Can We Please Have a 'Hide All Child Comments' Feature

Quite often the comments of posts are filled up with 'funny' comments, which people reply to creating dozens more comments that really add nothing to the deal or post. It would be nice to have the ability to hide all child comments and view only the direct responses to the post/deal.
I use the hide all child comments all the time at Reddit, with the help of Reddit Enhancement Suite addon, and it would be nice if it could be added to ozb. Or perhaps someone wants to make an addon or whatever.

What you reckon, Scotty?


    • +1

      To be fair the first paragraph and structure of the first sentence does make it very ambiguous.

      Becomes a bit clearer in the 2nd para with the Reddit reference.

      I guess most commenters read until they feel they've uncovered an overly sensitive SJW who cant handle a bit of stupidity on OzB and then comment

  • +2

    No! Its just a big conversation read what u want, skip what u want.if anything I would like to have a option to rate some "funny" comments as "certified hilarious"

  • +11

    So you want to hide the best part of Ozbargain? Lol

    • +4

      OP needs a 'deal' on a sense of humor, and perhaps some wit, so he or she can join in :)

      • +3

        I think a lot of people on here would benefit from that deal.

        • Almost everyone in this thread ;)

  • +6

    wanting to hide bikies posts?


  • +1

    I don't care what you implement, my only opinion is not have heavy handed moderator who just deletes comments.
    For example, Whirlpool forum moderators are terrible and kills the community.

    • +1

      I can understand WPs moderation for strictness. Because a thread has linear comments, it's hard to go offtopic without alienating other readers if a few posters deviate from the topic.

      • +2

        WP mods are PC nazis, anything that may mildly upset one person somewhere in the world is classed as a personal attack. Berate someone for asking an absolutely moronic question and then arguing with people who have corrected them? You better know that's a banning.

        • -5

          WP mods are PC nazis, anything that may mildly upset one person somewhere in the world is classed as a personal attack.

          That's the same standard which is applied here. I know many users who are quietly fed up with it. But if we don't start speaking out about it, we'll end up like Whirlpool.

  • +2

    All in all you lot take this all too seriously. People with thier kit together don't hang out on OzB all day trying to trigger a dopamine download by grabbing a bargain. We are all crackers, even the wannabe influencers, and Scotty is basically Dudley Moore from Crazy People.

    • People with thier kit together don't hang out on OzB all day … We are all wannabe influencers

      Gotta be careful - our children follow in our footsteps ;)

  • +2

    Look back through some of the posts - just a waste of space - can't believe why anyone would hang out here ALL day waiting for opportunity to make a stupid comment!

  • +7

    This feature already exists.

    To enable, simply use your brain to skim over the "childish" comments.

    You can apply it to individual comments as appropriate.

    • Are you kidding me? That's way too much work!

    • Wheres the convenience in using restraint? I want Auto!

  • +2

    Would there be interest in a ozbargain enhancement suite for this stuff? Like what Reddit has. I could probably crank one out.

    • Woah now. Slow down. There may be children present. Don't just crank one out.

  • +2

    Such a childish request.

  • +3

    There is a simple solution, just call the wambulance.

  • +3

    Hide all Scab comments?

    • +2

      Already exists. Just find one of Scab’s comments and click the “hide” button. Check the “Hide comments from user Scab” checkbox and hit F5…

      Since tuzii has been perma-banned, Scab is now my go to comic relief shit poster. :D

      • Wat happened to tuzii?

        • All I know is that they got penalty boxed and it has no expiry date. I don’t know what the straw was that broke the camels back…

  • creating dozens more comments that really add nothing to the deal or post

    Really?? Humour? Sarcasm?

    60% of the times I read the comments just to have a laugh :)

    • We live in a society.

  • +2

    This is a parent comment.

    • +2

      This is a child comment.

      • +2

        This is a grand child comment.

      • REPORTED

    • +1

      This is an uncle comment.

  • OP, why so serious?

  • +2

    Can We Please Have a 'Hide All Child Comments' Feature

    Sorry but jv and Scab are both over the age of 18.

  • -5

    This is an important issue - so far there are only 120 comments. R U OK OzBargainers? (2018) achieved 194 comments in just over 3 weeks. I think we can show that this topic is more important than that.1 You may continue posting by creating a child comment beneath this parent comment.23

    1. /s 

    2. :( 

    3. For shame, ozbargainers. For shame! 

    • +3

      Maybe you should stick to your reddit safespace.

    • Where is option #4 bikies?

    • +1

      Would much rather read "child comments" than your whining.

      Do some people ever stop complaining?

    • R U OK??

  • I value my time and the longer it takes to read about a deal the more it costs me

    If I want funny I can read Trumps tweets

    • +1

      Move to US, he subscribed the whole country to push notifications.

  • +1

    if i type a comment but no one reads it, is it still a comment

  • What OP finds funny and what others find funny is obviously different.

    As a newer member, I think its sad if you cant find one of these childish comments to have a laugh at and I thank the posters that give me a belly laugh for the day.

    If OP wants childish comments removed for themselves thats fine but personally I will keep my childish feature on its much more entertaining.

    • +1

      The op wants child comments not childish comments collapsed

      • Oops rookie error.

  • Every few months somebody posts up a bargain for the 'Bike Balls' rear flashing light for bikes. Normally off Banggood or something like this . The sellers try to describe the item as 'Heart Shaped' how can anybody take that seriously and not have a laugh.

    • Comedic gold!

  • +1

    I love the comments on Ozbargain! I am sure it is its biggest success!

  • +1

    I get what OP is saying - mainly due to a lot of funny replies with a lot of likes. But I personally am more interested in members advise and comments supporting the deal - eg. Blazinpasts ebay search links. So I have to trawl through all the comments to find his/her link. If we had an additional button say 'thanks' as well as the positive/like button - it would help us trawl.

    • Or an ability to be able to sort the comments in different ways - there could be an option which leaves it unchanged (so the people who love it just the way it is can still enjoy it ;)), and then another option could be to sort comments by the most upvoted parent comment. I'm sure people could come up with other sorting criteria. That would probably make it easier to find the links you talk about as well.

  • Hi OP, you may ask Catholic Church, they have very good experiences on hide all child comments.

    I kid you not. ThIs Is OzBaRgAin, dOnT KiLl our FuNnIeSt PaRt

    • you may ask Catholic Church, they have very good experiences on hide all child comments


      ThIs Is OzBaRgAin, dOnT KiLl our FuNnIeSt PaRt

      I can now hide all child comments, have you found that it has killed the funniest part yet? ;)

  • I want a feature that automatically alerts me to bikie comments. That way I can be the first to upvote them.

  • +2

    Dunno why they got rid of the "Top comments" feature…I liked it.

    • It's now called 'Show Most Voted Comments', reintroduced back in July, click the 3 stroke menu in the bottom left corner to access it. See here for more information.

      • Oh thanks!

      • +1

        Well, there you go, TIL… thanks hamza. :D I would give you a + vote… buuuut…

      • +1

        hmm that is well hidden!

        on a side note I've only ever heard of the 3 stroke menu icon refered to as a "hamburger"

  • ✅ Nice work team, looks like this has been delivered.
    Childish comments can now be collapsed. 👌

  • Hand in your membership, you seem like the biggest child that's on here

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