This was posted 6 years 6 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Baron Samedi Spiced Rum 700ml $40.46 @ Dan Murphy's eBay (+Delivery or Free Pickup)


Impulse bought this rum a few weeks ago - was impressed with the taste - contender for my new fav rum (currently Kraken). Relatively new, released 2016.

Selling for $51 - $54 elsewhere, this is currently $45 at Liquorland, $44.95 at Uncle Dans, or $40.46* via Dans eBay store with PHENOM 10% off code

*Note min spend for 10% off code is $50, so need to buy 2 for $80.91, or something else on eBay worth $5.05+ in same transaction.

One of Vodou lore’s most fascinating and mysterious figures, Baron Samedi is the ruler of the dark and guardian of the afterlife. Enigmatic, infinitely clever and unapologetic, his penchant for mystery, shadows and his signature drink is legendary. And, just like Baron Samedi Spiced, he delights in bringing people together.

A unique addition to the spiced rum category – the #2 fastest growing spirit category globally (IWSR, 2015) and the fastest growing Australian category in 2015 (AZTEC, 2015) – The Baron Samedi Spiced is a premium, authentic spirit that is crafted using a premium blend of Caribbean column-still rum enhanced with traditional Jamaican pot-still rum.

Baron Samedi Spiced features natural ingredients including vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, clove and vetiver, which is sourced from the Baron’s home, Haiti. Baron Samedi Spiced is smooth and rich with a taste profile that includes woody and earthy flavours that are derived from the vetiver, as well as vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, and clove.

Original PHENOM 10% off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Cheaper to get from their ebay store with the 10% off coupon.

    • +1

      Thanks, I updated the post for the cheaper price.

      Note, you cant just buy 1 bottle using the 10% off code as it doesnt meet the $50 min spend criteria.
      I bought 2 for $80.91 but could also buy 1 bottle with something else worth at least $5.05 in same transaction.

  • sugar drink woo

    • It may be sweet, but it contains no added sugar.

      • I suppose the key word is 'added', considering brown sugar is a key ingredient in the brewing process.

        • Right, so were you just advising everyone of it's brewing process or just expressing that you dislike sweet spirits?

      • +3

        I've been attempting to cut sugar out of my diet (but not rum) and have sourced a list of rum's and there various sugar contents. Baron Samedi contains 21.17g/L sugar which is fairly high for a rum.

        My go to sugar free (at bottling) rums:
        Rebellion Bay
        Appleton Estate Signature Blend
        Sailor Jerry
        Mount Gay

        • Mind blown that sailor jerry has no added sugar - it tastes super sweet (not complaining, mind you)

        • +2

          Are you able to post the list or link ?

          I'm just finishing my last of three 1 Litre bottles of Mt Gay Black Barrel (43% alc vol) I bought for $30ea on a cruise in July (price matched Port Vila)

          Always keen to try new rums while keeping my calorie intake down (conflicting goals)

          I've bought the 4 you mentioned. Prefer Rebellion Bay and Mt Gay.

        • +1


          A few details I've received from the distillers:
          Baron Samedi 21.17g/L
          Beenleigh Double Barrel 30g/L
          Beenleigh Copper Pot 2g/L
          Beenleigh Port Barrel 9g/L
          Beenleigh Spiced Rum 0
          Rebellion Bay 0
          Sailor Jerry 0
          Untold Rum 0

          Hydrometer tests:


          Diageo owned:

        • @dooza: thanks for the info - so those are the added sugar, not the total sugar count which would be much higher and impossible to be zero (given how rum is made) ?

          21 grams may be high in comparison, but in 1 Litre of rum it's a fairly low percentage? 2.1% ?

        • @systmworks: Although rum is usually made with a sugar cane product, there should be no sugar present after the distillation process. Its only sugar added after distillation for flavour which would be present in the rum.
          The hydrometer test links above are the actual sugar present in the bottle of rum. The others are from the distilleries.

          There's about 33 grams of sugar in a can of coke so you could reduce your sugar intake by replacing a can of coke with a litre of rum. It's all relative to how much sugar you are happy with within your diet. I'm aiming for less than 20g carb's a day so every gram of sugar counts.

        • @dooza:
          Amazing links! Thanks!

      • How do you know? Most industrial scale distilleries add ingredients to the spirit during and/or after distilling. Its call back sweetening. Unfortunately there's not much 'craft' left when it comes to most spirits apart from some scotch whisky. Its all industrialised now.

        • The hydrometer tests are not 100% but give a good indication of the sugar content.
          The few I've listed above from the distillers, have not been tested using a hydrometer but are just what the distillers have told me. I'm sceptical about Untold Rum as they wouldn't disclose the information to me in writing, only over the phone.

  • +2

    What makes anyone think this has no sugar added?

    • -2

      You know sweetness can come from ingredients other than sugar, right?

      • Wrong. Sweet is basically always some sort of sugar, unless it's some artificial garbage like aspartame.

        • -1

          Right, but they weren't referring to a sugar-like ingredient, and were talking about actual sugar being an added ingrediant.

        • +1

          Well rum is made from literally cane sugar, water and yeast…. Then they add a bunch of stuff to flavour it (even sugar in some cases, its called back sweetening), even if they dont tell you they do.

      • Hey Lorindor, indeed I’m sure sweetness can come from different sources! But I’m wondering what makes you think it has no sugar added? As it’s a spiced rum I assume it has, as even some premium rum brands admit to ‘dosage’. Does it say something on the bottle or on a website?

        • There's no doubt it's a sweet drink, no one that has drunk dark rum can say otherwise, but I don't think it contains as much added sugar as some make it out to have.

        • @Lorindor:
          Yeah it would nice if companies would just label bottles so the level of sugar wasn’t such a mystery!

        • @jfiend:

          It's really not that important, if you don't like sweet drinks - just don't drink it.

        • @Lorindor:

  • I love this on the rocks its amazing stuff !!!

  • Is this Rum licensed to thrill?

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