Currently looking for a cheaper super fund - my current (BT) charges 0.55% pa and is getting outperformed by Hostplus index balanced which charges 0.05% pa.
Hostplus index balanced:
Australian equities - target 32%
International developed markets - target 43%
FI: target 15%
Cash: target 10%
This is a bit defensive for my age (mid 30’s) they offer index tracking Australian and International choices which are very low cost which I’d also invest in.
I’ve looked at a couple superannuation comparison sites and they seem to recommend generic balanced options with relatively high fees.
Are any cost conscious Ozbargainers happy with their fund who wouldn’t mind sharing? I know there are cheaper ways of constructing this with ETFs but not keen on doing the SMSF admin.
Thanks in advance
Edit: bit of info from the host plus site at this link on this fund:…
hostplus indexed balanced has always been the go to superfund for a no fuss option,
it'd be hard to beat 11% return for a set & forget, though past performance =/= future indicator.