• expired

Data SIM 200GB $60/Month (12 Months Contract) @ Optus


Optus are currently offering 200GB for $60 on a 12 month contract, or $80 on a month-to-month.

The double data promotion is relatively normal now, but I've never seen data plans be eligible for a 25% discount AND double data for 12 month contract before.

UPDATE: Offer extended until 3 Feb 2019

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closed Comments

    • I am on the same boat. How are you planning to do this? Swap the sim out when running out of data?

      • Either that, or pool the data. Pooling would be the ideal situation.

  • +1

    Tempting - my $2/day unlimited data has gone up to $3/day unlimited which has become too expensive. May be time to switch over to a normal sim only plan and take advantage of this with data sharing. Shame I'll lose the 'unlimited' sim though.

  • +1

    Something to note. These plan data can be shared between all the other mobiles on the same bill. If you are asking can it replace your home internet. The answer is possibly.

    I have 1 mobile, 2* data share Sim and a mobile broadband that has 200gb (all up I have 235gb)

    Everyone of them is plugged into different devices and modems.. so collectively they can rival your home internet and get some massive download.

    • +1

      What's the cheapest solution to get a second sim to share the data? I don't need any services (calls/text etc) on it

      • +1

        I’ve been watching out for a while but the cheapest plan (data sim only) for an extra sim is about $15 with around 3GB data a month

        Edit: looks like it’s now $20 a month for cheapest data sim
        But I have noticed this price goes up $5 during promos and has gone back down after promos finish

        • Thanks for the info. Presumably you can add on the additional sim anytime. So you could wait until the price goes back down?

  • Can I use this for my vivid wireless modem?

    • Am presently using vivid modem with Optus 100gb per month deal and works brilliantly. Vividwireless use Optus anyway.

      • +1

        Did you just swap the SIM over? Was the speed throttled?

        • I am keen to know aswell if i can buy this deal and use my existing vivid wireless modem but not get speed limited?

          • +1

            @yellowfever: I tried it. The speed was definitely not limited. YMMV because the router is locked to a specific band. I ended up getting a Nighthawk M1 so I could maximise the speeds.

  • Not wholly relevant to Optus and this deal but these are the 4G download/upload speeds I was achieving with Vodafone today on my mobile [Galaxy S8+] with 3 bar reception. https://imgur.com/a/Z3kvkLU

  • I've had quite a good experience to date - but have problems with evening congestion the last 4 nights to the point of unuseability.

  • I got the 100gb iPad pro 12.9 512Gb deal for $80 in January

    100gb is enough for us (2 persons) and stream Netflix from iPad to TV via apple TV via unlimited Netflix data

    • How do you stream 4G data from iPad to Apple TV?

      • Enable mobile hotspot on your iPad and then connect your Apple TV to the hotspot. I thought you didn't get unlimited Netflix from hotspot connected devices though.

  • this is so tempting, my ADSL is so shit i frequently find myself using 4G at home….

  • Does anyone know what will happen after the 12 months? Can I just stay on this plan and benefit from the 100GB bonus data for another year if needed?

    • Optus online chat has stated that the double data will stay. However the discount will not.

      • Thanks, actually i just spoke with a sales representative and he told me that unless i am making changes, the rate and data plan remain.
        I am wondering who should we believe…

  • +1

    kogan deal was better for fraction of the price. bought 5 sims for $4.90 and got 160GB with 4G Speeds. lol

    • Can we use same ID for a year for all sims?

      • i used the same email and driving license to activate it.

  • +2

    Optus 4G Down 107.31Mbps / 12.95Mbps Up

    • +2

      Just ran speedtest, 319mbps down and 62 up! Turns out the tower is over the road. The contest is on!

  • +2

    I also picked up the $80 100gb ipad pro deal. Sold the ipad. Run the sim out of this.


    Wired connection throughout the house with google wifi points setup for wifi.

    ADSL2 in our area peaked at about 5mbps. Getting an average of 32mbps off this.

    NBN still 12 months away but it will be via HFC so probably staying with this setup. Next plan is to attach an external antenna to the roof to boost speeds.

    • I'm considering doing something like this myself. If you watch Netflix/Stan using this SIM in your tp-link modem, does it still count towards your plan's data? I know watching via the iPad or iPad hotspot, Netflix is data free. Just working out my options for home internet until NBN is available.

      • +1

        Not 100% sure if its unmetered. But luckily we dont go over about 80gb. We also have a 20gb phone sim that shares this data too.

        The best part about moving from ADSL to this setup is the ability to use the data from anywhere.

    • +5

      Let's assume $1200.

      $2640 (24 * $110)
      - $1200 (iPhone sale)
      = $1440
      / 24 months
      = $60

      At $1200 resale value, taking this option would lock you into a 24 month contract and cost the same amount per month. However, you get unlimited calls and text included.

      Looking at $1400 resale the monthly cost works out to $51.67. Again, that is including the calls and text benefits.

      It is an option, not sure it is worth negging this deal over though. Many people will want this for their home internet, for example, I'm looking at this AND the iPhone deal to secure 400gb of data at home and have the data only sim in a 4G modem permanently. I'm favouring getting the data sim rather than doing as you describe as I suspect in 12 months time an even better offer will exist for data only sims.

  • +1

    I'm seriously considering this if night time speeds in Adelaide can match the 4 Mbps ADSL I currently get, I've suffered so long…..

    I'm currently on TPG mobile which uses Optus 4G and speeds are good in my area, would simulating tethering to PC at night give an indicative of the peak time speeds to expect, I'd hate to sign up and then be requesting to cancel due to unexpected poor performance.

    • +1

      This is awesome in Adelaide.

  • Tossing up between this plan and the Spintel HomeWireless Broadband plan @ $60 p/m here: https://www.spintel.net.au/home/wireless-broadband

    With the Spintel plan I need to pay for the modem up front but I get more data (at a capped speed)
    With the Optus plan, speed is uncapped. I can use the SIM in an old phone with hotspot to stream Netflix/Stan data free across devices connected to the hotspot. I'm thinking I'll save more than the 50Gb data difference between these plans this way as we use Netflix regularly.

    • It really comes down to how much data you use per month. Personally i stay within 200GB a month. So this works for me.

  • So after 12 months does the price increase.

    • Yes it does sadly. From the TOS "Your discount will apply for your minimum contract term, unless you change, recontract or cancel your plan. After your minimum contract term, we have the right to remove the discount."

      With these types of deals, we may see more after the 12 month period, otherwise it's back to $80 a month.

  • Probably wait as hearing alot about more affordable (then telstra $199 plan) uncapped speed and data plans coming start of next year. Don't want to be locked in 12month plan

    • Is this one speed capped?

  • Do you get $10 discount when bundled with mobile plan?

    • Only on one service.

  • +1

    Nice one. Been looking for alternatives to my Optus Home Wireless Broadband (max speeds capped at 12/1 Mbps) - this deal makes it a no brainer!

  • +1

    Just be aware for those switching from vividwireless to optus. Its an automatic $10 per 1Gb if you go over the 200Gb usage.

  • +2

    Has anyone joined up and can confirm the $10 bundle discount is automatically applied, or did you have to speak to a rep?

    Also I'm a little concerned about uploads being counted and excess data charges, is there a way to cap the a accounts at 200gb and not get charged $10gb after limit is reached?

    • No there isn't. You need to monitor your usage and either turn off your modem or pull the SIM out to avoid going over.

    • The setup I am using to prevent being charged $10/GB is to use a router compatible with Gargoyle (OpenWrt based firmware). The router will automatically limit the internet speed once it hits 199GB.

    • I plan on just using the sim in a spare mobile and use it as a wifi hotspot for my other devices. In the settings u can limit the amout of data at which point the hotspot will be switched off

  • +1

    Went into an Optus store and signed up for this for $50 a month (bundled with my partners plan)

    One question… will the billing cycle commence from today when we signed up for the plan or does it start from when I activate the data sim?

    • When I asked CS the same question, they said the day that you receive sim card is the start of the billing cycle. The sim card is automatically activated once you receive it (in most cases).

  • -3

    Haha! This is so expensive!

    • I personally don't think it is.

      I have direct line of sight with the tower and with the right 4G modem I have a theoretical speed limit of upto 1Gbps. The tower is not congested at all, so I expect to get extremely high speeds at all hours.

      As far as I am aware there are no over 100Mbps nbn plans for close to this price and only a select few in australia (FTTP and FTTC connections) will be able to get over 100Mbps.

      Aussie Broadband currently offers 150Mbps nbn for $150/month (500GB)

      That's $0.30/GB

      0.30 x 200GB = $60/month

  • This vs naked adsl?

    • +1

      It comes down to the Optus service in your area, and what type of speeds you might get. My data usage per month is less than 200GB, so the speed over the ADSL is worth the cost for me. If you use more than that, then the ADSL might be a better option as they tend to come with higher quotas.

  • Is this plan eligible for $10 per month discount when bundled with an eligible postpaid plan?

  • Talking with Optus online chat, while the double data will stay even after the contract, the extra $20 discount per month wont stay. The discount is only for the period of time they specify.

    • +1

      I got the plan just today. The rep placed the 25% discount ($20 discount per month) for 24 months period while the contract is just for 12 months.

      • That's good to hear. Just talked to them now, another rep said 24 months. Not sure if we can get that in writing as their TOS state they can remove the discount after the period of time.

        • The contract that you get from optus in email confirms this

    • I'd trust your contract more than the rep who would have changed 4-5 jobs in the term of your contract

  • Anyone else still waiting for their sim? Ordered Sunday and they said it'd be dispatched within 48 hours, still waiting for the order to be processed…

  • +1

    Signed up on this plan today at an Optus store. Store confirmed that this offer has been extended until the end of October. I also saw on the screen that both the double data AND the discount apply for a full 24 months even though the contract is 12 months.

    • @tyrx confirmed. Please extend expiry date if the mods don't get to it first.

  • So this hasnt worked like i had hoped. I was thinking i could just have the sim in a spare phone and use it as a mobile hotspot for other devices at home. It seems you need to put it in either a modem or a tablet?

    • Shit really? That was my plan..

      • I think it needs to be a certain type of phone. It didnt work in my huwaie so i put it in my LG v30 and now its working fine as a hotspot.

        • This fixed hotspot and tethering data usage being blocked on my phone…

          In your APN settings, under the "APN type"; field, try putting in "dun" without the quotation marks. Edit this setting for your Internet APN only, not your MMS one. (HONDA4LIFE)

  • Anyone got their sim yet? Seems to be taking ages.

  • This plan is still accessible on the Optus website with for $60.

    "Offer ends 18/11/18 unless withdrawn earlier."

  • Ok first I signed up for the 12month BYO $60 with 200gb and free streaming but then on Saturday I saw the 24month contract came with a tablet with the same spend and inclusions, so I recontracted and got the tablet yesterday! Same cost, data and inclusions and I get some hardware for my money!

  • Just FYI:

    This is a promotional offering for the first 12 months only.

    After the first 12 months, price goes back up to $80 p/m and you only get 100GB of data.

    Source: Optus CSR via online chat

  • This plan is still accessible on the Optus website with for $60.

    "Offer ends 03/02/19 unless withdrawn earlier."

    Can someone report it 'active', I'm unable to do it again.

    • Mobile TV streaming went up from $0 to $5

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