Saw this on Facebook. What a bargain! I think this is the cheapest it has ever been
This item is on backorder now Expected Dispatch: 08/10/18
Saw this on Facebook. What a bargain! I think this is the cheapest it has ever been
This item is on backorder now Expected Dispatch: 08/10/18
Beat meat to it
Challenge accepted
Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
No one wants to be defeated
Showin' how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it, beat it…
holy crap thats cheap! i got mine for double then.
I got a 512gb one for more then that
Must resist
BOOM! Here it is!
Oh YES! Come to papa I been w8ing for youuuu
I didn't need one prior to this deal!!! Nooooooooo!!!!
Take my money!
This will be the new standard in pricing lol! Now got to break the $180 barrier 😈
Someone tell me my 7200HDD is fine and that I don’t need this… please… my bank account can’t take it
You really should upgrade to ssd
Very good idea to buy a SSD. This is incredible value
Can't believe there are people who live without ssds and amazing 15 second boot times.
I have an old laptop on Ubuntu mate, all the 30 buck 120 gb drives are very tempting. But just couldn't be bothered to set it due to my limited usage on that machine.
2-10s boot times more like.
DOS 3.0
who needs a 1Tb for a boot drive tho lol
Single drive laptops?
Ever since upgrading to SSD my salary has increased, my hair grown back, and I've started dating twins.
Just wondering how big your "ssd" is for reference?
Half as big as I'd like; but as big as I could afford.
@Sarge2401: Can this comment please have more upvotes?
Sarge2401, you managed to make someone laugh out loud that even genius comedians struggle to do.
And where the hair grew back?
(S)uper (S)aiyan (D)***
Just buy a smaller one for boot drive. It was 30 bucks the other day.
Can that be done for a laptop as well? I have an Acer Aspire with 500gb HDD and it takes 2 minutes to boot.
Depending on the model, you don't even need to replace the hdd. Just add it in.
Got a model number?
@Wonderfool: So I ended up putting in a Kingston 120GB SSD. Using laptop's 500GB hdd as an external drive now. Not the most ideal solution, but the performance is so much better now. Got the SSD for $38 and 2.5-inch enclosure for $14 from MSY.
I upgraded my laptop to one of these 3 months ago. Oh my Lord! From power on to opening up a program in 5 seconds 😀. (2nd gen i7 processor, 8gb ram). It's like I've got a whole new laptop, read and write speed is insane!
Did you upgrade from another SSD or from HDD? My laptop came with an SSD but I don't think its the best one available.
You having a seizure, Julius?
Something big is happening in the SSD space. Every retailer everywhere is literally dumping The 1TB Evo and the 1TB MX500. Most likely a new model I think, but then again there isnt much they can do as SATA 3 has long been the bottleneck in SSD performance. Anyone have any conspiracy theory's?
Same needs to happen to Ram and ill pull the trigger on my upgrade.
Probably a shift coming where M.2 is going to be the standard and not a standard SATA SSD.
Edit: Well it's already the standard in enterprise environments
No conspiracy, just new tech.
QLC and 96layer ssds are rapidly approaching and are going to drastically increase density (at the cost of endurance)
Also lots of fabs coming online which are adding to the supply.
M.2 is 3 times the speed of these drives drives becoming obsolete.
860 Evo 1TB
write speed of 450 MB/s
970 Evo NVMe PCIe M.2 1TB
2038 MB/s
Are they though? Im on a 970 Pro and I really cant tell the difference between that and SATA SSDs. Its going to be great when we don't have to use big, slow, hot and loud hard drives for our pirated collection of the Friends series.
Yes, they're faster and noticeably so eg Windows improving from 11 seconds to 6 seconds boot time NVMe vs. SATA 3, game loading times improving.
That jump is nowhere near what spinning disks to SATA 3 is though.
Not much difference in low queue depth low thread depth random reads, which is the spec that matters for making games/windows load fast.
So why is Windows loading twice as fast?
@Diji1: Specifically what model? There's a big difference between a shitty WD Green and an 860 Evo/MX500
@kbw You're probably right but provide data over opinion. This type of bench isn't really you want a fast drive for.
M2 and Sata are the same speed. M2 is just the form factor. It's nvme that is faster.
M.2 is just a form factor, M.2 can also use SATA data connections and have the exact same speeds as 2.5" SSD. NVME is another data connection transfer protocol, only available on M.2 form facter SSD.
Yep, it's really annoying seeing vendors call them m2 instead of nvme.
I have an old mobo with an m2 Sata port, (mini itx with the drive mounted on the bottom!).
Not faster or slower than standard SATA, but still m2. (Crucially I think it's keyed differently? M2 has like 3 or 4 different keyings that only allow certain cards in certain m2 slots).
@MeateaW: The inconsistency across the naming conventions is annoying, plus there are variations in the form factors that the names do not indicate of, but you have to look at the dimensions to find out. For example, some laptops may take a 2.5" drive, whether SSD or HDD, but only those of 9.5mm thickness, yet many 2.5" HDDs are 12.5mm thick.
I bought it for 220 and I thought it was cheap…
I need a M2 SSD for my Thinkpad Yoga 460. I can't seem to find any deals.
“If you don’t need something, it’ll be on special”
Confucius 475BC
Talk about being ahead of your time!
I use a MacBook for Xcode etc and don’t really do much gaming. But this is almighty tempting. But what could I use it for? Hmm…
Use it to store data and boot from.
True. Standard external drives are not SSD are they.
No, you pay through the nose for ssd external
Can it be used as external hard drive with a case etc?
Yes it can.
Ugh. I bought 256 around this price last year!! Bought it
That’s a shed load of drives!!
Dollar cost averaging ftw!
Don’t know about ssd what is this rated out of 10
10/10 of course.
Ordered, wow that's a crazy deal. Almost $100 off current price in most other places that sell it. Doubt we'll hit this low even if I wait until black friday deals, or best case, match this price.
Almost considered the MSY one @ $222, glad I didn't… although I don't actually need this, I ordered it anyway :)
Still struggling to match the 750gb mx deal from more than a year ago
ahhh memories
What was it?
Waiting for the magically 750GB for 145 again, but we getting there.
At this price I'm tempted to replace an array of SAS drives. Gonna be even faster than it already is.
it just doesn't feel right if i'm not using a voucher stack and gift card discounts on ebay + cashrewards.
same here, will wait for eBay deals 😊.
But good find OP, cheers for that.
Ok, now 2Tb for that price, and i can buy a few 2Tb's to replace my 10Tb ssd thats slow as a snail
10tb ssd? Jeebus
hdd, wasnt paying attention
Back in 2010 I paid $250 for a 64 GB SSD and that was a pretty good deal at the time. Props to my good mate Gordon Moore.
back in the dark ages I remember being happy getting a 400mb HDD for $400…
40MB was more than $300.
Steady on there, pal. How many punch cards is that?
1.1% cashback through CR or SB!
Thanks bought one to go into my PS4 Pro.
Worth it?
I was thinking the same but does the PS4 benefit from a SSD?
Google/Youtube the Digital Foundry reviews on exactly this.
Gains are nowhere near as impressive as they are with PC, but still notable.
Not as much as a PC would (my pc already has a ssd) but still some decent improvements in game load times ive seen from youtube videos and reddit post's
Ive wanted to do it for a while but didn't want to loose 1TB storage down to 500gb so this deal is perfect.
Plz let us know how it works out for you ;)
Beat me to it