Will You Be Buying a Foldable Phone?


Back when I was very young and very marginally sillier than I am now, I owned a "SHARP IQ-7000 Electronic Organizer".

It wasn't very good, or particularly smart. It wouldn't make phone calls. Lousy alarm volume and unforgivably low volume when folded. It ate two lithium button batteries every 5 weeks or so, which was an additional, and unpleasant, surprise.

That Samsung thingy looks like it may be much more useful.
Overall spec beyond the screen likely at least good, and probably better than.

Will you be buying one?

But.. I already own a flip, phone…
I already have a very needy pet otter, who wouldn't allow me to successfully juggle any goddamn suchlike samsung, open closey foldy phone.

Also, are you now, or have you ever been, as prescient about mobile technology as this fellow was, back in 1999?

Just precisely when, will we receive our fully-functional, augmentated-reality, neural implants?

Even Elon isn't sure.
Very different kind of reality affecting the Tesla share price at the moment.

Poll-option deets, see above :)

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  • 10
  • 20
  • 18
  • 3
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  • +2

    I'll wait til it's officially announced to decide when I can consider it's specs,
    Also it's not expected to be a global launch and only to be released in a few regions as a 'test' to see if there's a market for it

  • +1

    only if it folded to a small size i.e. size of my old nokia 6120 which is around 100 x 50 mm.


  • +6

    Apple already did it and it wasn't popular.
    OH wait is there a difference between foldable and bendable.

    • +1

      Haha. Bendgate!

      • Maybe Samsung can double it as a fire starter.

  • +1

    I probably would. Phones like the Axon M are extremely useful to carry around rather than a laptop. It would be awesome to have RDP run off one or both screens.

  • +3

    OP please add poll option 'Shut up and take my money'.

    • +1

      N0 can d00…

      Um.. a Swoop-related comment, as compensation?

  • +2

    Nope, never buy the first gen of new tech. Let them refine it for gen 2.

  • +2

    Would definitely rather have an Otter

  • +1

    Seriously sea otters are amazingly cute. We saw them at Monterey bay; they rehabilitate the ones they can and look after the ones they can’t.

    • Both cute and clever

      Small-clawed variety gesturing for a pat, adorable.
      Mealtimes, for some anyway, can apparently get, just a little bitintense! Cute & horrifying, in equal measure…


      • In the old days they used to give them crabs to feed on, but they stopped when they used the perspex at the front of the tank to try to smash the crabs, thereby scratching the hell out of it.

        One of the times we were there one of the "keepers" was using fish, as treats, so they could demonstrate how they get them to roll over so their bellies can be inspected for lumps, injuries etc without stressing them out. The only problem was the ones behind her kept stealing the fish out of the bucket whilst she was concentrating on the one in front of her.

  • +1

    Foldable horizontally like a book, maybe 2nd gen.
    Foldbale vertically like clam shell phone, meh.

  • The hinge (or the folding part) will always be the weak point, easily broken.

    Ignore above if you going to buy a new phone every 6 months (or less) …

    • Billfold form-factor like the ZTE one Clear linked above, could avoid the need for plastic-hinge screens, for that type of phone anyway. Conventional hinges can be made to last for a very long time. For more adventurous designs, the polymer/substrate flexy-tech stuff, likely very rigorously tested by now.
      If the screens require various coating to lessen any plasticky feel that they might otherwise have, or for clarity, fingerprint reasons, that certainly might not work out quite so well in the longer term.

  • I'd prefer 'affordable' to 'a foldable'.

    • If successful first-up, there may ultimately be quite a range to choose from, I think.

  • +1

    Windows Update(s):


    Otter Update:

    As pet, further sad confirmation that akin endlessly teething baby.
    With fish-breath!

    Maybe best left to the very brave Japanese?

    e.g. Japanese Corgi owner: Very Brave.
    Japanese Corgi? Not so much…


    • +1

      Corgi owner, she's becoming even braver! :)

  • +1
  • I just wonder how durable foldable phones will be. I suspect that cracking is going to be a real issue.

  • +2

    Hawaii, not relaxing?

    Some styles of foldable phone could become banana lounges for hamsters, or smart-taco supports for hedgehogs. Unheralded, but practical.

    Otters, very relaxed and peaceful. :)

    • +1

      I'll get the foldable phone … if it comes with the otters or hedgehog :-)

  • I'd be willing to, though not at launch. That'll be expensive af

  • +2

    Flexi-screen notebooks/laptops, also on the way.

    • +2

      This would be pretty cool - no need for bulky laptop bags.

      • +3

        Damn slinky-looking, if as pictured, that's for sure!

  • +1

    Leftfield, FlexPai. Appears underwhelming in the video.
    "Pai" = To send, this flexi-tab/phone, possibly to the bin.

  • +1

    Final form-factor of first Samsung appears as will likely be slimmer than that, but maybe still a bit chunky. So, would probably fit pockets on Kylie Minogue's cargo pants, spoil lines a little, but not impede dancing. Overall a reasonable compromise for first proper device.

    Sea Otters appear not to have phones, at all. May have waterproof on a lanyard under ocean surface.

    Android OS is apparently also going to offer native support (for foldable phones, not otters).


    • +1

      Pretty nifty! But will be beyond my price range … as usual, eagerly anticipating mass-market adoption and price drop… I'm always way behind curve :-)

      Can't resist a laugh at fluffy baby otter bobbing in water and getting a feed! :-) Wow, amazing otter fur, learn something new!

      • Below, bluesky…

  • +1

    Baby sea otters very cute fluff, and better to be in the water than risk accidentally being vacuumed in wake of an OzBargain Dyson Deal! :(

    I have restraint to wait for first significant price drop, or three, on all manner of things and often insist on waiting much longer when/while/whilst otherwise very well-served. Rural-bargain genes to fore, maybe. Sharp eo in the op just an early and notable folly. Just one shy of nine hundred dollars, a lot of money then and remains a lot of money now.

    • +1

      Just one shy of nine hundred dollars, a lot of money then and remains a lot of money now.

      For sure … Picked up a Nokia 3 yesterday ($89.50). Foldable phones could go to this price when I sixty-four … looking forward :-)

      • +1

        Dollar figure roughly doubled now adjusting for inflation and would cover cost of this latest gadget, most likely. Jump in tech slightly more difficult to quantify/calculate. Your Nokia 3, beyond impressive for price paid, bluesky!

  • +1


    Flotter™? :)

  • +1

    Xiaomi, maybe -

    Naomi, would be a perfectly reasonable name for an otter, I reckon.

    (Naomi, Robson There's a very exciting wikipedia entry.

    Not Naomi, or Xiaomi - here's Lincoln. Lincoln an excellent President, and as has happened, a very cute otter.

    Likely a foldable phone Oppo Option, at/on some stage.
    Oppo name, even more…

    • +1

      So I learn something new each time - otter's coat can repel water!
      The animal vids are more interesting than the phones! :-)

      • +1

        Might actually leave silly thread here, bluesky. Other OzBargainers will be quick to post threads when specific phone models eventually announced/released.

        Some extra otter content for you -
        They enjoy juggling, a lot, but substantially less keen, on mornings! :-)

  • +1

    Samagnetic at some point, possibly.

    Certainly, unabbreviated, a terrible name for an otter!


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