I Applied Weed and Feed Immediately after Mowing. Have I Killed My Lawn?

So I stupidly didn’t read the instructions correctly and applied hose on Weed and Feed on my Kikuyu lawn. I did this straight after mowing, but the bottle says don’t apply it immediately after mowing.

Is my lawn now in trouble?


  • Yes.

    • +2

      "I Applied Weed and Feed"

      Maybe now OP needs a feed and some weed.

  • You're up ship creek mate.

  • +4

    Rip lawn

    At least you won't have to mow your lawn for 18 months

  • +7

    Don't be too worried, the main reason to avoid using this product after mowing is that the weeds may not have enough leaf left to absorb the herbicide.

    The herbicide used targets broad leafed weeds, which allows the grass to grow while the weeds wilt.

    The worst thing that could happen is that you have wasted your time, and the weeds will not be killed.

    • Weed and feed kills kikuyu grass

      • No it doesn’t, at least the ones I’ve used don’t.. It kills buffalo unless you get a specific variant that says buffalo safe. .

  • +3

    If you’re worried give the lawn a good water. Will be fine.

    • Good idea, got the sprinkler going like mad! It’s only a 6 month old lawn and it’s my baby!

  • +12

    Quick Quick Mow the lawn again!
    You've now applied it before mowing!
    Now go see what the instructions say about that.

    • +1


  • +3

    Lawns are over-rated. Now's your chance to drop a slab. What are you waiting for?

  • Is my lawn now in trouble?

    Wait and see!

  • It will only be a problem if you use one not suitable for Kikuyu or Buffalo on a Kikuyu or Buffalo lawn and now that you have watered it straight after even that probably won't be a problem

  • I've been looking for a way to kill the lawn for years. If I thought this would work I'd try it.

  • How's the lawn now?

    • like it always is- lush.

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