I am looking to buy.
Any suggestion how much I can bargain from Mercedes sales. They are looking for $64,000. I got down to $56,000, is it a good deal?
Need suggestions for cars and bargain.
I am looking to buy.
Any suggestion how much I can bargain from Mercedes sales. They are looking for $64,000. I got down to $56,000, is it a good deal?
Need suggestions for cars and bargain.
A200 AMG for sure m8!!! 0 -60 in like a second
It has "all the bells and whistles…"
Lol absolutely textbook w*nker
Good investment though, especially if you are a banker!
@h4zey: I hear that only the absolute top end models with AMG floormats are good from an investment perspective.
@CocaKoala: bloody oath mate! been throwing me super into that for a while now, can't wait to retire early!
@h4zey: Me house is on the market for the cash so I could buy as many genuine AMG branded floormats as possible. This is going to be a collector's classic item in the near future, and is one crazy investment possibility.
@CocaKoala: keep it quiet, but me mate's best mate told him that this is gonna be bigger than crypto coin!!
@h4zey: That's ace then! I did an all out on the cripple coin by cashing out me super and betting on it. I bloody well knew my investment strategy is complete ants pants. I look forward to wearing the cozzies outside me own sunny beach villa and cracking a cold one. Just gotta wait until the cripple coin goes up in price and demand for the AMG mats show up in the collector's market.
Gotta be quiet though, you're right there.
@CocaKoala: yeah mate! maybe I can cruise down to your beach villa with my A200 - AMG - and we can have a couple of beer and sh*t
No … just sports package like amg line
Sports package comes with floormats,mirrors in black ,seats stiched with amg name etc …
You're wrong, it's a proper awesome AMG that chicks will go weak at the knees for.
Just ask the AMG kid.
Don't forget that if it's going to rain you don't need to wash your car, and don't forget to come back and ask us what you should put inside the car in the Ozbargain forums.
Are you like 8?
You may not get the joke…
Probably hasn't been looking around for investment advice of the high yielding variety.
I'd get a second hand one with no log book for cheaper.
Get a job at westpac then negotiate for a real AMG
After all, it's a high yield investment… :D
Classic meme.
You'd think that this line gets old…
but it DOESN'T!
This joke is getting really really old
i am too old for this sh*t
The comment above you said it ISNT getting old, upvote 14 times, your comment says it is, only 1 upvote.
I think the isn’t wins.
the line doesn't get old but i get old
Are you cross shopping with the A3?
The merc feels like better value for money from a badge perspective but the A3 is a cleaner package. The 110w 1.4 drives like a pocket rocket and the 2.0 would be insane.
The merc interior is a bit iffy.
Audi ??
There was a post just recently (deleted by a mod that didn't like it) that had the CLA for $53 (plus on roads). That seems like a better deal, I would investigate further.
BTW the A200 is a hot car, I wasn't trying to talk you out of it.
Thanks … i take your suggestion.. iam looki g a3 now …. its looks goodright
Cla ??? Do you know which model is that ??? But benz is going to get new cla s in december 2018
A, CLA and GLA are all different shapes of the same car. I would presume there will be new models of all of them.
the CLA for $53 (plus on roads).
Little wonder it had to be deleted.
current A3 is nothing compared to the new A200
Absolutely right
Who the hell can afford to look at cars costing $64000?
That is really huge amount of money…
Geez i must be poor
On one hand I agree but then look at all the big 4WDs on the road ($60k++) that are needed to tow something once every 2 years and go off road once every 3 years.
Every car is a lifestyle decision.
I was hoping to buy a Leo 78, to be safe, but had problem getting the roadworthy approval, also a bit heavy on the fuel consumption, but would have been very safe to take the kids to school, and dealing with traffic jam.
A lot of people can. Not a lot of us choose to spend our money this way though.
All those people that have made money from a basic need like affordable housing whilst locking out generations of Aussies from owning a home. Those are the ones that can drive extravagent cars.
Or bitcoin
Edit: seriously though, you can afford this without being a property whore. Examples include a high paying job, inheritance, lottery, some lucky investments in stock/crypto.
Mate, with a 60k salary in 50% savings rate (easily achievable) you could buy one of these outright in 2 years. Let alone thinking about people who would finance it…
I suppose you could say that's… the $64,000 question
… I'll let myself out
Become a tradie or doctor.
Or a lactation consultant
Buy an i30N.
Very sporty bro 😁
Cheaper to service than the MB.
I agree definitely…but for 5 years free service on MB NOW with corporate plan 🙄
@Purplekush539: 5 years free servicing doesn't come close to clawing back the thousands of dollars you're over-spending.
@Purplekush539:that's service, not warranty. If something breaks outside of warranty, you'll still need to pay for it. Unless its also a 5 year warranty like hyundai? Even then, MB parts probably costs 10x more
@Purplekush539: still have to pay for consumables. Brake pads & disc are replaced together, oil, etc aren’t part of the corporate programme.
Brake pad & disc should $500-600 a wheel. So work it out, around 30,000 km you might already need one for the rear. I have to replace the rear at 30k and it’s out of my own pocket.
or veloster N
is that available ?
And the A200 with floormats and stitching is sportier? Its a 1.3l with 120kw.
At that price the I30N is way better.
I looked at them but they feel a little cheap inside, even with leather and sunroof etc.
You can buy a Hyundai and save 45K. Now thats a bargain!
Thanks m8…..😃
You must be good at maths
Buy an old 1985 Toyota Camry for $200 and save $55,800. An even bigger bargain! (it will probably cost less in repairs than a MB too lol)
edit: why the f did I just respond to a 2 month old comment?
It made me lol, so…. worth it??
Try and get the model without indicators. You won't use them anyway, so there may be a saving there.
The other thing to consider is apparel and accessories. You will have to tell as many people as possible that you own a new MB, so there will be all the new t-shirts, key rings and jackets you will have to buy. Maybe ask to get that thrown in as part of the deal.
Also try to see if posting low angle photos of your car at random places to your favorite social media sites will get you a significant discount. Nothing like telling everyone you have a new MB while you get a discount.
Last but not least, don't forget to always over quote how much you paid for it when talking to all your poor friends and how much discount you got when talking to your rich friends. Always allow at least 25% in the direction you need to quote when telling people.
Why are the poor people on this site so bitter? Should all deals be under $5?
Should all deals be under $5?
As long as shipping is free.
"The poorest people either don't have cars or actually don't drive very far in many cases"
- Joe Hockey Former Treasurer Of Australia
Hahahah forgot about that
There are those who drive Mercs and those who are bitter that they can't afford to ;p
There are those who drive Mercs and those who
are bitter that they can't afford towouldn’t be caught dead in one ;p
FTFY… ;)
@pegaxs: I like that!
There are those who drive Mercedes and then there are those so bitter that they pretend they wouldn't be seen dead in one.
Out of curiosity, what would you be seen dead in?
There are also those who don't drive Mercs because they can't drive them, or simply prefer golf
You'd make a wonderful Uber driver.
MB, MB, MB, MB, MB, MB..
You must be having a heart attack
$64k for a A200? Holy smokes!
To each their own. I think they are a great little car but I was under the impression they are a $40k car.
You sure you havent been priced for an a250 with all the bells and whistles. Or even a c200? A mate just got one brand new for 60.
C200 for 60 ??? 🤔
Yup. Maybe a touch more but will still call it low 60s
You know, you could get a fully loaded GTI for under $50k drive away.
Better engine, better handling, 7 speed wet clutch, personally I think the interior looks less try hard. The only thing I'd fault in a GTI vs A200 is the sound system.
@tshow: Brings back memories. Learnt how to drive in one.. mid 90's version with a sawn-off gear stick
Didn't think there's anything to add to this convo but…
Why the dawn off gear stick? Is it to make a literal "short shifter".
@tshow: you're right short shifter rice modification of the 00s by the previous owners i suspect and I only know because it broke off when i was learning how to hill start.
$64k for a A200? Holy smokes!
You can get into an A45 loaded with all the fruit for about $90K.
is that the most expensive hot hatch right now?
Nope. I believe the rs3 tops it.
Yeah but thats an actual AMG. OP only needs the badge and some writing on the seats and mags to make it an "AMG" for bragging rights. So really OP is saving 26k!!!
The C class is being replaced next year with those putting a deposit down now getting Dec delivery and those putting a deposit down after the October test drive event delivery Feb/March onward. $68k~ sticker price on the current and new C200, managed to get the current C200 with whatever the sports package is down to $58k with 3 years servicing included to somewhat match the also runout BMW 320i. Ended up walking away and sticking with waiting for the Tesla Model 3 lol.
Neither car appeals to me but I'd rather a C200 TBH. I still feel like Tesla is overhyped.
Anything looks the best when there's nothing to compare it to.
Could be a long wait for the Tesla 3.
Elon still hasn't come down to earth yet
Is it an AMG?