrow.


    • +2

      Thanks for the tip on the BL0937. Looks the the "Teckin" device is the closest match to our Medion. When model is changed to Teckin, I can see:
      Voltage 295 V
      Current 0.080 A
      Power 7 W
      Apparent Power 24 VA
      Reactive Power 22 VAr
      Power Factor 0.30
      Energy Today 0.043 kWh
      Energy Yesterday 0.000 kWh
      Energy Total 0.043 kWh

      Not bad at all…. except the voltage is reading high. My inverter is reporting 248V. Some calibration values in the source code. Will poke around tomorrow.

  • So Aldi is doing there bit to contribute to global warming by firstly driving there to check if they have stock and then finding out the few they had sold out in 15 minutes and for the ones that were 'lucky'enough to get one then having to drive back again a few days later to return the malfunctioning units :(

    • Aldi has a customer chauffeur service now?

  • I'd appreciate if someone else can do this test as well, and see if they get similar results to mine (so far).

    It shouldn't matter if you've set up the plug with the app or not, I've used one that's set up and I'm testing one that isn't.

    Plug the device into a power point and press and hold the button down. You must keep it pressed down for this, for about 40 seconds in total. First it will start to flash blue rapidly, keep it pressed, then it will flash blue slowly, keep it pressed, it will cycle back to the fast flash, yep, keep it pressed, and then a round of slow flashing. This is when I let go of the button. It continued to flash slowly. I pressed the button a few times to see if the lamp I had plugged in would turn on and off (it did). I turned the lamp off and walked away. It stayed off.

    I moved the plug to another room and powered a battery charger with 2 small LEDs and left it all night, it did not turn itself on, as far as I know. I've now swapped state as of this morning to turn the battery charger on, and will check in a few hours when I get back whether it has turned itself off.

    I've also set up a second wifi plug that has not been connected to the app which is back plugged into the bed side lamp that I've done the same procedure to and will see if I get the same results.

    • Tried your test process using 3 devices.

      Left them turned off this morning and checked about 15 mins ago and they were still off, or had turned on and back off again.

      15 mins ago turned them all on for the left turned on test.

      About 5 mins ago heard the click and saw that one had turned off.

      • Hey, thanks for testing.
        Yeh, noticed it took a lot longer, but two of the ones I've tested have reverted back to a failed state.
        The wifi connected one turns itself off quite a bit, sometimes within minutes of being turned on. Although I don't recall it ever turning itself on randomly.

        The non wifi connected one has the same symptom. I haven't seen it turn on, however it has turned itself off several times. Once within a few minutes (down to 1 or 2 at the most) of being turned on.

        So sadly, that was a bust. Although initially it took quite some time for the failure to occur.

        Let's just hope that Medion can provide a fix (it appears to be firmware based, so it should be fixable).

        What is curious is that some people have a different firmware on theirs compared to mine. And I have no updates available.

  • I can confirm the Medion smartswitch is 100% supported and working with the Tasmota firmware setup as a Tekin module. No custom code needed.

    Voltage calibrated by measuring voltage at the socket. then using "VoltageSet 232.5" at the console (232.6v measured voltage)

    Teckin Module
    Voltage 245 V
    Current 0.080 A
    Power 7 W
    Apparent Power 20 VA
    Reactive Power 18 VAr
    Power Factor 0.37
    Energy Today 0.109 kWh
    Energy Yesterday 0.000 kWh
    Energy Total 0.109 kWh

    Voltage reported by the other smartswitch on tuya - 245.9

    • Almost 100% :) - the button doesn't work.
      got very accurate power display by using a powermeter, and using commands "powerset <watts>" and "currentset <milliamps> "

      • Very big thanks for looking into this!

        I was going to give it a go myself, but haven't had a lot of experience with Tasmota.

        Definitely giving this a go tonight, and will probably go pick up a few extras (my local had a few last I checked)

        So the random power switching is resolved when using Tasmota?

        • yep, looks like it. enabled last night, was in the same state this morning. Put it all back together, and in the house. Has been running 6 hours and not skipped a beat.

          • @demod: Awesome!

            Gave it a crack tonight and got the generic sonoff.bin uploaded, currently using the Generic type using the settings posted above - working great so far!

            Haven't put it back together just yet as I'd like to use the configuration specified above - though I can't find teckin in the module type list? Do I need to build from source using a nightly to get this?

            • @Shambler: looks like it was only added a week ago :), how lucky is that. I compiled from the git source so must have already been in there. Using the arduino IDE.

              I can try and extract/export the compiled bin file if you like.

              • @demod: Thanks! I'll try compiling the newest release tonight and give it another shot.

                When calibrating the power sensing did you measure the voltage using a more accurate device first? Or just used a default value?

                • @Shambler: I used one of those power meter sockets (from aldi too). It tells me the voltage, Amps, and Watts of the device plugged into it. The voltage was the one that made the biggest difference though. The others only got the accuracy down from 6W out to ~0-1W.

  • I can absolutely confirm that there is a firmware fault, but has anybody actually CALLED Medion Australia? It clearly says in the included doco, any issues to call them. I only saw this thread last night, but will be contacting them.

    I bought 6 (just in case) and all have the same glitch. All 3 lamps will turn on or off intermittently and even the Coffee Machine powered itself on. Woke this morning with the lounge room lamp on and last night the 2 other lamps in other rooms, turned themselves off.

    Extremely angry, as I've spent 2 nights creating automations & scenes,..together with waiting on delivery of an Echo Spot.

    • -1

      Yes a number of people have contacted Medion, and also Medion have posted in this thread multiple times (but with no useful information as yet, just reaching out). Make sure you go back and read this post completely - I know it is a long thread now. Hopefully Medion have a solution in train. I just wrote to them again, but still no response all week.

      • -1

        Maybe I'm blind, but nowhere can I see that anyone has actually called the phone number listed & spoken to them. I see plenty of people messaging there bots HERE & the bots messaging a script.

        Who are the plenty of people that have picked up a phone and called them & what was the response?

        • Say Insider… do you happen to work for the Complaints department in Telstra?! Serious question.

  • +2

    I have had two of these and both have had continuing random turn on or off's. Tried everything to isolate issue but no positive results.

    I feel this product should face an immediate product recall as it presents a potential fire or other disaster depending on what devices are connected. ALDI must be made to issue a recall immediately.

    • -5

      How does it represent a potential fire hazard?

      It specifically and explicitly says in the guide to NOT plug in devices that require you to be in attendance or to monitor. ie. You SHOULD NOT be plugging in fans, heaters, hair straighteners, electric blankets etc. It clearly states the dangers numerous times,..READ THE MANUAL.

      I'm so surprised as to what people are prepared to plug in that it's shocking to read. Plug in ONLY devices that don't require you to monitor, such as a lamp, TV, Coffee Machine…I wouldn't even plug in a kettle.

  • +6

    I've picked up a phone & called Medion Australia.

    They have advised that yes, there is an issue & its being investigated by the techs. (incl. Jovan).

    A response will come in 2 days.

    • Just experienced the switch off thing twice tonight
      Hope I can just firmware it rather than return them

  • -1

    OK so I was a little over the top with my remarks but surely something that is used to control even a lamp or similar low level device should function correctly for safety's sake.. Glad Medion have promised a result within the next couple of days

    • +4

      Hey Pinkyman, you didn't go over the top at all! It is a serious concern you raised and an issue when a product running at 240V has a flaw like this. Don't be harangued by some who seem to suggest that everyone is stupid and should read the manual and implies that we must all be present and watch every electrical appliance in our homes… just in case. Quite an absurd suggestion. The consistently unreliable nature of this Smart Plug suggests that it could (unlikely, but could - as we don't know the root cause as yet) go berserk… Let's say that it starts flip-flopping many times a second between on-and-off… it could easily damage - or set fire to - an item. We did this experiment years ago turning on-and-off an electronic CFL globe which started smoldering and then started a flame.

      So don't be intimidated by some on this forum. By the way, I have given you positive vote to remove the negative one they gave you.

      • -1

        It shouldn't be a concern that a device turns on or off. If it is to you, then don't use a smart plug.

        Having experience in the electrical area, I would suggest that if a globe is smouldering and/ or starting a flame, would be the fault of the globe or your internal wiring.

        • A report a number of years ago stated that half of all house fires started due to down-lights, were installed by non-electricians - ie home handymen and the like. That means that half were installed by qualified electricians and still led to house fires. A scary statistic. The point being; it doesn't matter whether or not someone has experience in electrical arenas, the fact that an electrical appliance running on mains electricity is acting unpredictably should raise serious concern. As an example, an electric stove top, would cause serious repercussions if is suddenly turned itself on unattended, including fire. And it is fair to assume that owners of electric stove tops are not required to constantly monitor it.

          The Smart Plug in question here is designed specifically to be a remote control for electrical power by its very nature and purpose. It needs to be predictable in its operation.

          However personally I believe that it is good practise to switch off toasters at the wall when not using them, for example, however it should not be a requirement. People are not fools for leaving their toasters connected to the mains and switched on and leaving the house.

          Therefore Pinkyman's original concerns were completely justified and it is good that he shared his thoughts with the group.

          Just saying. :-)

          • @d123: You or pinkman are free to share any thoughts, it doesn't make them right or logical.

            WIFI and generally internet connections by there very nature are not predictable, therefore a smart plug will never be 100% predictable. They have acknowledged there is an issue, so what more do you want. You are free to either purchase, not purchase, return the item or wait for fix.

            When I here that people are using these on electric blankets, fans, heaters,..when manuals for smart plugs specifically say not to and its a danger, me that's concerning.

            Just saying :-)

    • +1

      I don't think it's over the top either. It's a mains device, it's designed to be operated remotely - it shouldn't randomly switch off or on.

      • -2

        Yes, they have acknowledged there is an issue. If you aren't happy, simply return it to Aldi!

    • -5

      Its not a safety issue. If you feel that by turning on and off the device is a hazard, then you probably shouldn't be using that device.

  • +1

    Thank you D123…

    Something I would like to get other users comments on is the following.

    When you run the "Edit" / More… and then "Check Network"
    All of mine report:

    Connect with device: "Completed"
    Get the devices WiFi signal strength: "Completed"
    Detect Network connection Status: "Poor network conditions"

    I have nil problems for 20 years + on my Optus cable as far as speeds or reliability is concerned.
    I'm reliability able to turn the device on and off using either of the apps and also Google home but have this random on/off condition people are reporting.

    Is this a "report" on the remote network controlling these devices. Seems to me to be as my device is showing my external IP address correctly and maybe remote network is not performing as required ?

    • +1

      I am seeing something similar but different, although my internet is working well.

      This the result I get when clicking on "Check Network"

      Connect with device: "Completed"
      Get the devices WiFi signal strength: "Completed"
      Detect Network connection Status: "The current network connection is unstable and needs to be optimized. Please check (1) The network cable is not damaged, badly connected. (2) The router is not blocked by metal, good heat dissipation. (3) Your network service provider is working properly."

  • Exact same results as mine.. FYI I just shortened the report to the initial result and did not type the full result and supposed remedy you have reported.

    • It is an odd result. Does anyone here know what it is actually testing, and have you got different results?

      • No idea, same result.

        Something else to add though.
        There is another error message to ignore.

        We have Google Wifi and Google Home mini.
        My phone runs on the 5GHz Wifi and the Smart Plug is on the 2.4GHz WiFi.
        There is an error message when setting up the Smart Plugs that is probably related to the different bands but the setup process still works.
        The first time this happened a Google search indicated there was no setting for my phone to make WiFi 2.4GHz only.
        I was about to install the Medion Life+ app on an antique 2.4GHz only phone until noticing that apart from the error message the smart plug didn't care and the setup process had completed.

  • Finally got mine going using Tasmota. ESPurna & ESPeasy didn't work.
    I had trouble loading the new firmware. Turned out using my USB-TTL adaptor builtin 3.3v 500ma supply wasn't enough for the Medion!
    So using a heavier 3.3v 2A supply fixed that.

    Another note, the DC supply in the Medion seems very basic. Seems to be just a series resistor, diode half wave rectification and some large capacitors.
    I would be surprised if the issue people are seeing with random on/offs is due to a bad power supply design.
    Compared to the SONOFF units which use a switch mode supply.
    I guess Medion thought they could save a few cents.

    • +1

      I get the feeling that it was a re-badged device, unlikely to actually have been designed by Medion (after all the device announces itself by at least 2 different names!)

      Thanks for trying ESPurna, I had a feeling it might have some issues as it didn't seem to support the BL0937.

    • +1
    • Correct about the DC supply. I set the scope up with two probes and no earth, in a differential setup. Its a blur of about 1v above and below the 3.3 average! But the multimeter reads 3.3v no problem, with no jumping around, so might be my setup?

      The 3.3v and "GND" are not high voltage, GND seems to be about 0.5 to 1v. Maybe in the US if the socket is flipped around?

      GPIO3 (serial rx) is also the button! Would love to be able to map it in Tasmota to get it working with the relay and led again.

  • Hi i am unable to link this smart plug with google assistant..recieve a message 'username do not exist'.
    However,I am able to log on to medion life plus app with same username.
    Anyone encountered the same issue ??
    Please advise

  • Might be running down a rabbit hole, but. I configured up a new model in tasmota that was exactly the same as the "Teckin" module except that the button was set to GPIO3. It started working like the stock software, pressing button turned the relay on and off.

    It also started randomly turning itself on and off. Happening more frequently than stock firmware. Will have another look tomorrow.

  • +1

    Good news!

    A new firmware has just been released to address this issue.

    Go into the Life+ app and then go to your smart plug. An option to upgrade your firmware will come up.

    I suggest that we all install it and then test it over the next few days and report back here on our findings.


    • I still get the same error when clicking on "Check Network" in the specific smart plug in the Life+ app. Copied below for your convenience from an earlier post. I'm not sure what the error is referring to as my Internet and WiFi connections are all good.

      Connect with device: "Completed"
      Get the devices WiFi signal strength: "Completed"
      Detect Network connection Status: "The current network connection is unstable and needs to be optimized. Please check (1) The network cable is not damaged, badly connected. (2) The router is not blocked by metal, good heat dissipation. (3) Your network service provider is working properly."

    • Thanks for the tip about the update. I've done it to one of mine, the only one I set up properly. I'll leave it running for a while, both off and on, and we'll see if it really did fix the issue.

      I will give credit to Medion for acknowledging the issue so quickly, and then applying a fix just as quickly.

      As for @d123's issue of Check Network error. Mine does the same thing. I can only guess the firmware / code in that section is still broken.

  • A question for those who have done Tasmota. I finally managed to get the connections soldered. Having many problems getting it detected by my raspberry pi zero, so I will likely buy a usb ttl of some sort. Do you keep gpi0 grounded for the wbole time it is being flashed, or do you disconnect gpi0 from ground a few seconds after booting? Are all usb ttl's the same?

    • Ground gpio 0 for maybe 2-3 seconds then disconnect it for flashing.

      Haven’t tried it with a raspberry pi, I used a FTDI232

  • +2

    Guys, I've been testing all morning & the firmware fix appears to have worked. Make sure to update each plug. Using with Echo Spot & all 6 plugs appear to be working perfectly. Cheers

  • +2

    The new firmware seems to be working.
    Already 14 hours running without switching off :)

  • +2

    Good work from Jovan Medion for swift action & fix.

    " We’ve released a firmware upgrade overnight so please open the Medion Life+ App, select your device and you’ll be prompted to upgrade to firmware version 1.10. You’ll need to do this for each device.

    On the behalf of MEDION Australia, I apologise for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Kind regards,
    Jovan "

  • +3

    Thank you Jovan for your updated firmware and your prompt action on this problem.
    Downloaded new firmware and all seems to be good..

  • Excellent response from Medion and their rep Jovan! Upgraded mine and so far so good. I'm also getting "normal" connection on the network check.

  • General smart plug question, any reason why you wouldn't want to use these in surface sockets, ie that downlight transformers plug into?

    • There's no reason you can't plug any standard 240v appliance into these. Provided they don't have a digital style switch on the device. The smart wifi plug acts like a digital switch, itself. Which you can turn on / off remotely, set a timer and count down.

      If the device plugged into it has a digital switch, like a modern coffee machine (mine has a push button digital switch), then this won't turn on the coffee machine. I had mine connected to my 3D printer, and I'll probably use another one on a lamp. Both have physical switches that can be left in the on position.

      Down lights could easily use these, with standard 240v plugs attached to the end, although not being an electrician, you might want to ensure these are wired into the light circuit, NOT the power circuit, and get a sparky to check over anything you've done, or better yet, get a sparky to do it right. Wiring up lights to power circuits is generally a "no no" in the electrical world.

      • Yeah the down lights are installed correctly so sounds like this should work. Thanks.

  • Will try update hopefully it fixed. Pretty bad they didn't pick this up in QC before releasing to the public…

    • Really? If it happens to a Billion dollar company like Apple, then it's pretty gait game.

      • Yes really, it has damaged their brand in my view. I doubt I'll buy again. They obviously rushed this to market without proper testing, something which is rather important on a 240v product.

  • Just upgraded my power plug too… what a time to be alive.

    Lets see how this goes.

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