Cheapest Lightweight Supermarket Bags

I liked the free lightweight supermarket bags for many reasons. Where is the cheapest place to buy them?

I've found this for $0.08 each.


  • ebay

  • +4

    you units are wrong, should be $0.08 or 8cents

    • +5

      So frustrating. Op please edit immediately.

  • +2

    Last time I was in IGA supermarket they had boxes of 2000 for $20 as a 'managers special' - just getting rid of the ones they hadn't used before the 'ban'.
    Try asking your local supermarket if they want to sell their leftovers.

    • Good price.

    • I was wondering what supermarkets did with all the left over bags. I was guessing that they perhaps sold them overseas?

      • Ours were sent to landfill

        • This is upsetting.

  • From another post, less than $0.04 per bag, but postage is a shame. Maybe buy more to offset the postage.…

    Btw, shame to be you maths teacher.

    • Shame to be you English teacher ;)

  • +2

    No.. watch War On Waste

    • -2

      Yes, that's right, watch this guy pretending that garbage is a problem, as though that's more important than the impending global catastrophe that is climate change.

      That way you can sort out rubbish into seperate bins and pretend your doing something. That something might include pointlessly carting recycling around thereby bringing catastrophe closer by burning more fossil fuel.

      Makes sense.

      • its not going to be the end all of everything, but at least its a start

  • Plastic bags are so last month.

    If you really need them there are free ones in fresh produce section.

    • +1

      The ones in the produces section are pretty thin. Not that great if you wanted to use as a bin liner!

  • +2

    Dear OP, the same seller that you found has 1500 bags for $50, in a larger size (Length : 540mm , Width : 300mm). This size is "normal supermarket size" except a bit deeper.…
    The ones you found are not as big, more like carry-out food bags.
    The thickness is 17um, thicker than the 12 um that other sellers have.
    I've bought some, dunno what they are like yet, but we use them to line our small bins, pick up after the dog and cats, and a multitude of other uses. They are cheap enough to separately wrap things like meat or washing up liquid at the supermarket so you don't get other items dirty. (Thinks - the bags still in the produce section would do for this).
    There is a deal on ebay right now which get them for $40.79 (2.7 cents each).
    When I looked again just now, the buy now price was $37.50 and the deal brings it down to $30 (2 cents each)!

    • I saw "Pay only AU $35.62" in the item page, but when I add it to the cart and checkout it becomes $48.44. :(

    • +2

      Just some feedback on these bags, now that I've received and started using them.
      They're fine.
      They get a couple of trips to the shops and then get used as a bin liner.

    • Thanks. The link you supplied now goes to 1000 original Coles bags. Exactly what I wanted. With the recent discount it's 3.08 cents each incl delivery. This'll last me a few years of trips to Aldi. :-)

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