This was posted 14 years 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$7 Movie Tickets Event Cinemas (Greater Union / Birch Carroll Coyle)


Event Cinemas has a new $7 Ticket Offer (probably in response to Hoyts current offer)

Pre-purchase tokens for just $7* during the sale period ending midnight 8 March 2011 11:59pm.
You can pay via either Credit Card or PayPal
Tokens must be used before 11:59pm April 6th 2011

Not valid at Village Cinemas in Victoria & Tasmania, Event Cinemas New Zealand or Moonlight Cinemas

For full terms and conditions…

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Event Cinemas
Event Cinemas

closed Comments

  • +1

    Perfect… I just ran out of $7 tickets from the last sale after seeing 'I Am Number Four' last night.

    • Was it as second rate as the previews looked?

      • +1

        Quoting from Pajiba, "Worth seeing in theaters? Not if you’ve got something better to do, but it sure beats Martin Lawrence in a fat suit."

  • bought 8 tickets from the sale and still haven't used em.. gotta be used by 31st march, but nothing is out at the moment worth seeing! Already seen kings speech, 127 hours, true grit, black swan etc…

    I think they will need to make their regular ticket prices around $7 soon anyway, I never go to movies anymore because it is $16.50 for a ticket! Unless I have someone to go with, then I can get 2 for $19 via Optus. But alot of times I like to go by myself after work/uni and can't justify the cost anymore.

    • gives em to ya for $10 + $1.10 booking fee. If that helps =) What's the Optus one?

      • If you are an Optus mobile customer you get 2 tickets for $19 and candy bar discounts.

  • Well, you can give the tickets to your friends.

  • Can you book it online and then pay at the box office or do you have to pay online (credit card)?

    • You'll have to pay for it now with credit card.

      The Hoyts one expires on 6th April.

  • Basically the same as the Family and Friends deal previously posted, except promoted as a Facebook offer.


  • Good deal only if there are good 3D movies to watch…. but nothing nice at the moment. I still have 2 from the Family and Friends deal which expires on 31 March.

  • is there any good movies that are coming up? lol

  • nice just ran out of 10tokens, should have bought 20 which i needed lol.

  • Am I the only one unable to access these?
    Goes all the way up to payment and then it says, Internal server error…

    • I got the same error. I used paypal, and the money has come out of my account.
      Re'finding' lost tickets only seems to work if you used a credit card to pay.
      I haven't received any email with the token numbers, but there was a token id
      in the web address on the Server Error page that I will try.

      • I emailed them yesterday with screen shots of paypal. Just got a reply now, no apology (or free ticket).

        The wording of the email was rather strange:


        Your tokens are:

        Token 1 CODE Status = Valid
        Token 2 CODE Status = Valid
        Token 3 CODE Status = Valid
        Token 4 CODE Status = Valid

        Contact Us

        Ticket Details


        Ticket ID: CDT-143470

        Department: Contact Us - HO

        • I did the same thing but the codes didn't work, now I can't get them to respond, it's rediculous.

    • same here, and i thought it didn't go thought, so i tried once again, and ended up received two receipt from paypal. Haven't got any "token" numbers yet.

      • For anyone who paid via PayPal having problems receiving their token codes

        [email protected]

        I had this problem last time and got a response, they insisted that the confirmation with the token numbers had been sent through to my TPG e-mail address - out of curiosity does anyone having this problem also use a TPG e-mail address?

        • Same problem here, sent email to [email protected] but havent got any reply, now is after 24 hours.

  • also had the problem with payment. taken 3 lots of payments and havnt received any confirmation yet :(
    any update with why that is??

  • sent an email with my paypal receipt to [email protected] yesterdday after my last post here, but no response yet.

  • they are terrible with replying to email enquiries. I sent one and it took them 2 weeks to reply, and that was only after I abused them on facebook (using my pet stone account lol) like I see so many do, because their service sucks and their prices are a joke.

  • Sent out another email today, I'd wait until this weekend if no reponse will claim money back from paypal.

    • how do you do that? i actually want to do it tomorrow if i haven't got any response from event cinemas.

  • Bought my 8 tokens about 4 hours ago.. no confirmation email… wtf event?!
    Sent them an email but judging by the comments in this thread, it might be a while till I hear back.

  • This doesnt work for me either.

    Tried buying 2 tickets on Monday, tried three times since it didnt come back with a payment processed/successful notice and so far Ive been charged $42 when I just wanted 2 tickets. Sigh

    No response from eventcinemas either.

    Now i regret sending this link to other people.. complete waste of time. Im buying the hoyts ones instead

    • i got an email about 2 minutes ago with a refund and some token numbers! yay

      hope the rest of you guys get it sorted out too

  • I had the same problem by using credit card. No confirmation email and said server problem…
    But just tried the link "Lost ticket", then by given the Name and credit card no. I've retrieved the 4 token number.

    You may try this way also.

  • I have received response from Event Cinema, left msg on facebook last night, and they got back to me now, plus a complimentary pass.

    • taroko what's the facebook link?

      • search Event Cinemas on FB, you have to click "Like" before you could leave comment/msg.

  • Yup i had the same problem. - internal server error - got charged 2 times and no tokens. ive logged a dispute with my bank

  • I just opened a Dispute Resolution with PayPal as the 'codes' I purchased on Thursday don't work. Will let you know how I go….

  • I think everyone should kick up a stink, we may all only be out a few dollars, but it all adds up, & Event Cinemas already take enough of our money through exorbitant pricing… I ended up paying $90 for four tickets, when it should have cost $26 through this offer. And then we all spent another $10 each for popcorn, chips, coke etc…. Way to make a profit Event!

    Go to the AHL website for complaints:

    Head Office
    State Theatre Building
    49 Market Street
    Sydney NSW 2000

    Correspondance to:
    The Secretary
    Amalgamated Holdings Limited
    GPO Box 1609
    Sydney NSW 2001

    Telephone: (612) 9373 6600
    Fax: (612) 9373 6534
    E-mail: [email protected]

  • I got lucky in buying the token last night but then got stuck when I tried booking my session. I was booking a session for 10 tickets and it kept on failing. Today I tried booking for 6 and it worked instantly.

  • Reminder 4 Hours to go before this expires !!!!
    I have one ticket left which I plan to use to see The Girl who kicked the Hornets nest and I think I will purchase one more to see The Lincoln Laywer at the end of the month :)

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