This was posted 6 years 6 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Destiny 2 (APAC) $5.29 @ Cdkeys

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Destiny 2 (Asia Pacific Region code). Works via A bit cheaper than last months post. Ehh, try it out if keen. Please note the download is about 70GB, so if your more than 5 minutes outside a major city all the best!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Why is this game soo cheap ??

    • +9

      Because its a shit scam.

      • How so?

      • +1

        I just claimed it on Blizzard, so far so good. I understand it's not a legit key by any means. I just couldn't resist when I saw this deal.

        • +2

          Destiny 2 is really a first person shooter that barely anyone plays unless they have the dlc. Destiny has always been a game that relied on dlc.

        • +2

          @ultracheapasianguy: Oh well can't be so bad for 5 bucks can it? I have spent more on games I never played (thanks to the ozbargain effect)

        • +1

          I understand it's not a legit key by any means

          Your understand is wrong.

        • So just to confirm this does work in Australia right?

        • @WinstonWithAY: Well so far yeah. It's on my download backlog now. One strange thing is you will have to do SMS verification to redeem your key but it worked fine. You'll get this weird screenshot of the key instead of the actual key typed in and will have to type it in on blizzard site (that's what I had to do) but after that it should show up in your client. I downloaded blizzard client (didn't have it before) and viola it was there to download.

        • @Lolno234: yeah it going to be a play it then leave it unless you want to grind to power level 305 but at this point it will be easy (don't expect to do any raids tho only nightfall at best)

        • The Key is marked as "GLOBAL" in my account after redemption.

        • @WinstonWithAY:

          After redemption the key is marked as global in your Bnet account, so you can use it anywhere I guess.

        • @ultracheapasianguy: Well that's how most games have gone for me. The only games I still play after years are CSGO, Terraria and TF2 which are some of the first games I played.

        • -2

          @superforever: CD Keys do NOT sell legit keys from publishers. They are a reseller. They are not as outright shady as G2A but there is a reason they are not represented on and /r/gamedeals.

        • Thanks for the help Dylicious and Lolno

    • -1

      1 player campaign is good, the online part is repetitive and geared towards DLC purchases. The grind is very slow and boring.

      • no at this point where the max power level is 385 and soon to be more, it will be easy to grind to the max power level if you only have base game as you can only get to 305

  • How is this $5 here but $70 @ JB?

    • -4

      Most likely stolen keys. However if I remember this game was given away by HumbleBundle and such so it might be a key they held on to from there.

      • +7

        People like to claim stolen all the time. There are a whole bunch of reason the games are cheap. Re-sellers purchasing in bulk from countries where the conversion rate is significantly lower, like Brazil and Argentina. It is a digital key, so the value of the good is cheap as chips. They can be gained through promotions, like AC Unity, from Nvidia & AMD etc.

        They keys are not always stolen. $5.29 does not seem stolen when it was in the HB for $13 including other games.

        • +2

          I hope you're right brother.
          I'm downloading it now and it's 72.68GB so RIP my Perth ADSL2+ ultra fast first world internet. Country is considered first world and progressive yet is 10 years backwards in internet, 20 for unlucky people like me.

          I've never played a destiny game or even watched someone else play it for that matter so I don't know what to expect, can someone explain to me what this game is like and about? is there a campaign or is it MP only?

        • @Lolno234: Haha, I was really keen on getting the game. Had an opportunity to buy it on the HB. Played and got bored of the free demo. It is a good game with friends, albeit that only lasted about 2 weeks.

        • @Lolno234: there is a campaign but you will need an internet connection at all times as it is an MMO shooter. The core game mechanics are quite good but in the past it has suffered from balancing issues. They just released a 2.0 patch that changed the entire weapon system in the lead up to the forsaken dlc, so hopefully that doesn't ruin the balance

    • How is this $5 here but $70

      This isn't like tangible goods where every license has a cost like a chair or a car. They could sell it for $0.05 at this point and it's all profit (well, OK, they do ongoing development but I hope you see what I mean …).

    • humble Bundle was doing sale not long ago, also giving away D2 on monthly on June2018.
      A lot of ppl may have decided to sell it rather than keep it and play.
      Some keys are actually leak from the publisher (marketing give away, some competition give away,etc) so while "technically" its not stolen, it intention may not have been to give away, but to promote the game.

      Anyway, D2 is definitely a fun game with or without DLC. As a solo player, I quite enjoy the environment and highly recommend it.

  • Still a bit too expensive for the type of game it is.

    • It was free with ps plus?

    • +2

      Not everyone is a console gamer :(

    • It's already available to download

    • +1

      ive played it on both platforms and i can tell you the console version is (profanity) abhorrent. reminds me of borderlands 2 vita with the super low framerate - 30fps cap but during certain events it can drop below 15fps and people on /r/destinythegame have reported <10fps on newer events with large groups. ps4pro has stutter on this game quite often aswell, and 20fps when warmind came out, not sure if that's changed.

      pc version is well worth $5 especially if you have decent hardware.

      • <10fps

        It sounds like Doom on SNES :p

    • +1

      Id rather spend the $5 and pocket the 60fps.

  • +3

    This is a great game imo with some phenomenal graphics and gunplay. If you have the hardware it is definitely one of the best looking titles on pc and well optimised.

    I've sunk a lot of hours into Destiny 2 and it's expansions and think at this price if you are even remotely interested you should snap it up.

    Also, I've bought about 30 or so titles from cdkeys over the years and never once had an issue, they are legit.

    • +1

      too right mate. Its a solid port but its a pity its gone down so low ever since its peak in Destiny 1. Its left a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouth. I was one of them. Because you can only give Bungie so many chances for screwing things up. Also of note, the DLC that's coming is supposed to be as good as Taken king from destiny 1. The DLC's will cost you extra, perhaps worth waiting on a bundle deal?

  • +1

    Just purchased it for pc good to try a new game on 1440p ultra ty op !!

  • Paid $8.64 last time only played a little.

  • -2

    Still too steep for this game

  • -4

    Wow redeemed the key and 5 minutes later my blizzard account got locked

    • +2

      lies, lies from tiny eyes?

    • so it took you 5 mins to dl 70gig sick m9

    • The risk you take buying from resellers.

  • Do note, the latest expansion is about to be released next week.

  • missed for yesterday @ 5.29, now it sits on 8.89…..

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